MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra |

Shirdi Sai Devotee Supriyaji Says:

Om Sai Ram. I am a part of MP-3523 Nalini Sai Mahaparayan group. I am very thankful to my Guru Sai Baba and all the Mahaparayan family members.
I have joined Mahaparayan group in October, 2019. Here are 2 miracles that took place after joining Mahaparayan group.

Experience 1:
My 4 years daughter once every month used to suffer a lot due to the cough problem. Her problem was so intense that she was not able to sleep. Every time she had to take Antibiotics medicine which is not good for her health. So, I prayed to Baba that He had to do something to reduce her cough problem, otherwise I would not do the coming week parayan. Then yes, a miracle happened! My daughter’s cough problem completely got cured by Baba’s grace. I am sincerely grateful to Baba for this. Experience 2:
For the last few years, I have been searching for a good job. I was not getting an opportunity to attend an interview. Suddenly, after starting my Mahaparayan, I got an opportunity to attend an interview for a big company. By Baba’s grace, I cleared my Interview and I got my offer letter on Thursday itself. I don’t have words to express my happiness.

One thing that I have learned from Baba is that Sai Baba tests us for our Shraddha and Saburi. The one who passes this test, Baba gives him / her which is far more than one’s expectations. Thank You Baba.

Om Sri Sadguru Sai Nathay Namah! 

Sai devotee

Supriya Oudhakar 

Those who wish to serve for global Mahaparayan may join this temporary group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you all very soon. Rise & Be Instrumental …!  

Whatever is destined to happen will happen. Baba’s ways are beyond our intellect. There is no doubt when we will trust Baba and surrender to Him then He will do only that is best for us, sometimes even more than our expectations and thus giving us something which is not in our fate. He will undoubtedly take the best decision for you. One just needs to have that kind of faith in Him. Baba will fulfill His promises. Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai. 😊
-Pooja Garg 

#Experience 1109

Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too...!

P. S. We started publishing one
experience on daily basis from 30 Nov 2017 as many experiences have been
received. Your experience would also get published as per the sequence. Please
share your comments, it really matters a lot. You can share your experiences related
ONLY to Mahaparayan to mahaparayanexperiences@gmail. com and which are not
related to Mahaparayan on Devotees Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba

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