Baba’s Blessings For Our Safe Return From Europe Trip MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra |

Shirdi Sai Baba Daughter Veena From India says : This is Veena. I’m from MP-210 Laveena Sai Group. I’m so blessed to be part of this global Sai Satcharitra Parayana. I was asked if I would be interested in reading Sai Satcharitra in a group by one of my good friend Sumana in India, to which I had immediately replied yes!

It was a Thursday early morning when we had this conversation about the Global Mahaparayan. The same day in the evening a person by name of Preeti from India called me and said she would link me to a group leader who would assign me chapters to read and I could start from the next week. It all happened so fast that before I knew I started reading Sai Satcharitra from March of this year as part of Laveena’s group. Ever since I started reading it, I have felt a sense of calmness. I notice I’m always not so worried or upset and have been entrusting all my things to my Father Sai Baba. I talk to Him daily and say You are my Father and You know what’s inside and outside of me and what is best for me and of course lots of good things have been happening in my daily life. All the hurdles, little problems and some big ones have got resolved by itself without any difficulty or intervention. I thank my Father daily for this.

I really want to share this experience with all of you. This happened last month. We had a good trip to Europe by His Grace and blessings, everything went very well. I was reading the assigned chapters even on our 3 week trip. On our way back from London, there was heavy rain, thunderstorms and lot of flights got canceled including ours. They were not even sure when our next flight would be backing to LAX. We were stranded in the airport for a very long time, almost the whole day. Then we boarded a flight and after 4 hours of sitting inside the plane, we were asked to disembark as they had technical problems and the plane would not leave. We were all so worried and scared, our 3 year old son was terrified. We had to check into a hotel near by around 1 am to leave by 8 am the next day and possibly get the 2 pm flight if they had one ready. Nobody was sure and we had to take a chance and go the next day.

Immediately after checking into a room in the hotel, I opened the Sai Satcharitra book, a random page and started reading it all the while praying to Baba, that we should get the flight the next day and the weather should be better so that we could fly safely by His Grace. I was so astounded and astonished by His Leela and miracle that the page I had opened was where Sai Baba was shouting loudly to stop, go away and not come back again. He was meaning this to the heavy rain and thunderstorm to stop right then in that chapter. It felt as though He was right next to me, assuring me that the rain and thunderstorm would vanish and we would go home safely the next day.

I prayed, offered my gratitude and slept for few hours. We all left early to the airport the next day and there we were told that they did have few flights leaving that day and we were given the same 2 pm flight nonstop to LAX. We reached home safely and I could not stop thanking. How fortunate we are and how well Baba listens and answers our prayers and how He is with us at all times! If we reach out to Him wholeheartedly, He does help us by crossing all borders, all 7 oceans to be back and safe at our destinations.

Praise to the Lord of Lords – Sai Baba! Bow to Shri Sai and Peace Be to All.

With sincere gratitude,

Veenaji, ever keep your this faith in Baba growing, no matter what. This is what Baba wants that we do not forget Him or rather say we to always remember Him even during our happy times just as you did by reading your allotted chapters for Mahaparayan even during those 3 weeks of your Europe trip and not getting them volunteered by giving some excuses; as where there is a will, Baba finds a way for us. Baba will never let go the true devotion unnoticed.
Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai.

Pooja Garg

#Experience 419

Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too...!

P. S. We started publishing one
experience on daily basis from 30 Nov 2017 as many experiences have been
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