Sai Baba Helped Me Complete My Sales Target

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Anju Vinayan From India Says:
Om Sai Ram!
I started the Global Mahaparayan on July 2020 with chapters 40 and 41. With the grace of Baba completed the Parayan of the whole Sacharitha today, the 31st of December 2020 with chapters 39 and 40. Baba fulfilled my wish of completing my sales target amidst this covid situation. He showered His love, grace and blessings upon me gifting me with the biggest sales closure of my career till date. Eversince Baba came to my life 5 years ago, He has always held me in His palms like a little baby; guiding me, pampering me, surprising me with His leelas and making my wishes come true. I’m sure each and every child of Baba has experienced the same.
Thank You Baba.
Sai Devotee Anju Vinayan
#MP-Experience 2077
Sai Baba Helped In Health Issues

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says:
Om Sai Ram. Please keep me anonymous. I am so blessed to be a part of this Global Mahaparayan. Thank you to all the volunteers who have made this so successful. I am so thankful to Baba for guiding me in each and every step of my life. Thank You Baba.
Baba reduced colds and coughs for my twin babies. I asked Baba if it reduced then I would share my experience. Sorry for my late posting Baba. Again it started after one week but it got reduced within half a day after praying to our Baba. One of my babies suffered from stomach pain and with Baba’s blessings it got reduced within 1 hour.
Please help me in my career and from this corona, Baba. Thank You so much for everything, Baba. Baba helped me in reducing my eye pain.
These 2 nammams helped me a lot.
Om Sree Sai Aarogya Kshemadaya Namaha
Om Sai Rakshaka Sharanam Deva.
Om Sai Namo Namah
Shree Sai Namo Namah
Jai Jai Sai Namo Namha
Sadguru Sai Namo Namah.
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 2078
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
Sai is the biggest help and support that one can ever experience. He is always with us and yet we do not try to see Him within or feel Him. Our ultimate destination is to merge in Him. Let us have targets that would make us sail through this worldly ocean and reach Him and thus make this birth successful. Believe in Him unconditionally and He will make the miracles happen. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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