Sai Lord Datta Himself Appeared And Gave Assurance

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Gowri Oberoi From India Says:
Om Sairam and pranaams to all dear members of the Sai Yug Network family. I am Gowri Oberoi from New Delhi, a Sai Sewika doing Sewa in the Global Mahaparayan, Mahajaap and other SaiYug network groups.
With Sai always in my heart I am writing about this experience. Please forgive me for making you all read such a long experience and please ignore if there are any mistakes in my writing.
Thank You Sai.
It gives me great pleasure and lots of positive vibes to share some more beautiful blessings of our dear Sai Baba, my friend, mentor, mother, father, sibling Guru, God and everything.
This happened in December 2020, the time when globally everyone had got a little relief after the first wave and lockdown of Covid19. Many flights had started operations, though with a lot of precautionary measures and mandatory tests, procedures etc.
I was wishing to visit Shirdi but was a little scared to get the tests done.
On one fine day, a Friday, I was thrilled when I got a call from Shirdi. My dear Sai brother Varun had visited Shirdi and called me to ask if I needed something from there. I asked him if possible to get me a few copies of SatCharitra and told him that I wish to visit Shirdi too and asked if it was safe. He replied in the affirmative and happily I immediately booked tickets for a friend and myself to travel to Shirdi two days later on the following Sunday.
How Sai knows our innermost thoughts and also knows our past, present, future everything will be proved in what I’m going to share next.
In a few hours on the same friday, Varun called me again from Shirdi and said that while having darshan, he mentioned to the Shirdi priest there (whom he knew personally) that I, his Sai sister would be visiting on Monday and the priest had sent me a small idol of Baba, a small bottle of Baba’s teerth (the holy water that is kept all night daily in a jug near Baba after Shayan Aarti), a neem leaf (from the neem tree that Baba used to sit under), few Udi packets and only one copy of SatCharitra as the book shop wasn’t stocked due to covid restrictions. Varun wanted a neem leaf as the area surrounding the Neem tree was also closed due to safety measures and Sai knew his hidden wish and gave him neem leaves through the priest!
I was stunned to hear all this. My daughter was to leave in a month for the USA to join college there and I wanted to give her a Sai Baba idol from Shirdi but had no idea how I would get one due to the covid scenario. Here Baba had already arranged to go with my daughter and was coming home in the form of His beautiful small idol!
But that was not all. Baba also knew that my elder sister was unwell and she needed His blessings. My sister is a blood cancer survivor and after 14 years of being cancer free, she had cancer again, this time in her tongue and a PET scan to check if the cancer had spread to other organs was to be done and further treatment plan was to be made. I had just got to know about all this after Varun’s call from Shirdi. Now I knew why Baba had called me to Shirdi on Sunday. It was not just to pray for my daughter’s migration for studies to the USA but also to pray for my sister’s health. I knew everything would be okay as I received Baba’s idol, the teerth and neem leaf on that same day in the evening. When I asked Varun where the neem leaf was kept, he said that he kept it inside the SatCharitra book on some pages.
I had tears in my eyes when I saw the neem leaf exactly on the page above the sentence where the following was written in Chapter XIV of Sai SatCharitra:
“Baba’s word and grace cured many incurable diseases.”

Varun did not know which page he had kept the neem leaf but Sai had His own ways to show His Leela!
I took this as Baba’s indication that His grace will definitely cure my sister’s cancer.
I sent the Satcharitra copy with the neem leaf and Baba’s teerth and Udi to my sister in Bangalore and asked her to eat the neem leaf and have the Udi mixed with Baba’s teerth before she went to the hospital.

On Sunday afternoon, my friend Jayanthi and I reached Shirdi from Delhi, following all the safety protocols wearing masks, shield and PPE etc. We went for preliminary Darshan and basked in Baba’s beautiful welcoming smile and warmth of His presence in both Dwarkamai and Samadhi mandir. My friend Jayanthi was a little disappointed as she didn’t get the Laddu Prasad that they usually get outside after darshan. But how can Ma Sai disappoint any of His children? Read on later to know how Sai fulfils even the smallest wish of His devotees.
We got one more darshan after that and also were blessed with dhoop Aarti darshan in the evening. At dhoop Aarti I was touched to see Sai wearing a green vastra and an ornament which looked like a neem leaf. I understood that Baba is saying that my sister will be fine and that the neem leaf that she ate will protect her. Sai also gave me the thought to ask my sister to offer Him a green vastra after she gets completely alright which I conveyed to my sister later.
When we went to the Prasadalaya for dinner after dhoop Aarti darshan, the first thing my friend Jayanthi was served was the Laddu Prasad. There was no description of the joy we felt at this beautiful blessing of Sai.

The next morning, on Monday, 21st December, 2020, all 5 siblings (we are 6 siblings) had planned to chant Lord Sai Datta’s powerful Siddha Mangala Stotram 36 times each together from wherever we are for my sister’s PET test results to be good.
I tried to book for Kakad Aarti darshan and chant Siddha Mangala Stotram inside the samadhi mandir but due to government restrictions, only 50 devotees were allowed to have Aarti darshan and so I could not get any passes. I was a bit worried but left it to Sai as I was sure He knows what is best.
And yes! His plan was the best! He gave us darshan at 6:30 am and at around 7 am I was standing in front of Nandadeep and since no one was allowed to sit in the temple complex and pray, after requesting the security people, I along with my friend and a boy Prasad who accompanied us, decided to stand in front of Nandadeep under the neem and audumbar trees and chant the mantra 36 times. Little did I know that it was exactly the time when my sister in Bangalore was undergoing a PET scan! That’s why Sai didn’t allow me to have Kakad Aarti darshan earlier and chose this time! HIS TIMINGS ARE ALWAYS PERFECT! It’s us mortals who don’t trust His timings and get anxious!
Standing close to the Nandadeep staircase, with closed eyes I kept chanting Siddha Mangala Stotram and prayed to Lord Datta to bless my sister. During the chanting, I got a chill and trembled when I first felt a leaf fall on my head and then something fell on my right shoulder and something fell on my left shoulder. It felt like a blessing. It was a leaf, a neem seed and a flower which my friend saw and picked up and gave to me later. I felt like Lord Datta was blessed from the sacred neem and audumbar trees which both I was told were planted by Baba Himself and the lamp in Nandadeep was also lit by Him and Sai used to meditate close to this place. But I wanted some more proof that Sai Datta is with my sister. Keep reading further to learn how Lord Datta Himself appeared and gave me Nayan Darshan (Darshan through His eyes)!
After about 33 minutes, when I had chanted the mantra about 34 times with closed eyes, suddenly I felt like someone touched my thigh and stomach. Startled, I opened my eyes but kept chanting and started to tremble when I saw a white dog standing near me, touching my thigh as if kissing me and trying to rest on my lap! There were many devotees there but the dog was just standing with me! I was sure it was one of the four dogs that always followed Lord Dattatreya.
While continuing chanting I rubbed the dog’s head and suddenly it looked at my eyes and I got a sharp shiver and felt like the eyes were penetrating my eyes as if transferring some kind of energy! I was lost and felt like I was transported somewhere out of the world and all I could remember was that I was still chanting Siddha Mangala Stotra. It was about 2 minutes I think but felt like an eternity of transfer of some cosmic energy! Then I completed my chant and with tears in my eyes, still trembling, walked towards the Datta shrine in a trance to thank Lord Datta for this blessing while the dog kept following me closely, rubbing against my thigh and looking towards me. After bowing to Lord Datta and thanking Him, we walked towards the exit gate of Samadhi Mandir and the dog continued to walk with me. When I reached the gate, I wanted to feed the dog some bread and saw that there were some shops opposite the road and requested the boy Prasad to get some bread and some milk if possible. It was about 5 seconds when I asked him this and when I looked back, the dog had vanished! There was about a 100 – 150 feet distance between the Datta shrine and gate and the dog was nowhere to be seen! Me and my friend and the boy were all stunned how the dog vanished in a few seconds. This proved to me that it was indeed Lord Datta who had blessed me and my sister through me. You all can imagine what bliss I was experiencing!
Immediately after returning to the hotel, I got my phone and called my other sister who was at the hospital outside the PET scan room and got to know that the PET scan had just gotten over and the cancer had not spread to any other organ except the tongue and would be cured with a surgery and follow up treatments after that. Ufff what a huge relief! It was no wonder.
It was absolutely Lord Sai Datta’s magic that had stopped the cancer from spreading. Sai had made all these plans and blessed them so beautifully.
Once again Baba has proved that when we surrender our worries and our entire life to Sai, He will definitely take care and take us smoothly on this path of karma and safely take us to our destination avoiding all the hurdles and difficulties on the way that we experience due to our karmic cycle. Half the pains He takes and makes our sufferings easy. He fulfils all our desires and when we are content and seek for enlightenment, He happily will show us the way for Mukthi (liberation).
Let us remember our Sai every second of our life with every breath and chant His name always as even an entire lifetime is not enough to express our love to Sai.
Thank you sisters Pooja Garg Ji, Hetal Ji and all other Sai devotees for connecting with me through Sai. Thank You Sai for this beautiful network created by Your love. We all love You for always surrounding us wherever we are in the world.
I am writing this experience from 33000 above sea level from an aeroplane flying towards India from the USA and feeling a lot of joy and being very close to Sai. For some reason Sai has chosen for me to write from the sky which He alone knows.
Bless all the readers, their dear ones and the whole world always and be always near us my dear Sai.
Bow to Shree Sai, Peace be to all.
Sai Devotee Gowri
#MP-Experience 2045
Sainath’s Divine Grace

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says:
Sairam to all Sai devotees. Recently my child had a problem.
We took him to the doctor. She said he had a lung infection. One of his lungs collapsed on X-ray. We are really afraid. What to do? How did this small child get that much infection? And why?
There is only one answer to all my questions.
That is SAINATH…!
Doctor said that there was no treatment for that issue. We went to another hospital in the city immediately. We went to that big hospital. Doctor checked and said that they needed to do small surgery and all.
All my courage is only Baba. We came home and my husband asked his friend and sent all the reports to him. He said that there was nothing to worry about. There was no infection. Doctors are scaring all the people nowadays for money. That was just a common cold. It will recover soon with home remedies. After 2 days my husband showed all the reports to his boss in the office. He suggested that we follow doctor’s information only.
We were scared again about how to manage money and all. 1 lakh is not easy for middle class people. All my hope is Baba.
We went to the hospital and they did surgery on my child and said that there was a white object in his lung and that’s why that lung was infected. We had to remove that immediately. Baba’s miracle happened. After all the treatment, my baby is doing well.
By Baba’s grace 70% of the amount is claimed from my husband’s office health insurance card. Doctor said to discharge, give medication, come again after 2 weeks and then would do the x-ray again. If there was no change then we needed to do the surgery again. If there was a change then there was no problem. We were again afraid and prayed to our Sai Baba. After 2 weeks we went to the hospital. Doctor checked and said that there was no problem and there was no need to come again as everything was fine. We thanked Baba a lot.
Can’t thank You enough my Sainath Deva for everything.
Om Sai Ram!
Sri Satchidanand Samarth Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 2046
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
When life puts a question, our beloved Sai is definitely the answer. He, the greatest Doctor of doctors, has also provided us with the best medicine Udi. Sharing Baba’s leela is also a kind of seva at Baba’s feet because reading leelas of Baba definitely lifts up other devotees’ faith just as it is being done right now for those who are reading this leela. Baba’s Sai Satcharitra will help each one of us to have unique experiences. Only when Baba wishes it happens. Keep reading, keep believing and keep sharing His leelas and Baba our guide will definitely bless you in abundance with the many desired and excellent fruits during this spiritual journey. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
© Global MahaParayan Experiences – Member of
Om Sai shri sai jai jai sai, om sai shri sai jai jai sai, om sai shri sai jai jai sai
Love you Deva! Happy Guru Purnima Baba!
Koti pranams to all devotees for sharing beautiful leelas of Deva.
Om Sai Ram…. Baba please protect my husband and children. Please shower their lives with love, faith, devotion, knowledge, wisdom, your protection and guidance, peace of mind, happiness and prosperity. Baba you know everything and surrender to you. Please guide my husband to take care of his health, he visited the doctor yesterday and once again he has some tests today. I place my faith in you Baba, you are his doctor and protector and more so his healer. Please be with him and hold his hands. Please give him a long healthy life. Please safeguard my children too in terms of good health, wealth and prosperity with a path of righteousness. Baba I need your help to stay calm and composed. Help me remain silent and flow with the challenges of life with calm and composure with you by my side. Help me seek opportunities within challenges and help me overcome it. Baba I surrender to you wholly. Shree Guru Deva Dutta 🙏 Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏