Sai Helped Sending My Daughter To USA

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee K Indira From India Says:
I have been a devotee of Shri Sai Baba reading Mahaparayan for the last three years. I belong to the Global Mahaparayan group MP 1657N1 group. Reading Mahaparayan every Thursday has given strength both mentally and
physically. Everytime I would also read the experiences shared by devotees in and would think that I should also share my experience. Many good things have happened to me and I would like to share one experience which has happened
My daughter who had done her MS in the US did not get a permanent job and hence she had to return back to India. But before she returned, Baba showed a different path. She got engaged to a boy in the US who had a H1b Visa. She came back to India after her engagement in the US and marriage was fixed in India in the month of December 2019. By Baba’s blessings marriage took place very smoothly. My daughter didn’t want to go back with a dependent visa as she could not work with a dependent visa. So she applied for PhD programme and wanted to go back with a student visa.
When she consulted with an astrologer they also said that she would do her Ph.D. She applied to universities and waited for the result till the month of February 2020. But due to bad luck she didn’t get a seat in the universities she applied to and therefore her next option was to go with a dependent visa. She applied for her visa and got an appointment at the end of March 2020. Again bad luck and there was
lock down from the end of March 2020 and all Visa appointments got postponed.
We were unhappy but by reading Mahaparayan, Baba gave all strength to bear that shock. Baba showed a different path by giving her job so as to keep her engaged in her work. I always believed in God and used to tell her not to worry as Sai will do good one day and wait for the day to come patiently. I also did five days of Sai Puja told by my friend. During the five day puja, good things happened, she got an emergency visa appointment in the month of August 2020, which she didn’t expect. Within two weeks later she got her visa , tickets booked and she also left for the US. Now she is happy with her husband.
It was like a dream and I felt that Sai Baba was always with us. With this experience, Sai Baba will do good to everyone, only we should wait patiently to do good things. Also don’t depend more on astrology but only pray to God, Sai Baba.
Sai Devotee K Indira
#MP-Experience 3037
Mother Sai’s Help

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Kamal From India Says:
Hello all,
I am a Sai Baba devotee from Bangalore and I have newly joined the Global Mahaparayan group.
A few days before I joined the group on 16th December 2020 (Wednesday), I made my usual visit to the Baba’s temple that I regularly go to once a week; every Sunday and make it a point to participate in the Madhyan Aarti bhajan at the temple. However, this time I could sadly have only His darshan and could not attend the noon aarti due to some urgent work. I felt disappointed to not be able to attend the noon Aarti and so left early. Before leaving the temple, I also prayed to Him that I would not be able to visit Him the following Sunday as there was a family function planned to be held that day at my home. I sought His blessings for the family function to go smoothly and left the temple premise to attend to my urgent work.
A few days after this incident, by His grace, I was enrolled in the Mahapaarayan group and surprisingly my allotted chapters for that week’s Thursday Paarayan were- 50, 51 (Epilogue) and “AARTI”. I was so pleased to find Baba’s Aarti allotted to me by the Mahaparayan group. I feel Baba Himself made sure that I recited the aarti at home that I missed to recite earlier at His temple. Indeed, His love and direction ensured that I didn’t miss to recite the aarti for that week.
Another pleasant surprise that came to me was, Baba not only arranged for my aarti recitation through the Mahaparayan group that Thursday but also showered His blessings for the family function by sending us packets of Udi and sugar candy addressed to me by Shirdi Sansthan that arrived at my home the evening prior to next day’s family event!
I was choked with emotion to witness this unexpected leela from Baba. All of us immediately partook of the sugar candy prasad and I kept the Udi packet with me safely in my cupboard drawer and went to sleep that night with a continuous stream of tears. By His grace, the family event also went well.
Indeed Mother Sai heard my prayers and showered His love and direction at the appropriate time. Om Sai Ram.
Sai Devotee Kamal
#MP-Experience 3038
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Mother Sai when approached will never fail to shower Her guidance, love and blessings. Nobody returns empty handed. He knows what we need and the time too when He should bless us with it. Performing aarti to Sai will ward off the negativity around us and thus fill our life with positivity and His grace and love. Believe Him and not the astrologers. Astrologers may or may not guide you properly but Sai will always guide you for the best for He can see what no one can see. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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