Mahaparayan Is A Miracle

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says:
Om Sairam.
I feel immensely blessed to share my Global Mahaparayan experience. I belong to the Global Mahaparayan group MP-9384N1. Requesting to keep my name anonymous.
Baba has blessed me with a new life/re-birth after I met with a terrible accident while I gasped for breath on Thursday, Dec 26th, 2019.
I still managed to survive miraculously chanting Sai’s name all through that night in the ambulance.
This was again followed by 2 more complicated surgeries because after the accident, I developed problems on my hip joints that hindered my sitting position. Lockdown made things worse for us and it required two people to lift me and make me sit in a reclined position for sometime, with a waist belt support; without which, I would slip down the wheelchair. It did take a lot of mental strength to face this period for such a long time and a lot of questioning on the chanting, prayers and faith that I always had on Baba.
During such terrible times, on a random day, a lady whom I did not know personally before, connected with me through facebook messenger after reading my blog posts in a common group that we belonged to. She recommended that I should join the Global Mahaparayan. This indeed felt like another miracle. While I was battling anxiety, I felt Baba Himself had conveyed that He is always looking at me during my toughest time and wanted me to start Mahaparayan. Although I was chanting Satcharitra frequently for years together, Mahaparayan still holds its own magic. I readily agreed with the new friend and felt that Baba Himself had sent her to me and joined me in the Mahaparayan.
Then, in quite a few weeks, my first surgery was scheduled. It was on a Thursday, our Baba’s day. I completed the parayan and proceeded to the operation theatre. I had severe blood loss, unstable BP and I was gasping again at the ICU with lots of IV injections and oxygen tubes. It was again indeed Baba’s miracle that I survived through this surgery and recovered.
In another 6 weeks, we scheduled our second surgery on another Thursday. But unfortunately due to unavoidable circumstances, my surgery got delayed and it was rescheduled on a Tuesday. Any day is a good day but I felt terribly scared. But again a great miracle happened. With Baba’s miracle and blessings, a Mahaparayan was scheduled on the same day, Tuesday, for Datta Jayanti, which was my surgery day.
My happiness knew no bounds. I was extremely relieved. Although I was definitely scared for another complicated surgery, I completed my Mahaparayan in the morning, listened to Aarti and left to the operation theatre with lots of fear and prayers and chanting Sai’s name until I lost my consciousness to anaesthesia. Although there was blood loss again, the surgery was still successful. I was more stable quickly than the previous surgery itself and I was back home in the next three days, which was again a Thursday. Now after one year, after facing these complicated surgeries, I can sit straight without slipping down.
Mahaparayan is a miracle. Baba is always listening to our prayers and worries. With our patience and faith, I surely believe that He will protect us from calamities.
Thank you for the opportunity! Om Sairam!
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 2089
Sai Baba Saved My Eyes

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Bhuvaneshwari From India Says:
Jai Sai Ram!
I would like to thank Pooja Garg and the Global Mahaparayan Team for the wonderful platform created for the benefit of the devotees of Baba through which many people including me have experienced and are experiencing miracles on a daily basis. I would like to share one of my experiences.
On 23rd November 2020, morning I found my right eye was fully red and looked like tomato sauce in colour. I was shocked to see my eyes and I spoke to the eye doctor immediately and explained my problem. Based on his suggestion, I used some eye drops but there was not even a bit of improvement, as had it been a normal allergic redness, within one or two times after applying the drops, there would be improvement. Till evening the condition was the same and my eyes became maroon in colour. That day it was raining heavily in Chennai due to the prediction of Nivar cyclone the next day and the doctor could not come to the clinic nor could we go to the doctor.
I was so tense and worried about my eyes and prayed to Baba to save my eye and promised Him to post this experience. Next day morning, the rain was continuously pouring as there was an alert for the people not to go out due to waterlogging everywhere and also due to the cyclone. However, I spoke to the doctor and by Baba’s grace, he had agreed to come to the clinic only for me. The doctor said that the eye problem was due to a burst of blood vessels and it had clotted inside the eye but it would take two weeks to get alright. He also suspected that it could be a blood leakage from the skull and told me to take an MRI if it did not subside within a week.
As always, our Baba will come to the rescue of His child, after 6th day, there was a light of hope that my redness started fading and on the 7th day when I went for review, the doctor said that it was not from the skull but within the eye only, which is a common problem and that there was nothing to worry.
I wholeheartedly thank Baba for saving my eyes. Thank You Baba for being with me in every aspect of my life and I can’t imagine a life without Your blessing.
Jai Sai Ram.
Sai Devotee Bhuvaneshwari
#MP-Experience 2090
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
No matter what cyclone hits us, let our eyes be ever steady at Sai’s Lotus feet. This unwavering faith in Sai will not only save us but also fill our eyes with tears of love, gratitude and joy for Sai would make the miracles happen. Just believe in Sai and you would never be disappointed as ur Sai Maa knows how to take care of His children. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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