Sai Baba Helped Me To Find The Documents

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Bhavya From India Says:
Thank You Baba for showing me that You are hearing my prayers.
I thank my school teachers and my sister who joined me in this Mahaparayan group. I joined on 2nd July 2020 and my chapters were 1 & 2.
My mind was not at peace that time. I couldn’t identify these small signals that Baba was blessing me with. I continued the parayana. I was interested in all the stories and miracles and grace given to many devotees with faith.
After three months i.e. this month of joining the Global Mahaparayan group I wanted to ask Him for some documents which were misplaced somewhere and we needed them. We turned the house upside-down, but didn’t find them. It’s been a year since we were searching.
I started a 7 days parayan on 15th Oct 2020 but I did not find them even on the 7th day. I also thought maybe I didn’t do the parayan well and should do it again. I had a belief and I thought that if it was not found here then He would surely give it to me from somewhere.
Then today on the 4th day Monday we got a call from our relatives saying that they had the documents and showed them through video call. I thanked Baba profusely. I was so happy. He has been guiding all along, but didn’t see as I was not tuned to Him. Joining and doing Mahaparayan, I feel somehow He has dragged me like that sparrow and showed me.
I also feel happy. Now I feel I am catching up with Him at least to some percent. Thank You so much Baba.
I will surely come with another big miracle as I won’t stop here now. I also thank all the organisers and volunteers who do seva (one thread MP which reached me.)
Thank and regards
Sai Devotee Bhavya
#MP-Experience 1885
Heartfelt Experience Of Sai Baba’s Miracles

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Shobha From India Says: Sairam! I am Sai devotee Shobha, from Bengaluru, in the Mahaparayan group no. MP-213N1. Baba has been guiding me throughout and has helped both in personal and professional progress. However, I still keep complaining, fighting with Him that He doesn’t love me or take care of me, though He keeps making me understand that He is always with me and my family. There are many, many ways in which He has blessed and continues blessing us, despite shortfall in our devotion towards Him. Credit of making me part of the great Mahaparayan goes to one of my dear friends who suddenly asked whether I would be interested in joining a group for reading Satcharitra of our beloved Baba, for which I readily said yes. This itself is a blessing from Him.
There have been many instances wherein from the beginning of me participating in Mahaparayan, He has shown that He is right next to me. One of the major instances is when we were planning for the Upanayanam of our only son and it took us 2 years to arrive at a date. I prayed to Baba that only when He feels it right for my little boy to become a brahmachari vatu the date should be set and at last on 17th April 2019 we could perform the upanayanam with great aplomb with His blessings. I would like to narrate here an incident during the upanayanam which again proved that Baba was always there to help and protect me.
Off late, due to paucity of time I visit Shirdi through package tours and the agent is in touch with me through whatsapp wherein she sends messages regularly about our beloved Baba and His sayings. One day I realised that the frequency of messages had reduced and there was no message after 25th March 2019. I thought in my mind that Baba has forgotten me and hence has not sent any message through the agent. Miraculously on the morning of April 16(i.e., on the eve of the upanayanam) received a message saying,
This made me really happy. All the arrangements for the upanayanam were made by my husband and me alone, as somehow all our relatives became busy on account of their own commitments. It so happened that on the previous evening of Upanayanam(April 16th) during the Udakashanti function we needed a wick to light the lamp. My mother, who helped me a lot during preparation for the function, had kept wicks ready, but the ones suitable for the lamp were not found and we were very tense. In fact we started making wicks out of cotton but it did not come out well. Suddenly my aunt remembered that when she was getting ready to leave for the function, one of her neighbours came to the house and gave a set of wicks(the type we wanted)asking her to give it to her sister(i.e. My mother), as she would need it. She gave that to my mother and an embarrassing situation was avoided with the blessings of Baba. That is when I realised the significance of His words in the message, “EVERYTHING WILL BE ARRANGED ON TIME.” We were so humbled by His blessings.
Another incident is that, in my work front, I was transferred out of my department by management though I was not due for any transfer. My immediate boss was very upset about my transfer and wanted to retain me and requested, pleading with the management to retain me. However the management did not agree and posted me to another place which was far off and not to my profile or taste and would make it difficult for me to take care of my little boy(since my husband has a touring job). Though my boss recommended my retention, the management people were not ready as they wanted my services elsewhere and nothing positive was happening. I started preparing my son and myself mentally that this phase was going to be tough for us and we have to manage somehow. However, with His blessings due to various reasons when some other person’s transfer issues were discussed, due to my boss and a good colleague’s intervention, though I was not retained in the same place, my posting was changed to another place which was much closer to my residence. Baba understood my difficulties and saw to it that I was given a place which was more convenient than where my boss wanted me to be retained. This was such a miracle which I had not even thought of and happened simply because of my Baba. How much ever I keep doubting Him, He shows me the way at the ultimate moment and saves me. Such is His love for me, His devotees.
Yet another miracle occurred yesterday wherein Baba saved my husband from a great professional problem which I would like to share. My husband had an event wherein a vendor had to supply an important item. However, the vendor suddenly remained untraceable and both his mobiles were also switched off. My husband was very tense as the client started enquiring about the item. He was worried and started praying to Baba, requesting Him to help to deliver the item. With my Baba’s grace, miraculously the vendor himself called my husband in the evening saying that he lost his phone and promised to airlift and send the item by taxi to my husband’s client’s office. Though there were anxious moments for half a day till the vendor delivered the item, Baba saw to it that my husband was saved from a serious professional issue.
I thank Baba for His blessings and request Him to forgive all my mistakes which are committed unintentionally and shower His blessings on my family and me the way He always does. Even now I have some health issues for which I keep crying to Him, praying to Him to make me cross over the issue and become healthy. I am confident that He will tide me over this issue also. Praying to Baba for the same. I also thank Him for making me share this experience with my fellow Sai devotees, which I have been promising to do, but somehow been delaying. This or anything in my life, would not be happening without Him and His blessings. Thank You Sai and we love You.
Sai Devotee Shobha
#MP-Experience 1886
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
As rightly said each devotee is like a pearl. Yes Baba is collecting the pearls (devotees) globally and stringing them together with the help of a thread called Mahaparayan. As Baba knows who is connected with whom and accordingly we are coming across each other - ‘Rinanubandh’ which is sometimes so beautiful in a way that makes us come together on one platform. So let us be connected and serve Him as He has got us together in the form of a necklace. Baba will definitely love to wear this necklace than that of gold or jewels. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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