Sai Baba’s Miracle

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From Dubai Says:
I live in Dubai. I always used to pray to Sai Baba at the temple here, but I started praying completely and devoutly only after I joined the Global Mahaparayan. Last April, my sister sent me the link, asking if I would like to join the Global Mahaparayan. I readily agreed and started reading every Thursday. I have to admit though, that for the first couple of weeks, I used to read but did not really feel much. After a few weeks, Sai Baba’s miracles and stories started talking to me. I would get small messages from them, my devotion increased multifold.
My first miracle from Baba came in July. I feed a few cats and kittens in the building, two among them, I’ve taken care of from when they were less than a month old. One of them went missing and I was very sad. I prayed to Baba to keep him safe wherever he was. I was worried that he may have been hit by a car. Then six weeks after he went missing; he just appeared one afternoon perfectly healthy and fine and loving as ever. I couldn’t thank Baba enough for keeping him safe.
Second miracle was how Baba saved my father. My parents stay in Bangalore. My father is a diabetic. He hurt his toe and it was not healing. Due to Covid situation, he did not go to hospital either. He got a wound on his thigh as well, which too did not heal. The toe developed gangrene and had to be operated on. Since both my sister and I are far away, my neighbour helped my parents to go get the procedures done. Unfortunately, both the wounds were not healing. Both my sister and I decided to go home. My sister reached in time for the next procedure, he also had to get a peripheral angioplasty done on the leg to increase circulation to the toe. He was well and fine by the time I landed in Bangalore. The fact that both of us travelled and reached there Covid free was due to Baba’s grace. The same night, my father was very restless and had acute back pain. At 3 am we rushed him to the emergency. All tests were done, but nothing showed up except a high WBC count. Doctors suspected the toe was infected and decided to cut the top portion off. Even after the surgery, my father was not feeling good. The doctors suggested an angiogram just to check his heart. We got a shock when we realised that it was 90% blocked and he had actually suffered a mild attack the night we rushed him to the emergency room. Also, the doctor said a bypass was the only option but too risky as he was aged and a diabetic. (My mother too had started reading Satcharitra by now). This was a Thursday, both my sister and I had finished reading our chapters for the MahaParayan. The three of us were thoroughly upset and prayed to Baba, though occasionally we were upset with Him too for giving us no hope.
In the afternoon the doctor came to talk to us and said that there was a new procedure called IVL, which was pretty good to break the calcification in the heart. He would perform it on my father the next day and then insert stents. Needless to say, the next day, the procedure went off without a hitch due to Baba’s grace and four stents were inserted into the heart. The day after that, he got discharged from hospital and came home.
After I reached Dubai, again I got a glimpse of Baba’s power. A lot of retrenching was happening at my husband’s workplace. One day he was informed by his direct boss that his entire team except my husband were going to be sent off. My husband was quite upset. He said without the team, it was just a matter of time before he would have to hand in his resignation. By now he too had started reading Sai Satcharitra. But this time I was not worried. I was sure that Baba would definitely help us. He would definitely show a way. Baba worked His miracle and the main Boss instructed that the entire team should be left untouched.
When we were young and something went wrong in our tiny world, we immediately went to our mothers, who somehow found a solution to make us feel better and happier. As we grow up, we are left to tackle our own problems and they feel like a burden. Baba is like our mother, whenever we are worried or upset and turn to Him, He somehow makes it better. We know for sure that with Baba to guide us, we don’t really need to worry about anything. I feel Baba brought my sister, mother and me to the path of the Mahaparayan as He anticipated we had troubles coming our way. Thank You Baba for Your wonderful presence in our lives.
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 3053
Sai Baba’s Kindness Is Great

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Sumitra From India Says:
Om Sairam! I want to share my experience regarding my allocated chapters and Sai Baba’s omniscience.
I feel very happy when I read any chapter of Sai Baba because it tells us how kind we should be with others.
When I read a chapter, I get a beautiful moral out of it. I try to apply Baba’s teaching in my own life also. In each and every chapter, I learn a new thing and I like to continue reading Sai Baba’s Chapters.
Sai Baba’s kindness is very great.
Sai Devotee Sumitra
#MP-Experience 3054
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Most of us when get hurt as a kid or as an adult we knowingly or unknowingly remember or call our mother. As per the name itself Sa(a)i Baba, Baba is both our mother (aai) and father(Baba). Hence His love for His devotees is boundless. He loves and cares like a mother and protects and provides like a father all the necessities. He knows all in and out as what one thinks, does or is going through. Our unflinching faith in Him will make Him make miracles happen for us and give us even what is not there in our destiny. He knows all our needs and desires. All one needs is to daily take His appointment, see and meet Him either through meditation or chanting His name. Just His love has no bounds, our faith and patience too should be boundless with the belief that He will make all things right at the right time! Have no worry! Jai Sairam! Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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