Shirdi Sai Devotee Srujana from Europe says:
Om Sai Ram. I am Srujana member of MP Europe group. With my sister’s influence, I started believing Baba from past 5 years when my chronic 8 years wrist pain was cured with Baba’s Udi. After that I experienced several situations As he is with me by giving me solutions to all my problems of job, health, domestic help, house and family life. I did Sai parayanam whenever I got chance.
Registration in MP group itself shows that Baba is with me. I was not knowing about MP groups formation and back ground behind it until 1 day before the registration were closing. My neighbour Anu called me 1day before that she got chance to be a part of MP and there are 1 or 2 vacancies left. She put my name forward and I immediately got call from Shylaja ji for the registration. Felt so blessed as Baba made me part of MP family. I immediately suggested my sister’s name and she also luckily became a member.
We have one daughter of 7years old and was thinking of planning for second one from past 2 years when once the house and job had been sorted out. Luckily both got materialised last year and we started planning for second one. But I didn’t conceive for nearly 8 months. After I registered in to MP, really I can say it was a miracle if you read this. The first MP chapter that was allotted to me on Dussera day was Chapter 36 where Baba promised to a lady that before 12months she will deliver a baby boy. Exactly the same happened to me. After 4 days my pregnancy result was positive and last month on 29th May we are blessed with a baby boy . See how Baba hinted and blessed us at the start of Mahaparayan.
At the same time during last year Dussera, myself and mother’s family was in big shock as one of my closest cousin passed away unexpectedly with heart stroke. She was very happy, friendly and was helpful to all relatives. Don’t know how everyone could digest and come out of this situation. My mother is very close to her and used to share every good and bad with her. She was crying badly and getting depressed day by day. Since I was in UK and conceived at that time, I couldn’t travel to console my mom and relatives. I was just praying Baba to take care of her health and asked her to believe Baba to give enough strength. 2 months after that I forced my mom to do general health check-up. Nothing much to worry but doctors suggested for uterus removal. Her both daughters (me and my sister) are in UK and both couldn’t travel to India. We were worried how she could able to manage without us. I completely surrender myself to Baba, prayed Him to be with her and take care of her. With all His blessings, our relatives and her friend stood by her support and laproscopy surgery went well. After one month she could travel to UK and supported me during my delivery time.
The 9 months of my baby carrying phase went with a hope that everything will be alright by Baba’s grace even though a kind of depression surrounded because of my cousin’s death and health issues. Nothing is in our hands except surrender ourselves to Baba, He will take care of His children as He took care of two mother’s health(me and my mom.)
Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai!
I would like to thank Poojaji, Hetal ji and everyone who struggled hard to form these MP and Naam jaap groups by making thousands of us happy with blessings of Baba.
Please post this in MP experience. Om Sai Ram!
Many Thanks.
Baba’s ways are beyond our human intellect. It is Baba Who decides who will read what chapter when, where and in what circumstances. His timings are just perfectly perfect! Mahaparayan is a true blessing from Baba for His children in this Kaliyug. Love You Deva. Jai JAi Ho Sai.
Pooja Garg
#Experience 379
Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too...!
P. S. We started publishing one
experience on daily basis from 30 Nov 2017 as many experiences have been
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Om sai ram
In this guide, we are going to give you a few tips that can help you make this purchase more easily. Read on.