Association With Mahaparayan Is Sai Baba’s Gift

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says:
Om Sai Ram!
Thank you to the Mahaparayan members who have started this group. I am from the Global Mahaparayan group and request to keep me anonymous. I started being associated with Mahaparayan in June 2020. I would like to share two of my recent experiences that Sai has given me. I am sharing this since I had promised to Baba that I will share my experiences and also do my bit of letting many people know of His existence and miracles.
I had a kind of a wart in my neck which was very blackish and big. It would hurt while turning my head. I also consulted a doctor who said that it may go on its own. I was thinking when it would go as it was painful. I prayed to Baba and put Udi and in about 4 days the Wart fell off and Sai relieved me of this pain. I am so happy that I am associated with Sai Baba. He is my Lord Ganesh, Sadguru, mother and father, all Gods and protects me at all times.
My second experience is about my neck pain. I have very severe cervical spondylitis which still continues to be there due to which my head pains. I prayed to Baba in last Thursday’s Mahaparayan and applied His Udi. Slowly, slowly the pain has begun to reduce. I am sure that with Baba’s grace I will surely become alright very soon. I was also thinking which doctor I should consult and Baba answered the prayers on to whom I should go to. Baba is really great. I am gifted to be associated with the group. Thank You Baba. Always bless us and fulfil the wishes of everyone who prays to You.
Om Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram!
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 2091
Sai Baba Saved My Daughter-In-Law

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Bhuvaneshwari From India Says:
My name is Bhuvaneswari, from the Global Mahaparayan group MP-2010N1 group. On 21st December, my daughter- in- law fell down and was going unconscious frequently. Immediately we rushed her to the nearby hospital and they diagnosed her with dehydration and UTI and gave her saline and sent her home by afternoon. On the same evening, the situation became worse and she started falling several times. We took her to one Gastroenterologist as the morning doctor suggested that it may be a Gastroenteric problem. The Gastroenterologist was shocked to see her state and told us to immediately take her to some nearby hospital as she was in a very serious condition. Though we were rushing her to the hospital, only divine help could bring her to normal.
I prayed to Baba to save her life and that I shall post this experience. Whole night she was in the hospital for observation with 8 bottles of saline intake and some antibiotics. When we took her to the hospital, her BP was very low and her Haemoglobin level was also very low. Next day morning she was discharged stating that her condition was slightly better and BP was slowly improving. As suggested by the doctor, we also took a scan in her abdomen on Wednesday morning. To our shock, the reports came in the afternoon that the above problem was due to ectopic pregnancy where it was formed in the tube outside the uterus which ruptured and had burst. There was heavy blood loss as all the blood was clotting at the abdomen due to which her HB level was down.
By that time her situation was very critical and was admitted to the same hospital for emergency surgery. Since her HB level was decreasing which came to 4.5 and the facility of blood transfusion was not available in the hospital, they told us to shift her to some big hospital as early as possible as her condition was becoming very critical and pulse also started coming down. By the time she was taken to the big hospital, the doctors told my son to pray as there were only 50:50 chances for her survival. All our family members were totally shattered and I was continuously praying to Baba and crying and mentally surrendered to Baba’s feet that only He could save my daughter-in-law and her life was in His hand. I was crying to Him, that if my trust and faith in Him is true then Baba would save my daughter-in-law.
I was continuously chanting Sai Ram’s name and after one hour of surgery, my son called me and informed me that the surgery was successful and there was nothing to worry about, however she had to be very careful for the next 6 weeks as her immunity was totally down. All the above medical problems happened without any symptoms and at the last hour she was saved. Without the grace of Baba and our Kuladeivam – Kamakshi Amman, it would not have been possible for her to survive.
However much I thank Baba, it is not enough. Thank You Baba and thank You Kamakshi Amma.
Request the devotees to have faith in Baba and for sure He will come to our rescue. There is no doubt about this.
Jai Sai Ram!
Sai Devotee Bhuvaneshwari
#MP-Experience 2092
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
Sai takes care of all the concerns of His devotees and helps out at His best owing to their karmic account too. Being calm in difficult times is one of the signs of great strength within. This calmness comes when we have invincible faith in Baba that He will get the things done at His best timing. Anger is just one letter away from danger. So when we get angry we should remind ourselves of this and be calm and focus on the energy within. Offering all the vices at Baba’s feet, Baba will definitely help us overcome them and blessings will follow in abundance. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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