Miraculously Conceived After 8 Years

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Sowjanaya From India Says:
Dear Guru/Sir
I would like to share my Mahaparayan experience.
Om Sai Ram! My name is Sowjanya Kasi and I am from Ahmedabad. From my childhood, I have been a devotee and a true believer of Baba as Baba showered His blessings and drove my life from behind. I would like to share my Mahaparayan experience which was the biggest and greatest miracle of my life.
I was married in 2010 and I got a baby in 2011. After delivery, I got PCOD and it had become very difficult to conceive again. I have tried many things like yoga, walking, diets, almost everything for 3 years. After that I consulted a gynaecologist and started taking medicines for another one year but it was of no use. As the doctor suggested, we had tried IUI too for 6 times and underwent so many tests which made my body really weak and my mind was fed up with all these things and I left hope thinking that God has blessed us with one child and that was enough.
In 2019, my mom joined me in the Global Mahaparayan group MP-1265N1 through her close friend in July. I started with my parayan and within two months, in September I conceived after 8 years which was nothing but Baba’s miracle. I couldn’t believe this and waited for another month to confirm. And yes, I had conceived. Throughout my pregnancy, I did daily parayan too. At the time of my delivery, there was a lockdown and covid pandemic, so neither my parents came to me nor did I go to my home in Andhra.
Again, Baba helped me to get through those difficulties and I was blessed with a baby boy. My husband and my elder daughter both took care of me like a baby. I feel really blessed and whenever I call out His name, Baba always appears and blesses us.
Recently, in November 2020, all four of us were tested covid positive which was another horrible experience as my 7 months old son was affected.
Again, I asked Baba for His blessing to at least save my little ones as I couldn’t see them in pain. Baba showed His miracle again. Only my husband got his lungs affected with a CT score of 6. Myself and my kids were mildly affected and we all started recovering after 5 days. No words to explain His miracles. Baba promised us that He will shower His blessings and Mahaparayan is the proof. Thank You so much for accepting me into the Global Mahaparayan group.
Om Sairam….Om Sairam…
Sai Devotee Sowjanya Kasi
#MP-Experience 2021
Sai Is Everything For Me

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Priyanka From India Says:
Om Sai Ram. I am Priyanka and I’m part of the Global Mahaparayan group. I always had strong faith in Sai although I was facing many difficulties. Sai was always there for me. I was mentally disturbed and was in deep depression about my family. I asked Sai to keep them healthy.
One day my father had severe stomach pain and at midnight I did not know what to do. I was worried a lot and asked Sai to cure his stomach pain. Then with Sai’s mercy and grace He was ok within half an hour. I asked Sai to keep my parents healthy and He is always doing that and keeping my family in His hands. I know He will take care of them for sure.
As I don’t have any friends or siblings the only person I share all my problems with is Sai. He is my only Support and Guide and Mentor. I know He will take care of my family. I’m doing Mahaparayan to keep my parents healthy and happy. I have strong faith in Sai and He will surely protect my parents and keep them healthy and safe .
Om Sairam!
Sai Devotee Priyanka
#MP-Experience 2022
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
Let us prepare our body to conceive love and devotion by taking supplements of faith, patience and reading or listening to Baba’s leelas. When this is done life will naturally deliver happiness and bliss in abundance. It will help us develop strength and fulfil our wish too as the one Who will nurse us, protect and guide us is none other than our universal father Sai Maa. Sai will bless you with everything you deserve. So let us keep doing good deeds to deserve the best that we desire. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
© Global MahaParayan Experiences – Member of SaiYugNetwork.com