MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra |

Shirdi Sai Devotee Shireesha from India says: Sai Ram all. I am from MP-113 group. I would like to share a experience , how Sai Baba showered His miracle and His blessings on me during Mahaparayan time.

I was not having job, was in search of job from past few months. Baba told me that I will get job in March and among many I will be shortlisted, it will be completed in one day and this job would be surprising for others. March being a crucial month and hardly there would be any interview. Somehow by Baba’s grace I could attain one interview last week. I completed three rounds and HR informed me that there was one more round which would be held on Monday.

I was waiting for the call very badly as March was ending and Baba’s words would not go false. Even on Tuesday(27th March) I did not get any call. Then on Wednesday when I was in the temple I asked Baba, March was ending and still do not have job. While doing Pradakshina continuously in the temple, was getting call from HR and to my surprise she informed me that they had cancelled my next round and offered me job with immediate joining. Hearing this I was very surprised. Thanked Baba, and after completing Arthi opened my mail and there I could see my offer letter.

Getting this job was a surprise for me too as it was not my job profile nor had any experience in that field. Baba’s words are never untrue . As Baba told I got job in March and all rounds were completed in one day only and I had been shortlisted amongst candidates who were experienced in that field. Thank You Baba and would also thank my Sai Parivar group too as they all had prayed to Baba that I should get this job. Thank You all for reading my experience. Om Sairam .

Sai Ram

Baba had said that He shall be active and vigorous even from His tomb. His words are always true. Thank You for blessing us with Mahaparayan where so many miracles are taking place and changing the lives of so many devotees. Love You Baba, ever indebted to You. Jai Jai Ho Sai.

-Pooja Garg

#Experience 242

Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen…!

P. S. We started publishing one
experience on daily basis from 30 Nov 2017 as many experiences have been
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