MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra |

Shirdi Sai Mahaparayan Devotee Uttharaa from India Says:

I am Utthraa and I am part of the Mahaparayan group MP-2431N1 (Sai Sister Bindu is the group Class Teacher) and based out of Bangalore.

Sai has always been with me since my younger days, just that I never realized it. When I was a little girl, I have seen my neighbours pray, when I grew older, I saw my aunt pray and when I entered college, I eventually started visiting the Sai temple in Sai Baba colony, Coimbatore. While I used to pray to Sai whenever I went to the Sai temple, I was not a very strong follower.

Years passed by, I got married and after a year, I conceived. At this time, my sister-in-law in the US (Mrs.Sandhya Prasanna), a strong Sai follower used to pray and send me positive thoughts and wishes everyday. I used to go to the office and work close to 9 hours everyday and travel for close to 3 hours a day. Everything was normal in my pregnancy, until my 8th month. My baby had a slow growth and doctors suggested that I needed to deliver after completion of 36 weeks. I used to pray to Sai everyday for my baby’s safety. One fine day before my routine checkout, I was sitting and praying. That day somehow, I was praying longer than usual and I just kept looking at Sai’s beautiful and calming face. Next afternoon at my routine check-up, the doctor told me that I needed to get admitted as I might deliver within a day.

I got admitted and my pain started on 20th March 2019 at 11 am. I had a normal forceps led delivery and my baby boy was born at 5.20 pm. Even during my labour pain, I was thinking of Sai, praying and chanting shlokas. I had complications in the last minute of my delivery – my baby came out and was in shock (he did not cry for the first 2 minutes), due to forceps used, his left arm was injured, he had breathing difficulties and was immediately kept in Neonatal ICU. My heart broke, but I was hoping that he would be okay soon. I kept praying to Sai. The next day at 11 am, they allowed me to see my baby close by. But before that they gave my husband Pavan and me very shocking news. The doctor said that our son was hurt during the delivery process and he has brachial plexus injury, which meant that he would not be able to move or lift his left hand. This may be permanent, but there were chances of recovery.

My husband and I were shattered. That was the first time that I saw my husband cry. Our whole world turned upside down. We were not able to imagine that something like this could happen to us. It took me a few days to understand what the doctor had said. We went to multiple hospitals right from when my son was 7 days old. It broke my heart to see him in pain. I got into severe postpartum depression. I stopped talking to people, I was upset with God and guilty for doing my delivery like this. Few weeks passed and I realized that I needed to be strong, at least for my son Pranav.

I remembered that my sister-in-law used to do Mahaparayan every Thursday. I asked her to refer me to a group. It was at that time that Binduji group got formed. I joined and prayed harder. I used to diligently do the parayan every Thursday and with full belief.
You will not believe me if I say this, but right after my first parayan, my son started showing slight movements in the left hand. He showed very good improvement by 6 months and after his 9th month check-up, the Doctor was amazed by his recovery and said that he has completely recovered. Pranav is now a year old and he is a very active child. He uses his hands like any other child of his age.

My husband, Pavan and I are extremely grateful for the love and blessings that Sai Baba has shown us. He has been our Guiding Light in the most difficult times. He has healed my son in no time and proven that if we pray with full faith, Sai will be with us always. Every parent who is reading this will understand the pain that we go through to see a child suffer, Sai also goes through pain to see His children (us) suffer and ensures that He clears their obstacles.

So pray to Sai with all your heart and He will never ever leave you. Sai bless us all. Om Sairam!

Jai Sai Ram


Utthraa Mohanraju

 Everyone here is pulled by Baba Himself. He has His own timings and His own unique ways to pull His children in Mahaparayan. Every child has a different approach to different things and hence are Baba’s ways for His children. Let us hold His hand and He will lead us from the darkness into light for He is our Guiding light. He will protect us from getting hurt or falling into the ditches. Let us conceive good thoughts, move on to the path of bhakti, let there be no injury to our faith and ever be active in spreading love and devotion towards our Sai Maa by guiding more people into Mahaparayan like Mrs. Sandhya Prasanna did. Live with Sai and Sai will never leave you. He will make everything fine at His timing! Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai.

Those who wish to serve for global Mahaparayan may join this temporary group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you all very soon. Rise & Be Instrumental . . . !  

Pooja Garg

#Experience 1209
13 -March-2021 

Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too. . . !

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  1. Om Sai ram I liked Sai healed my son miracle devotee’s Leela by Sai.Sai can do anything in our life.Om Sai ram please bless my family with peace and happiness.please bless my family be with us.please give health to my grandsons.

  2. Baba's Grace Beyond Our Imagination. He is everywhere in everything, needs a clean pure heart to see him. He appears even without our knowledge shows us his presence. Om Sai Ram.

  3. Om Sai,very pleasant to hear the sister's experience.i too have experience like vise.will keep doing mahaparayan, have love and faith in baba.Om sai ram no words to say.Bless me and my family, friends, relations and all forever baba🙏🙏🙏

  4. Dear I have been on the same boat like yours and can truly understand what you have shared. Thank you for sharing.Baba we all love u and we are lost without you.

  5. I too believe in baba miracles.
    Baba shown me also many miracles
    If we believe n call with heart he comes to us .
    Om sairam 🙏

  6. Om Sai Ram 🙏🙏🙏
    Rightly said that Sai Baba never leave his children in trouble and he knows when and how to proceed. He is Omnipotent and omnipresent. After my reading of Mahaparayan, I have been seeing many palpable changes in my life. May Sai Baba be with all of us. Love you Sai.
    Om Sai Ram 🌻🌻🌻🙏🙏🙏

  7. Om Sai Ram��Thank you and Love you Sai.I am Kalpita .My daughter too got new birth of Sai's Blrssings.Baba never leave anyone empty hand..Faith on Baba .Shradha Saburi

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