Global MahaParayan Miracles – Post 1645

Sai Baba – The Living God  

Sai Baba – The Living God

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Pratibha  From India Says:

Sairam to everyone! 

I am Prathibha Thampi from the Global Mahaparayan group MP-845N1 and belong to the GreenHouse. 

I joined this group last year and have been reading religiously. I am employed as a teacher at Trivandrum International School. In Spite of having a tight schedule from 7.00 am to 6.00 pm daily, I used to read the allotted chapters religiously and on priority. Sometimes during my free periods also; I used to read by Baba’s grace. 

I consider myself a strong devotee of Baba. I was staying in Aurangabad,  Maharashtra for 17 years. I used to go to Shirdi whenever I had the opportunity.

Early this year, my younger son of age 21 years met with a serious car accident and his treatment is ongoing. Presently, my family (husband, elder son and I) are in Bangalore for my younger son’s treatment. 

Every Thursday, I observe fast and do a special pooja for Baba. I know what you may be thinking – Baba doesn’t recommend fasting, so why am I observing? It’s the least I can do for Baba. Many miracles have happened in my life. I pray regularly for one more thing for my lovely son. 

Three weeks back, on one Thursday after reading the allotted chapters and while  praying for my son, I saw a beam of orange light on the wall. Below that image, there was a shadow of Baba’s pic. 

I called my elder son and showed it to him. Because of my over excitement, I could not click. This flash of light showed me a message that Baba is with me. It also restored my confidence and instilled hope in me that my son will recover soon. Thank You so much my merciful Lord.

I have experienced many of Baba’s miracles in my life. Will write about all those in the future, someday. As my son’s treatment is going on I have time constraints and I could only write about this incident that happened recently. 

Baba gives me the strength and courage to fight this battle everyday. I am very grateful. I know one day He will answer my prayers and recover my son soon. 

I have complete faith in Baba. I am learning what He taught the world – Shraddha and Saburi. Jai Sairam!

Sai Devotee Pratibha

#MP-Experience 1947

Always Close To Sai Baba Through Mahaparayan 

Always Close To Sai Baba Through Mahaparayan

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Lalitha From India Says: 

Dear Pooja Ji,

I am Lalitha Padma Jonnakuti from the Global Mahaparayan group MP-10107N1 Red house. I am from Hyderabad and wish to convey all of our gratitude towards you all through whom Baba has given the opportunity to always be close with Him. May God bless all of you with an abundance of showers. I have joined the  Global Mahaparayan in April 2020. By seeing my daughter, my brothers and sisters joining in this Mahaparayan yagna, Baba made me join it too. 

As I am at 60 years of age and I have started joint pains for which I have consulted  a senior Orthopaedician. After a series of necessary tests he had suggested that I go for knee replacement at the earliest. As I was suffering with a lot of knee pain, with a heavy heart my husband and my children who are in the US suggested that I go for surgery. I am normally a delicate one and by God’s grace I was all doing fine health wise for all my life till date. Daily I started saying Baba please stop surgeries. Given some other ailment which I can manage as my children are far away in the US, I may not be able to attend my surgeries due to this covid pandemic.

Finally, we gave our consent to the doctor for surgery and were prescribed pre operative tests. The evening when the final X-Ray reports came, we were surprised to see Baba in the report who indicated that it was not necessary to go for surgery. Instead Baba asked me to suffer with the  joint pains. Of course this is also painful, but compared to the two knee surgeries I have considered this nothing but a Baba’s miracle.

Baba, please give us strength to face today’s hindrances in all of our lives. Please always be with all children and all of us. Please  make everyone serve You by doing Mahaparayan seva which is not compatible with anything.

Lot of pranams to Baba,

Sai Devotee Lalitha Padma

#MP-Experience 1948

Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental

Sai Baba is a living God in a real sense. He hears our every silent prayer, reads our every untold thought and responds and blesses us with what is best for us. He teaches and guides us at His best, He is the most merciful and we are blessed to have Him in our lives not only as our Sadguru but as a best friend too with Whom we can share anything. If we take one step towards Him then He will take 10 steps towards us. Mahaparayan is one of the ways to stay connected with Him and move closer to Him with each passing Thursday. Thank You Sai for these priceless gifts of Satcharitra, Udi and Mahaparayan in this Kaliyuga for our welfare. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg


Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!

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  1. m Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram

    Baba many of your devotees has mentioned that my PR would work out I know it will but now in my mind is how? I have lost hope in all the visa options of 190/491(unlimited working hours/ no company restrictions/ no issues with job change) so finally I have written my manager to provide sponsorship visa-494. With sponsorship visa I am limited with hours(as I can work with company only/ cannot change job easily) plus I need to serve company for more than 4 years before I am eligible to apply PR, plus many who had opted sponsorship had some issues later.

    Baba I really did not want this but now I am running out of time as my visa expiry is on 18 Sept this year so I have no other option. Baba bless my venture. Baba i just want the company to agree to sponsor me for day shifts as I have already worked night shifts with company for 2 1/2 years. If approved for day than I can give more time to my kids and family.

    Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram

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