Sai Baba Is Everywhere

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Geethu From India Says:
Om Sai Ram!
Baba is everywhere. Om Sai Ram. I am a part of Mahaparayan on every Thursday. I love Sai. Sai is everything for me.
One day my parents went to meet a relative. He said that he was waiting to pick them on the way. On the way my parents’ phone became a complaint and they couldn’t make a single call on that phone. I tried a lot to call them but at last came to know that it may be a complaint. I prayed Sai with full faith that please Baba make their phone ok till they meet that person. I was chanting Sai Sai.. After they arrived, I came to know that the phone became a complaint on the way but it became ok for a few minutes before they met the relative.
At that moment I realised it was done by my Sai. Sai helps them to meet their relatives. He only made their phone ok for a few minutes. I was filled with happiness. Om Sai Ram. He is with my family. What is needed is faith and patience.
Om Sairam!
Sai Devotee Geethu
#MP-Experience 1791
Miracles After I Joined The Global Mahaparayan

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Sindhu From India Says:
I have been a devotee of Sai Baba and experienced His miracles 2008 onwards when I first read the Satcharitra then.
Over the last year I was feeling strongly that I needed to read Satcharitra and as Baba does I got introduced to the Global Mahaparayan group.
The following miracles happened just after I started reading Satcharitra again.
1. My son who is 3, used to have trouble saying some letters or talking well, especially when he used to face difficulty saying “La ” or L related words. After I read my allotted chapters, I specifically prayed to Baba to correct my son’s speech that night. And Baba fixed it overnight! The next day my son was very clearly saying “La ” and L letter words perfectly. This one is a very clear recent miracle by Sai Baba in my life.
2. My mother who is 60 got diagnosed with Covid and she is a diabetic patient too. She is an ardent devotee of Sai Ram. We prayed deeply to Baba for her. She was admitted to a hospital on one Thursday. I had to complete 2 chapters. I had gone to visit her as she was going to the hospital and I read those two chapters in my mother’s house before I left there. Luckily she had only mild symptoms and no fever. She prayed to him and so did we all and she was discharged in 8 days. This is another recent example of Baba’s miracles towards His devotees.
Above two experiences are the ones that happened specifically during the Mahaparayan weeks. I have seen so many more miracles of Baba earlier.
I would also like to tell an experience that my grandfather had in his younger days, this story is etched in my mind.
He was a railways officer and was in Pune railway station where he had to urgently catch a train to Bangalore. An old man approached him and said why don’t you visit Baba’s temple in Shirdi. My Tatha (Grandfather) was in a hurry and did not have time to visit Shirdi. The old man gave my Tatha a coin and asked him to hold the coin in his hand and close his eyes and meditate on Baba. My Tatha did this, he felt the coin becoming hot and when he opened his eyes, there was Udi in his hand. My Tatha then was not a devotee of Baba then but still he experienced this and narrated his experience to me when I had started believing in Baba.
Thank you.
Om Sai Ram
Sai Devotee Sindhu
#MP-Experience 1792
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
Man made communication network may fail but a true hearted communication to Sai's network will never fail. Baba, bless our speech and bless our tongue to be passionate enough to just talk about Your leelas and chant Your name always. When this happens many things will get sorted and cleared. Baba, may we understand that really life is too short to grieve and complaint and bless our mind to become pure and be free from any kind of impurities. Let Your name and thought act as a filter to prevent any impurity to get into us. Bless us enough to be one in Your best devotees’ list. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
© Global MahaParayan Experiences – Member of
Pranam – with folded hands at the Lotus Feet of Baba – Pita Parmeshwar 🙏💖🙏
My elder sister and me , with 3 children & Hubby P are are with SAI some years Before 1998 . In 1998 we got home Baba’s Laminated pic at started the 4 Aratis.
and have not stopped since then
Baba Is very Kind Benovelent and corrects us with love our ways .
Om Sai Ram Ram Om