Shirdi Sai Devotee Swethaji From India Says:
Sai Ram everyone! I am a great devotee of Sai Baba. We are blessed to have Sai Baba in our life. I am very much thankful to our beloved Sai Baba for giving me the opportunity to join Mahaparayan. I thank each and every one in the Mahaparayan team. They are doing a wonderful job to connect us to our Sai. May Sai be with us to bless all of us.
After I joined Mahaparayan all my darkness slowly disappeared. Now, I am free from all worries because of our Baba. He made me smile every day and He gave me everything. Hurdles in life are common but we have to believe our Sai in all the situations. Sai will never leave His devotee’s hands. Sai gave me everything, I am very much thankful to Baba. I am experiencing lots of miracles in my life. I can’t express all those. I have already posted so many miracles on this blog. Now, recent experience is that we bought a site but some legal and agreement issues took too much time to register our site. I was worried but I prayed to Baba. Our Sai is there with me in all the tough situations. Now all those issues cleared smoothly.
Bow to Sai. All we need is Shradha and Saburi. My humble request to all to please join Mahaparayan because Sai will always bless us.
Sai Devotee
Swetha Ajith
P. S. We started publishing one
experience on daily basis from 30 Nov 2017 as many experiences have been
received. Your experience would also get published as per the sequence. Please
share your comments, it really matters a lot. You can share your experiences related
ONLY to Mahaparayan to mahaparayanexperiences@gmail. com and which are not
related to Mahaparayan on Devotees Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba
Om SaiRam,Shri SaiRam,Jai Jai SaiRam
Om sai ram
Jai Sai Samarth!
Love you Baba
Om sai ram
Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai��������
Om sai ram,
Sai sai sai
Sathyamana uenmai Swethaji
Om Sai Ram🙏🏻Baba saves us from all troubles.
Om sai jai sai
Om sai ram
Om Sairam Shri Sairam Jai Sairam
Om Sairam
Sairam…. Sairam
Om Sri Sai Ram
Om sairam
Om Sai Ram 🙏
ಓಂ ಸಾಯಿರಾಂ
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Shree Sainathaya Namah : ������������
Baba kripa karo🥺🙏
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai ram
Bow to Sai baba
Om sai Sri sai Jaya Jaya sai
Sai Ram.
Iam ever blessed to be in this global sai parayanam group.My daughter covid result came negative. Shraddha and Saburi he has taught me. Slowly iam trying to be relaxed. I thank the whole Team for the sincere efforts you'll have taken to keep this going.
Om Shri Sai Baba Ki Jai..
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Love you Sai Baba
Om Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram🙏
0m sai Ram
Om sai ram…..
Om Sai Ram!!🙏🙏🙏
om sai ram.Baba is always there , he never leaves his children. he holds us all close to him.
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Jai sai
Om sai ram 🙏 feeling blessed to get an opportunity to chant mahaparayan adhyay,lv u baba n thank you so much
Om sai ram luv u baba
Om sai ram luv u baba
Om Sai Ram
Om sai sree sai jaya jaya sai. This namam only makes everything possible and clears our hurdles.
Jai Sairam 🙏🌹
om sai ram
Please advise me how to handle your mistakes
How I can make up my mistakes
Om Sai Ram.
Om sai ram
Baba is always with us
Om sai rakshak sharanam deva
Om sai ram
Om Sai Ram 🙏🙏🙏
🙏Om gan ganapatye namo namaha 🙏om jai sai ram sai krishna sai baba 🙏💐
Mine is the same too… I and my husband had booked a flat but it got delayed due to some problem in our landlord's documents and it was on hold for many months … I've started reading the parayan now and am trusting baba tat he is with me all days since started reading..the Registration is completed and will be shifting to our new flat with the blessings of baba within a month or two… Those who believe in baba will not be let down… Om Sai Sri sai Jai Jai Sai🙏🙏🙏
Om Sainatha Om shakthi datha Om sai
I've had the similar experience in our life . My husband and I had booked a flat but registration got delayed due to some issue in the legal documents of our landlord. But after I started my parayan and trusting baba is with me during all times the registration is completed now.
We will be shifting to our new flats within a month or two with the blessings of Our Sai… Our prayers will get answered if we call him wholeheartedly… On Sai Sri Sai Jai Sai🙏🙏🙏🙏
Om sairam….upon baba blessings countless miracles happened in my life ….health, wealth, relationships…..
Om Sai shree jaya sai
Sai Ram
It's boosting our energy and Baba never leave us from any hurdles of life once he has kept his eyes on us.
MP group has to be continued till the end of world
Om Sai Ram🙏🏻
Om Sairam 💐🙏
Om sai ram ❣️🙏 plz help me babaji 🙏🙏
Love u sai baba
Love u sai baba🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Love u sai baba🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Sai Ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Miracle happened in my life. We were looking matches for my brother since long. But after I came to India, it was a immediate lock down n we had to go to our home town. Unwillingly my brother also joined us. Then my brother got a match n everything went on well. My brother liked da girl. We thought the match was set but we all had a doubt because my brother met with a accident previously where his leg was injured. We wanted to tell da same to the girl and then ask her for her acceptance. But to our fate , one of our relatives revealed da same to girl's family. To our surprise , girl was ok with wat had happened. We are all extremely happy. With Baba's blessings finally my brother got married to tat girl happily whom he liked sooo much. Thnq sooo much baba. It means a lot for me. Even I wished for one of my cousin's wedding. Baba even granted tat wish. All these miracles happened only after me joining in Maha parayanam group. Thnq so much for who ever included me in this group. Last bt not da least I m waiting for one of da biggest miracle to happen in my life regarding my son. Baba pls bless my son. I ll immediately share my experience after my wish gets
fulfilled. Eagerly waiting for da miracle to happen
Om Sai Sree Sai Jaya Jaya Sai
Samardha Sadguru Sainath Maharajki
Om Sai Ram 🙏 Jai Sam Ram 🙏
Love you baba. Omsairam
All is well by Baba's blessings.feel happy to doing Mahaparayana.🙏
Om sai ram ….
Om Sai Ram
Namo Namo sri sai baba Namo Namo sirdi sai baba namo namo jai jai sri sai baba namo namo sadguru sri sai baba
Love you baba
Om Sai Ram…..
Thank you Sai..for everything you have blessed me with..much more than my expectation…always be with us..never leave us Baba…❣
Sairam Sairam Sairam
Jai sairam 🙏
Sai Ram Sai Ram Jai Jai Sai Ram
Om sai ram
Om Sai ram🙏🙏🙏
Om sairam beleiving only you.Please help me Sai.
Sai it's You our Savior we don't know what we did in past but after reaching You we are often cautioned from going wrong,SAI please save all children & Sai devotees whoever comes to You Sai
Om Sairam 🙏 Agree with you, Baba has been doing wonders, beyond imagination. One can feel, he is with you all the time. We all are blessed to be his children.
OM sai ram JAI sai ram 🦋
Om sai ram, Shri Sai Ram,jai jai Sai Ram.
Om sai ram
Love you, Baba
ॐ साईराम स्वामी आणी साई दोघे भिन्न नाहि हेची तत्व देई अनिरुद्ध ॐ मन सामर्थदाता श्री अनिरुद्धाय नमः
Om sai ram
Om Sai Ram��
Om sai Om sai Om sai Om sai Om sai Om shiridi sai om
Om sai Om sai Om sai Om sai Om sai Om sai Om shiridi sai Om
Jai ho sai ram
Om sai, Sri sai ,Jai Jai sai
Om sai ram. Baba please bless my daughter. Give her what she deserves baba.
Om Sai, Sri Sai, jai jai Sai
Naa kanna thandri Saiii. Bless me. Subhadra Devi and family 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Om sai ram🙏🙏
Om sai ram
Sai ram jai sai ram
Sai ram jai sai ram
Before reading this experience I was worried.Today is chaturthi.we fast. But my daughter can't stand hunger even for 30 min. But today she had fast. I didnt realize it.thought she is moody. But in evening she said from today she will keep all fast so our financial problem will get solved. My eyes got wet.cant say even a word. But ask baba plz solve.i don't want kids to suffer. Moment I open mobile I got your experience. Baba gave me msg.he is there to take care.thank you my Sai
Om sai sri sai jai jai sai
Om sai sri sai jai jai sai
Iam observing and readingfrom year…About these experience …Is joining and reading in mahaparaya only brings health,wealth and success to devotees…
Baba's miracles are only experienced only when we are member to this other wise sai dat charithra reading doesn't give a fruitful experience…
BY reading devotees experiences some times I thought why I did not taste any miracle…In parayana times…
But when I remember a story of old woman from sat charithra….And felt sai's blessings
Om Sai Namo Namo
Om Shiva Namo Namo
Om Sai Namo Namo
Om Shiva Namo Namo
Om sai ram!
Om Sai Ram
Jai sai ram
Twameva mathcha pitha twameva
Twameva bandhuscha sakha twameva
Twameva vidhya dravinam twameva
Twameva sarvam mama deva deva
Sri Sachidananda Samartha Sadguru SAI Nath Maharaj ki Jai
Jai jai sai
Jai sai nath 🙏
Baba always in our life. Om Sairam
Please inform me my roll no to enable me to do parayan
Om Sai Ram
Om Sairam.
Om sai Ram shri sai Ram jai jai sai Ram 🙏
Love you my Baba…Om Sai Ram 🙏 🙏🙏
Sainatha. You are the saviour of this world. Be always with my family members and bless them always.
Sainatha. You are the saviour of this world. Be always with my family members and bless them always.
Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai Ram
Believe in Sai Appa. He will take care and never let anyone down. He is Sarvantharyami.Jai Sai Ram
I agree with one post "believe in Baba n not in miracles "absolutely right.. Bcoz if you believe in Baba miracles are to be happened…
Myself this is my third year.. My joining itself was babas wish.. The day I been part of Mahaparayan there has been only positive.. Even in negative… Just two words but has everything in it "SHRADHA ani SABURI "
Jai Sai Ram 🙏🌹 Blessed ☺🙏
Om Sai ram
Om sai ram sri sai ram jai jai sai ram 🙏 🙏 🙏
Om Sai Ram
Ohm sai ram 🙏
Om Sai Ram
Om SaiRam 🙏
Omm… Sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai ram
Om sai jai sai
Om sai ram
Om sai ram