My Wonderful Mahaparayan Experience

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says:
Om Sai Ram! I am a member of the Global Mahaparayan group (2019-2020). I would like to remain anonymous.
I have had many wonderful experiences after joining the Mahaparayan group. Here I would like to share one such experience.
My husband, an Engineer by profession, was assigned to a very critical project. He was working 24/7 on it and was always very tense. Last month he had to present the status of the project in a meeting. But on that particular morning, he told me that there was a problem and that they were not able to fix it. As the meeting was going to be attended by most of his senior managers, he was really nervous. Seeing him so worried, I started praying to Baba for a miracle and promised that I would write this as my experience if everything went smoothly. And a miracle did happen! He later told me that just before the meeting, he got an email from his colleague that the issue had at last been fixed! The meeting also went very well. He too was surprised how this had happened at the last moment.
I am sure that it was Baba Who made this possible. Thank You Baba for Your help.
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 1779
Sai Baba’s Blessings After Joining The Global Mahaparayan

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says: Kindly, keep me anonymous. I want to share 2 of my wonderful experiences with you all after joining the Global Mahaparayan.
I joined the MP group in April 2019. I have been married for 14 years and now as my children are grown up, I was looking for a proper course to study and the search was for a long time as I was confused which course to choose and in which field should I restart my career.
I had many options but don’t know why I was unable to decide on one. This happened for almost one year and I was very much disturbed. Soon after joining the MP group after my first parayan itself, I happened to open the B.Ed site the night after 11:00 pm and filled the form immediately. It was the last day of submission. I couldn’t believe myself how it all happened so easily for which I was taking so long as I was not sure in choosing the field. My Baba guided me, He understood my confusion and helped me. I cleared my exam and am now pursuing my first semester.
I also want to share a recent experience related to my younger son’s health which disturbed us a lot. My son is 7 years old and his nails on both hands and feet started to turn black and we could see another nail growing below the present nail and this was for almost all the nails. As the new nail started to grow it was pushing the old black colored nail and as a result the old one started to rise up and we could see two layers. We took him to a dermatologist where the doctor suggested various tests to be performed. We did all and the levels of vitamin D, vitamin B12, were very low which was not a good sign and the most worried thing was his TSH levels were high. Seeing the reports I was very much disturbed as how could such a small kid be diagnosed with thyroid and prayed to my Baba continuously for help so that in the next report which the doctor asked to do after a month should show results in the normal range.
I felt that I should do 108 parikramas in Baba’s temple on Thursdays. This was Baba’s wish. He made me do parikramas for three weeks continuously and I thoroughly experienced His presence on the first Thursday. I felt as if Baba was beside me, I had chills looking at Him and tears out of my eyes during Madhyana Arti which happened after I finished the parikrama.
I was completely in ecstasy on that day. And after one month I was worried about getting the test done and kept on delaying for almost 22 days. Then I prayed to Baba to give me any hint whether I could get the test done. Even this time Baba heard my prayer and on the next day itself my husband without informing me booked an appointment with the lab for the person to come home and collect the samples. All these days even he never spoke about the retest as he was busy with office work but all of a sudden after praying to Baba, he booked an appointment.
Next day the samples were given and I was very much worried about the results. Next day when the report came, before opening I prayed to Baba that everything should be normal. Amazingly all the reports were within the normal range.
We were all so happy and I thanked Baba for His presence in my life. I vowed to share the experiences in the Global Mahaparayan group if his reports were normal. Thanks to Baba Who heard my prayers.
Baba, please take care of my family and all the sick people in the world. Pour Your blessings on us Baba and bless us all with good health Sai.
We love You so much Deva.
My wholehearted thanks to the MP team for introducing us to Shri Sai Satcharitra Parayan.
Om Sai Ram.
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 1780
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
Leave all Your worries at Baba’s feet. What is best and good for us would surely be granted by Baba; so have no worry. When we unite with Baba, blessings and miracles too unite with us. Believe and He will take all care. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai! Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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