Sai Baba’s Miraculous Healing Of Kidney Stone

Sai Baba’s Miraculous Healing Of Kidney Stone

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Sudha From India Says:

With great gratitude to Sai Baba I write this. I was diagnosed with a kidney stone of 6.4 mm which was stuck in the ureter and consulted with my GP, my company doctor as well as my homoeopath who unanimously said surgery was the only option. I consulted an urologist who told me that a surgery was to be done ASAP.  I went about doing the pre surgery tests and was to meet the doctor on 22nd Oct 2020 (Thursday Sai Baba’s day) with my reports to fix my date for surgery. In the meanwhile I prayed to Shirdi Sai Baba with all my heart. 

I requested all my friends and family to pray for me. I also requested Ms Roopa Krishna of Satcharitra group to pray for me. Ms Roopa very kindly put in a prayer request for me and 48 Sai devotees, each one a stranger to me volunteered to do sankalpa and prayers for me. This they completed on 21/10/20 Wednesday. Since 21/10/20 I was in  excruciating pain and I was on a heavy dose of painkillers. Early in the morning my pain was as bad as labour pains and I went to the wash room and felt that maybe I had passed the stone out of my body. Took a painkiller again on Thursday morning and after reading my Sai Satcharitra went to meet the doctor. 

When the doctor saw the enormity of my pain he immediately sent me for an emergency sonography. The sonography showed that the stone had indeed passed out of my body. The CT scan also showed that there was no stone. The doctor was amazed and said it was a miracle. I was in pain because the size of the stone was big and the doctor had prescribed some medicine for the same. I also did some tests to see if the passing of the stone had caused any damage to the ureter. All the reports were normal. This is a miracle of Baba. I went to the hospital  to fix the date of surgery and I  came home not needing a surgery. My  Sai Baba has once again come to my rescue as He has done countless times before.

I sincerely thank each and every Sai devotee who did sankalp and prayers for me. I remain indebted to you always. I am eternally grateful to all my family members, friends and all my well wishers for Your prayers and blessings.

Miracles happen when you pray sincerely. God is merciful.

Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai.

Sai Devotee Sudha

#MP-Experience 2075

Sai Baba Has Always Been There With Me  

Sai Baba Has Always Been There With Me

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee  From India  Says:


Please find my experiences. I am happy to share my experiences. Kindly find the attached Sai leela and please keep my name anonymous.

Om Sai Ram! First of all I would like to thank Pooja Ji for initiating the Global Mahaparayan group. I am blessed to be part of the group. I had joined the MP group in the year of 2019 and also I have referred a few of my friends and relatives to join the MP group. I have experienced many miracles in my life. Sorry for the long post but I would like to share a few of my experiences.

Don’t know where to start and how to start. All I can say is “I Love You Baba”. You are our saviour. You are everything, I have been a Baba devotee since my college days. Luckily my husband is also a Baba devotee. Anything that I want to share be it my happiness or sadness, Baba is the first Who comes to my thoughts. Baba has been there with us always and He would guide us, protect us and He would show us a good path whether it could be career problems or health  problems or anything.

Of course there are many experiences in my life that Baba guided me in my studies, career and marriage. Would like to share a few of my experiences. I still remember my first experience that happened during my college days. When I had finished my graduation I wanted to join my post- graduation and had written an entrance test. I had secured a rank but unsure which college I would be getting as it is based on the quota and ranking system. When my turn came to opt for a college, unfortunately I could not get the college that I wished for but a different college in a different city. And my father did not want to send me far and hence he did not agree to join me in the college that I got. I still remember that day and I had cried thinking that I would not be able to do my post- graduation. I lost my patience and asked Baba “Why You did this to me, what wrong did I do?” I was

crying day and night for a week and blaming Baba. 

After 1 week there was a second round for the

college selection and this time my brother convinced my father to join me for whichever college I get a seat in. I can’t believe that I was given an option in two colleges which I thought would be very difficult to get a place in. My joy was endless and happily told my father that I was given two options. My dad asked me to choose the college in the same city where we were living. Can’t believe that I got an opportunity to join the best college. Then I realised that Baba wanted to give me the best. Hence He did not allow me to choose during round 1. Later I realised how much I was impatient and blamed Baba for everything.

Since then I have encountered many experiences even in my career. When I wanted to get better I had to face a lot of problems. Finally I had got a good job and with great difficulty I coped up and

settled in a new job but unfortunately my contract was getting expired after a few months and there was no more contract extension due to some issues. I felt so low and again asked Baba why are You doing this to me? It was a miracle again that my contract got extended and I was so happy. After a few months I was converted to be a permanent one. There was a time we were facing some problems as my husband’s job contract finished and was looking for a new job but the market was not so good hence opportunities were very less in his field.

After a few months Baba had shown the path and finally my husband had got an offer. However he had to travel but we are still ok as we cannot keep rejecting the offers. Things were going fine and

again all of a sudden there was a break in my career as my husband could not continue with the job and at the same time my job contract was also coming to an end. We were much worried but by Baba’s

grace, my husband was able to continue in the same company and my contract also got extended. Thank You so much Baba for all the love and support.

I want to share one more experience. This experience is about my parent’s health. My mother – father fell sick and I was so worried and worried for my parents. I prayed to Baba to help me get rid of this problem and I promised Baba that I would share my experiences if my parents got back to normal. I literally prayed to Baba and asked Baba to listen to my prayers. Now my parents are doing fine and happy that Baba listened to my prayers. All I can say is I love You Baba. May You shower Your blessings on us and be with us as always!

Thank You.

Anonymous Sai Devotee 

#MP-Experience 2076

Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental

Sai will always bless Hi devotees with the best possible owing to their karmas. His ways are beyond our intellect. If 10 stones are coming towards His devotees then Sai will suffer the hits of major stones and only few would be left for His devotees. He will suffer on behalf of His devotees and yet doesn’t mind to be blamed by His devotees for their sufferings which are surely not because of Sai but due to their own karmas. Trust Him, love Him and serve Him. He is the most merciful and help you the most without even your knowledge. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg


Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!

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