Sai’s Udi Miracles

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says:
Sairam to all the participants of Mahaparayan and millions of thanks to the organisers and the volunteers. I have been a participant of the Global Mahaparayan since Oct 2017 of daily and weekly parayan and also other reading groups like LFL, VSP, Monday SMP, Ekadashi SMP. I truly consider myself to be blessed for getting an opportunity to be reading on the global platform of Sai.
I have so many experiences since joining MP and have submitted some of them which are yet to be published. Coming to my recent experiences, by Baba’s grace we have been blessed with a baby boy on July 10, 2020 via a very normal labour. Our baby while he was less than a month old was very tearful at night time and wouldn’t stop crying. However, we tried to comfort him. Being a first time parent, we weren’t sure what was wrong; probably was having an issue with gas in the tummy and that was causing very discomfort. At this time, Baba was our Saviour. I prayed to Baba and applied Udi on our son and within a couple of minutes he seemed to calm down and was back to his original self, smiley and was able to go to sleep. I did pray to Baba then that I would post this experience if he calms down.
Reading the devotees’ experience is like a modern Satcharitra and my day is incomplete without reading it. May Baba bless global MP participants abundantly. Sairam!
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 1771
All Is Well When Sainath Is There

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says:
I wish to thank Pooja ji for starting the Global Mahaparayan. I also thank my sister who introduced me to MP. Sai has done lots and lots of miracles in my life and it will continue till my last breath.
I started MP just for the sake of my sister. Though I believe a lot in Sai, I was not much interested in reading the book. At first I didn’t accept the proposal of joining the MP but on continuous emphasis from my sister I joined (assuming Sai wanted me to be a part of MP and so He pulled me in through my sister). Joined the MP group in 2018 and became a MP class teacher in 2019. Reading all the miracles posted by each devotee, I always wished that something miraculous should happen to me as well so that I can also pen it down.
Sai read my mind and started His leela in my life. My hubby and I never ever had a dream for our own house. We always felt it to be a big commitment and waved away everyone’s advice on the same. We had a lot of pressure from our close relatives to buy a house last year.
Suddenly my hubby also wished to own one and started to hunt for the same vigorously. Within a month’s time we finalised a house. We both liked the house but I wanted to get Baba’s consent before registration. Asked Baba to show the numbers 52 and 4033 (both are my MP groups – devotee and class teacher group number) hoping to see these numbers in any vehicle but ended up seeing number 52 in the metro train pillar. Tears rolled my eyes seeing it…. but I wasn’t happy fully as I wished to see the second number as well. Days went and the date for registration came near. I was longing to see the second number 4033 whenever I stepped out of my house.
At last just a week before our house registration when we both were travelling by bike I prayed to Baba to show the number at any cost today without which I would not be peaceful and happy to proceed further. Within minutes I saw the number (phone number in the name board). I was speechless how Baba could fulfil my wish in a fraction of time and that too finding it in the name board in a moving vehicle was unbelievable.
With His blessing we registered the house and fixed a date for house warming, both of it were on a Thursday. I asked Baba to attend my house warming function. I always felt Him to be a part of my family and so wanted Him to attend expecting Him to come as a stranger for breakfast but He didn’t turn up because He was already inside my home in some other form which I didn’t notice.
Time went on and I forgot in the midst of all the rituals. After some time when most of the function got over I sat beside the homam and noticed the bricks. To my great surprise it was engraved as SAI. Couldn’t believe my eyes called my mom and sister out of joy and we noticed all the bricks used for homam had His name. Baba entered the home first as these bricks were the first item that entered the home for the Pooja…I never wished to have a house. He gave one and also entered it without my knowledge. I am yet to move into the new house. Getting delayed because of lock down. Hope He has a plan for that as well. Love You Sai; love You so much. Nothing else to say. You know me in and out. But still I wonder why You haven’t fulfilled my wish which I have been asking for the last 8 years. Hope I will pen it as well once it’s fulfilled.
With Love,
Sai Baba’s Small Devotee
#MP-Experience 1772
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
Shirdi Sai Baba is omnipresent and He is watching us and hearing us every moment; not only the said, unsaid, whispered but also that which is just thought and not even spoken! Still we as humans sometimes doubt Him if He is hearing us? He is definitely hearing each one of us and knows our situations more than us. He will soon help us to come out of it successfully. Just trust His unfathomable ways as after all His ways are His ways…! So let us concrete our faith and make Baba reside in our heart, mind and soul forever. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
© Global MahaParayan Experiences – Member of
Om Sai Ram 🙏
Someone please let me know where and how can I enroll myself in naam jaap/ ekadashi stavan manjari Or any such other groups?
I loved to read Miracles n Leelas of Sai Baba
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram