Sai Baba Came To Save Me

Anonymous Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says:
Dear all….please keep me anonymous. I am from Hyderabad and very glad to write about my experience. I am really sorry to write a long story.
Baba pushed His arm into the Dhuni; the arm was scorched and burned immediately. This was noticed by the servant Madhava, and also by Madhavrao Deshpande (Shama). They at once ran to Baba and Madhavarao clasped Baba by His waist from behind and dragged Him forcibly backward and asked, “Deva, for what have You done this?” Then Baba came to His senses and replied, “The wife of a blacksmith at some distant place, was working the bellows of a furnace; her husband called her. Forgetting that her child was on her waist, she ran hastily and the child slipped into the furnace. I immediately thrust My hand into the furnace and saved the child. I do not mind My arm being burnt, but I am glad that the life of the child is saved.
These lines are from Sai Satcharitra, chapter 7. Now I will tell you my story of how Baba saved me from the fire.
I want to tell you all my story about what happened 5 years back. I am mad for Baba and used to go to temple every Thursday. In 2016, my birthday came on Thursday. I wanted to go to Shirdi and celebrate my birthday in Shirdi. I want to attend all aarthi. I had planned accordingly. Went there and had a beautiful darshan. I was fully satisfied.
On the same day we returned back to Hyderabad. Everything was going well. In the morning suddenly everything changed. At 6.15 there was a short circuit. Bus caught fire and I was in a deep sleep. Suddenly getting caught, I didn’t know what was happening. Got up from my seat and went forward. I didn’t have the courage to go. I came back to my seat, took my mobile and called my mom to say goodbye. I was fixed. My life was ending. Suddenly I saw one person in white dress searching for something on the bus..
I asked him what he was doing.
He scolded me back, “What are you doing here?”
Me: “I can’t go from there. I am scared of fire.”
He: “Where did you come?”
Me: “Shirdi”
He: “What should I answer to your mom, if anything happens to you.”
Then suddenly I got out of the bus at the last minute. I was on fire
my face, hands and shoulders were burnt. 50% of my body was burnt.
I was in the hospital for 6 months and had 2 surgeries.
Some are saying you are lucky to get a second life.
Some say what she can do, she is burnt and she has lost everything.
After all the surgeries too, I have all the marks on my hands. Some people used to see me as if I had some disease, those eyes killed me like hell. I don’t have any idea what I can do after hearing different things from different people. I lost myself.
I don’t know how I started hating everyone. I scolded Baba many times, “Coming to You is my karma. You made me suffer.”
After 4 years, i.e. in July 2019, I saw a post on facebook about the Global Mahaparayan. I don’t know but I joined the group. I have seen some messages saying that they want captains. I felt that why can’t I do it? I told them that I would do it. I joined as a captain, then it continued with me as a class teacher.
I don’t know the exact position of them. I’m really sorry for them but Soumya mam, Ramani mam and Jayanthi mam they supported me and gave me a good opportunity to serve Baba. They appointed me as a class teacher.
During the 1st week of Mahaparayan as a class teacher, I got an issue that 9 devotees were not available. I didn’t know what to do? 9 devotees meant 18 chapters to be read or volunteered? Prayed to Baba and then started reading. After reading all those my mind questions were answered.
Baba did not make me suffer, He gave me a second chance to live.
He supported me in all ways. After 50% of my face got damaged, I got my face back which was impossible. I was burnt but I didn’t feel any pain. I was very bold and went for the treatment. Everyone was shocked.
After my surgery I had 50 staple pins on my hands, for all treatments we kept 10 lakhs of money. My family supported me till the end, we lost all earnings and savings, still my heart was feeling, “How can you arrange all the amounts?” I asked the doctor, “can I do anything?” If you are in some pain I will remove all those pins without any surgery.
That day I sat, seeing the doctor. He removed all the pins with a remover. Usually I am scared of seeing such things but Baba helped me and so I didn’t feel any pain. At that time I never felt that Baba helped me. I used to scold, “You did this to me.” Now I feel guilty for scolding Baba. Sorry Sai, but You are always with me.
Thank You very much.
To all devotees:
My only suggestion is
Please drive slowly and have a safe drive.
Families are waiting for you, because of that incident till my family is suffering with debts. I know Baba will help me. I want to say, don’t make anyone suffer because of your speed.
Om Sairam… Jai Sai Ram
Thanks for reading. Thanks to everyone.
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 3073
Sai Baba, The Saviour

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee DK From India Says:
Om Sai Ram!
I am part of the Global Mahaparayan Group MP-4949N1, joined in Feb, 2020, from Mumbai. Since then I have experienced many miracles which are listed below :
1. Baba helped when my mom was not keeping well and was having panic attacks during lockdown in May, 2020. My mom is a brain stroke patient. But due to corona fear and lockdown her doctor’s clinic was closed. I tried reaching him on call and visited the clinic but no luck. Also, it was very risky to go to a private or public hospital. I prayed to Baba wholeheartedly to show me the way and applied Udi on Mom’s heart which miraculously slowed down her heart palpitation. He showed me the way by suggesting a doctor through my neighbours and as confirmed by the doctor she was totally normal and all her reports were normal. The only problem was fear of corona in her mind but that too was solved by the doctor who was none other than Baba Himself. She was totally fine in minutes and was fearless.
2. My sister is pursuing her part time MBA in her first year. Last semester, she prepared one project and a viva was conducted for the same in the first week of Jan, 2021. The moment viva started, the panel clearly said that her project was rejected. According to the panel, the project was a copy from the internet. My sister tried to convince the panel that she herself had made the project and it had not been copied. The panel refused and asked her to reappear on that subject. My sister had put a lot of effort into preparing the project. She started crying and was helpless in that situation. I asked her to put this query to the support team. They called and told me that the panel was experienced and could never be wrong. I spoke to them and narrated the scenario. He was convinced and asked to put the query again for further discussion with the management. I prayed to Baba to help in this situation as my sister is very honest and had put in a lot of effort. Again, we received a call from the management team. They had checked the project and found it eligible. They asked to make changes in one topic and re-scheduled the viva on 7th Jan, 2021 which was a Thursday. My sister cleared it successfully and the result was the same.
3. I was renovating my home and it took 2months. Baba helped me at each and every step for renovation. There were many hurdles but Baba was ahead of me and made the process go smoothly.
4. I was looking for a job as there is bad politics in my current organisation. With Baba’s blessings, I got a job and was supposed to join in the month of Sep, 2020. I accepted the offer as well but was not happy as it was a contract of 12 months and we had finalised a civil contractor for renovation of my home but again we were stuck for that as we were supposed to vacate our home and shift to a rental place for 2 months. We were unable to find any rental flat for 2 months but our saviour Baba made me refuse the offer and within a month we got a rental flat.( Related to above point no.3).
Now, here comes the miracle. I started praying to Baba to get a job without any interview at the start of Jan, 2021. On 7th Jan, 2021( Thursday), I received a call from the HR of the same company. HR texted me that the opening was for the same position with a permanent role. I was very happy and received the offer by next Wednesday. She called me on 14th Jan, 2021(Thursday) and asked if I was happy with the offer or not. My joy knew no bounds. Everyone in the family is very happy as I have been looking for a job change for years. On the same day, I put up my resignation in my current company. Now, with this new company there is one round of interview on 18th Jan, 2021 which is scheduled after receiving the offer. I have faith in Baba, He will take care of the same.
Apart from all of the above, there are many other miracles. Really I have no words and don’t know how to thank Him. Baba is great. May He shower His blessings on all. Om Sai Ram! Love You Baba.
Sai Devotee DK
#MP-Experience 3074
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Let's give the steering control in the hands of our Deva and just sit back and enjoy this wonderful ride of life. None can be like You Deva - The Greatest Saviour ever. Keep chanting His name and get closer to Him with each chant. Jai Sairam! Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
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