Shirdi Sai Devotee Hima Bindu from India says: Om Sairam. I am Hima Bindu from Bengaluru. I experienced a shocking yet beautiful miracle yesterday. I’m a disciple of Sai since 19 years. After I started the Mahaparayan, my daughters were born. So I’ve named both my daughters after Him. In the span of these 19 years He has done a lot for me.
I have tried my best to support the poor and needy just as He likes. My husband wasn’t a big believer in Sai (though he hasn’t restricted my offerings and prayers to Sai) but once he viewed Sai in a traffic signal like he passed by his car. Since then, he is also a staunch devotee of Sai. But what happened yesterday was shocking and mind blowing. This is how it goes:
Every Tuesday and Friday, I light a Diya in front of the Tulsi. Day before or Tuesday, I lighted the Diya as usual. Right after I did, it started raining. Water entered the Diya and was mixed with oil. It was very obvious that a Diya can’t light with the help of water .Yesterday when I was about to light the Diya, I prayed and told out “Sai, if You’re really there this Diya will light in the same state!” . And just like a miracle, it lighted up with water! I felt overwhelmed with joy and believed again that Sai Baba is always with me.
Thank You Sai Baba. I’m glad that I trusted You! One thing got sure is that if you pour your complete trust, devotion and attention to Him, He will take ways to show Himself to you. I always hoped He would come in my dream and I am dotingly waiting for it.
Thank you again.
Om Sairam
Hima Bindu
As is our faith so is our Baba’s response. Our unshakeable faith in Baba makes Him to make the miracles happen. Love You Sai. Jai Jai Ho Sai.
-Pooja Garg
#Experience 302
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Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om Sai Ram