Sai’s Miracle For Lost Relationships

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says:
Om Sai Ram everyone. Request you to please keep my name anonymous.
I have been a part of the Global Mahaparayan Group since the past couple of weeks and Baba also chose me to be His house captain.
Before we go further with this story, allow me to inform you that I was not aware of the Mahaparayan group until my mother hesitatingly asked me one day if I would like to join (since I have a tendency to keep away from most religious commitments) since I had recently found a very intimate sentiment for Baba.
Four years back, I got married to the boy I loved fondly but our marriage was not blessed by his parents. Being from different communities, his mother was in total disagreement of the marriage and so we went ahead and got married in the special court. After the wedding, I tried reaching out to her on many occasions but was always turned away and had completely given up on trying.
I had, however, heard that my mother- in- law was heartbroken about the fact that her son stopped seeing her. So I encouraged my husband to patch up, look after and complete all the responsibilities as a good son. Years went by and I kept trying to reach out to her, but she completely refused to see me.
This December, however, on my husband’s birthday, a few weeks after I joined the Global Mahaparayan group, he casually told her that he would like to take us out for lunch and she agreed.
Such are Deva’s miracles hidden in the blessings of doing His parayan that, not only did we go on an outing but we had a great time and the afternoon echoed the sounds of laughter. Later when I gave this deeper thought, I realised that I would prefer to be in her company while the mood is light than be with her while she is all angry and upset.
Deva truly knows when to bless us with His leelas keeping in mind the wellbeing of His devotees. Such is the unbound miracle of Baba’s blessings toward His children. Sri Sachidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ji Jai.
Om Sai Ram!
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 3017
Bow To Sai Deva

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says: Om Sairam, I would like to share my experience with all Sai devotees.
Before my marriage I went to Baba temple and did Sai seva. This went on for many months and after my marriage I could not go to Baba’s temple regularly for some reason.
Time passed by and after many years I came in contact with Baba devotees {one lady}. She told me about the Sai’s Global Mahaparayan for the first time. I thought I couldn’t read on time or do justice to it. So, I didn’t show much interest.
Then one day we were travelling to Chennai. I got a call from Vidya ji for the same parayana. At that time I told her that I was travelling and I would come back and then decide. After a few days I got a call from a random person for the Global Mahaparayan. Then I paused and thought for a second and told them that I would get back to them. Few days passed, then I thought Baba had given me an opportunity to read His Satcharitra and so I should read it.
Now the question was how to find the number whom to contact was from? I hadn’t saved anybody’s contact number so as not to call them back. Then randomly I called one phone no and that was Vidyaji’s contact number. I was so happy and thankful to Baba that I got through the number and started reading Sai Satcharitra from the past 2 years now. Baba will involve us in His blessings if we are true Baba devotees.
I have personally experienced many miracles of Baba. I can say I can connect with Baba very easily and when I see Him my eyes will be full of tears of joy or happiness. I have one big Baba calendar in my daughter’s room. I read my chapters in front of them and I feel so much positive about the Baba’s calendar. Me and my daughter both are very emotionally weak and people take advantage of that. When I pray in front of this poster I feel so much confidence. There is some energy in that calendar. I feel that Baba is seeing us and always around us to protect His devotees.
I strongly believe in Him that He will never leave our hand. We Bow to You “Sai Deva”
Thank You for giving me this opportunity to share my experience [one request please don’t put my name in the group, kindly change the name].
Thanks to my captain and special thanks to Vidyaji.
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 3018
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
May our relationship with our Sadguru be so strong that we may not fear. Believe in Him and He will restore all that was lost or with something even better. His ways are not easy to understand but His intention, benevolence and love is simple and easy to understand that it is the best for His devotees and there is no match for it. Baba will always reward the efforts, unswerving faith and patience with success and happiness. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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