Sai Baba’s Blessings For Son’s Thread Ceremony

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From USA Says:
Please keep my name anonymous. Thank you Pooja ji.
Sorry Baba, it has taken me a year to write about the beautiful blissful blessings we received for our son’s Janeu in India last December.
Janeu is also called thread ceremony and is often done as a ceremony before a wedding in Sindhi culture. We wanted to have our son’s Janeu done in India with Baba’s blessings and elders, so we planned our winter break to visit India. My mother-in-law was a Parkinson’s patient and her condition was slowly degrading. It was going to be a day-long event with all the rituals and my mother-in-law could not sit or travel for a long distance. I was constantly worrying and praying that she feels better and is able to attend the ceremony.
We invited only close family members and had a dinner party the night before the actual ceremony. My mother-in-law was only able to attend for 20 mins and had to get back to the room as she was not feeling well. I started to worry about how things would unfold the next day, when the actual ceremony would take place.
With Baba’s blessings not only was my mother-in-law able to attend the ceremony but also take part in every important ritual. I am grateful and thankful to Baba for His blessings, the ceremony concluded beautifully. My mother-in-law, who had not seen the family, got to see everyone and enjoyed the ceremony.
We reached the US in January and in March there was a lockdown due to COVID. I am so thankful to Baba that all went well and we got the opportunity to travel and see our family.
Love You Baba! Jai Sai Ram!
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 3001
Sai Baba Cares

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says:
Please keep my name anonymous. Thank you Pooja ji.
Last year, 2020 was a very difficult year for a lot of people around the world. Due to Covid lots of people lost their lives. Praying to Baba to help those families that are suffering in pain from the loss of their loved ones.
I also lost my mother-in-law and a best friend last year both not due to COVID but other health related issues, since then I have been scared and strongly believe in taking good care of one’s health. My son last week started complaining of sharp ripping pain in his chest. I was worried and took him to the paediatric Dr. ASAP. The doctor said that it was a simple spasm called peri cardiac catch syndrome and to be sure we should just get checked by a cardiologist. I took my son to see a cardiologist today, she did the EKG and found that his heart was good with no problems, no murmur or anything. Thank You Baba!
Due to the pandemic, kids have been home and their activity level has decreased, so the doctor recommended regular exercise and a healthy diet. I am so thankful to Baba that nothing serious was detected. I pray to Baba to always keep all of His children safe and sound under His lotus feet.
Love You Baba! Jai Sai Ram!
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 3002
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We all Baba’s children are connected through a thread and that thread is our Sai and our faith in Him. When our relation with Baba is strong enough then all our other relations, concerns and worries are automatically taken care of just as when the thread that strings the beads together in a necklace is strong then all the beads are taken care of. But if this thread breaks then all the beads get scattered and make it difficult for others. So Baba is that strong thread Who can ward off calamities from our life provided we surrender or handover all our beads(concerns) to Him. Baba knows all and He will make the right things happen at the right time that is nothing but Sai time! Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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