Baba Blessed My Husband With A Job

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says: Om Sai Ram to all! Please keep me anonymous. I have been an ardent devotee of Sai since childhood. I thank Poojaji and team for starting this blissful worldwide Global Mahaparayan and to Sai for making me a part of It.
Sai has always blessed me and my family. But today I would like to share my Mahaparayan experience with all. Due to Covid my husband lost his contract from the start of April and even my brother lost his job.
For the first couple of months I was okay thinking that due to the unforeseen circumstances, no one could do anything and moreover there were no job openings in the market. I kept on praying Baba all the time.
But it went on for 3 months and there was no good news for either of them. Slowly I lost all my patience and started doubting and questioning my faith for Sai. But both my husband and my brother assured me to not lose my faith, as our Sai may have some better plans for us.
And true to their words my husband got a nice contract amidst this situation and also my brother found a job in our hometown itself. I was so happy. I decided to ask for my forgiveness from my Baba by posting and sharing my experience with all Baba’s devotees.
I’m so sorry Baba that I doubted You. Please forgive me.
You know that You’re the only One with Whom I share all my issues and miseries. I’m sure You’ll be able to show me the right path and let me out of all these. Om Sai Ram! Jai Sai Ram!
Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 1707
Thank You Sai Appa

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Padmini From India Says:
Om Sairam. Not one or two incidents to tell. Sai Appa is in my day to day life and each and every second He is protecting me from all the sides. Without Sai Appa I am nothing. He only guides me. Wherever I am in a critical situation I pray to Him. At once He will appear before me in many ways like photos in auto rickshaw, shops, banners, nothing else seen by my eyes, straight away only His photo is there.
Last time my blood relation gave a complaint to me in the police station. I prayed for my Sai Appa a lot and went to the police station where I first saw my Sai Appa on the back wall of the police station. All of this came to normal all of a sudden. They saw me with pity and now waiting for Sai Appa’s blessings. Sure I hope He holds me with grace and blessings. He never leaves me. Thank You Sai Appa. Always be with me in all situations. I am a fool. I am a deer in unknown forests. I depend on You only. Please save me Baba. Om Sairam.
Sai Devotee Padmini
#MP-Experience 1708
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Everything is Baba. There is no space in the Universe that exists without Baba. We are nothing without Baba. All of Him and nothing of us. When we develop this we would just not start seeing Him everywhere, but also start feeling, hearing and smelling Him everywhere. Believe Him completely and then nothing can go wrong. When Baba is there, why fear? Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai! 😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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