My Experiences With Sai
Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Veena From India Says:
Om Sai Ram! We all have heard/ read Sai Baba’s miracles a countless number of times. His miracles cannot be summarised in mere words. This is my humble attempt to put my loving gratitude in a few written words.
Baba is an embodiment of eternal love. His appearance in His mortal form was itself a miracle. Fortunate are those people who lived with Him during that period. Fortunate are we, who have the divine mind to read/ know His miracles. Sai Sathcharitha and great initiatives like MahaParayan got us even closer to Baba.
This year 2020 has been a testing time for the entire world. The best aid during this time is spirituality. During the Dwapara Yuga the sacred Bhaghawad Geetha was not taught in an Ashram or on top of a mountain. It was taught in the midst of a crisis, in the battle field. Sri Krishna taught the highest Philosophy in the war field.
In KaliYuga comes our nectar like Sai Baba Who gave us the phenomenal holy Sai Sathcharitha. This year has been daunting environmentally, emotionally, physically to every living being and so was I part of it. When the entire world is in its utmost crisis, I was very guilty of praying just for myself or my family. So I kept my prayers just for the betterment of the world and parked my personal agony beside.
Here comes the miracle part of Sai Baba. He is omniscient, He knows it all, I prayed for the world’s wellbeing and He took care of mine. Several hurdles that looked like huge mountains just disappeared as though it never existed. When there was doubt, Sai Baba always cleared my confusion through the allocated chapters in the Sai Mahaparayan.
A place where Sai is celebrated and Sai Sathcharitha is practised, there is no room for suffering, fear, anxiety or any unforeseen problems.
Our family is indebted to be in Baba’s grace of miraculous kindness. There is NO FEAR WHEN BABA is HERE.
“Ananta Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhiraja Yogiraja Parabrahma Sri satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki jai.”
Sai Devotee Veena
#MP-Experience 1787
My Experience After I Joined Mahaparayan
Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Shobha From India Says: I joined the Global Mahaparayana in April 2020 after much deliberation. I have faith in Baba and have read Sai Charitra many times. My daughter is a doctor and I was worried for her after the Covid pandemic. Once she was posted for night duty in Covid ward, I stood in front of Baba’s image and with tears flowing, I said , “My daughter is Yours. Take care of her and He did!” Another time, her co- worker tested positive for Covid but Baba saved my day. My son-in-law too is a doctor. One day he had a cold and a cough. We were all worried but the test came negative.
Now about my son. For the past 10 years we were all struggling to find a good partner for him but it did not materialise. I made my husband, daughter and my relatives join the group. I told Baba, if You find a suitable bride for my son, I will give the whole credit to You and will post it in the group and lo! My son found a suitable girl and he got engaged yesterday. He is forty and I was so worried about him. Baba I am so thankful for being with me in all my difficult times.
I too underwent a major operation and became mentally so weak that I couldn’t sleep at night. I would hold Baba’s photo and read Sai Chalisa and Sai Geeta Saar every night. Then one day, the owner of a Sai temple in my place gave me a shawl put on Baba. I would put that on my body and sleep soundly.
On my birthday, one of the devotees gave me 11 rupees. Baba, I’m nothing without You. You are everything to me. Om Sairam.
Sai Devotee Shobha
#MP-Experience 1788
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
Who else other than Baba knows best what is good and most suitable to each one of us? He will guide us provided we are ready to seek His guidance, He will lead us provided we are ready to follow Him as Baba Himself says You look to Me then I look to You. So let us surrender to Him wholeheartedly and be ready to receive His blessings abundantly! Our Baba is just one true heartfelt call away. Just call Him with all the love and He would be right there to make His presence be felt either as peace, contentment, tears of joy and a lot more beyond the ken of our mind. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
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