Sai Baba Can Draw His Devotees From The Jaws Of Death

Sai Baba Can Draw His Devotees From The Jaws Of Death

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Chirag From India Says:

Om Sai Ram to all.

I am a devotee from Sumita Sai’s class. Earlier back in 2015 my mum had a severe heart attack and lost her breath and was saved by our merciful Baba and Sherawali Maa. Lately in October my Dad developed covid-19 symptoms and was cured in two to three days and from him my mom got infected. She had a high fever for 7-8 days. As recommended , we went for the chest X-ray. While in the X-ray centre I was praying continuously to Baba to ensure that nothing comes in the X-ray and was seeking His presence at the billing counter but Baba didn’t show up. I was dejected and took my mom to the X-ray room and lo behold just in front of that room Baba was there in a life size portrait. I asked my mom to bow her head in front of our Baba and then go for the X-ray. 

Mom came out of the X-ray room and I got the X-ray in my hand and shared it with the doctor who said, “She is covid positive for sure and needs immediate hospitalisation as she had lung involvement.” But she was adamant about going to the hospital as she heard that if one goes to the hospital for covid that person doesn’t come back alive. We consulted a few doctors and decided to do chest CT-scan and in the CT room Baba was there which boosted my confidence and after the results it was concluded that she needs to be hospitalised.

 On Thursday only we took her to the hospital. I was reading my parayan in the cab enroute hospital. I begged Baba, Sherawali maa, Ganesh ji (my mama ji) for my mother and only because of Baba, she got cured and discharged from the hospital within a week. Also when she was in hospital my friend and I got her in Sankalp parayan group prayers and also in Sai pooja group.

She is doing fine now but has little breathlessness and X-ray is not very clear post covid. She is taking medicine for it and I want her to be totally fine. Please all of you also pray for her as she is a senior citizen and cardiac patient too.

Sai Devotee Chirag

#MP-Experience 3025

Children Blessed After Joining The Mahaparayan   

Children Blessed After Joining The Mahaparayan

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan From India Says:

Hi Sairam

Please keep my details anonymous. My kids were silly, naughty and not interested in studying. As I was in one of the MP groups, recently I enrolled them in the BalParayan group. 

They just started listening to Baba parayanam and immediately they both started changing. They are showing a lot of interest everywhere and changes are coming in everywhere. Thank You Baba. You only changed them and please keep an eye on them, Baba. Through BP I planted a seed of belief in Baba. 

Thank You Baba. Love You Deva. Please keep showering Your blessings on my family.


 Anonymous Sai Devotee 

#MP-Experience 3026

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Sai Baba’s eyes are the biggest X-ray which can scan the whole universe and all its beings for their needs material as well as spiritual. He knows all in and out as what one thinks, does or going through. Our unflinching faith in Him will make Him make miracles happen for us and give us even what is not there in our destiny. He knows all our needs and desires. All one needs is to daily take His appointment, see and meet Him either through meditation or chanting His name. He will make all things right at the right time! Have no worry! Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg


Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!

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