Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee says : Thank You Baba for considering me worthy enough to be part of Mahaparayan and hats off to Poojaji for organizing this Mahaparayan. My experience is as follows.
I have PCOS and due to that my monthly cycles gets irregular. This causes lot of mood swings and mental irritability. After birth of my child, I did not get periods for one year. But since 2 weeks I was having symptoms and too many mood swings to the point that I started feeling too depressed. I knew that I had to take medicine to induce periods and so I visited a gynecologist. He did blood work and other tests. He then scheduled the further appointments. I also tried to arrange medicine through some friend who was returning from India but security did not allow it.
In short, I did not get my medicines which I needed badly.
My family life was getting affected due to all this. I was feeling guilty too but couldn’t help. My symptoms were just getting worse.
After all these failed attempts, I resorted to Baba and said I would take Udi for 5 days as medicine (as medicine also had to been taken for 5 days) and that It should have the same effect as the medicine as I should get periods after few days
If it would be then I would also post my experience here.
Needless to say that I got my periods and I am posting my experience here.
Thank You and please keep us in Your shelter always. You are our only resort.
Thank You Baba.
With Baba Who is the Doctor of doctors and His Udi which is ‘The Panacea’ ; we need not fear anything in life. Baba’s Udi takes the form as per the devotee’s faith; be it a Doctor, a Guide, a Saviour, a Chef, a Healer and what not as we have seen past so many innumerable experiences. We can never thank You enough Baba for Your priceless gifts of Udi, Mahaparayan and above all to be Your devotee which in itself is a blessing full of bliss. Love You Deva loads. Jai Jai Ho Sai.
Pooja Garg
#Experience 506
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