Shirdi Sai Baba Has Been My Protecting Father During My Pregnancy MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra |

Shirdi Sai Baba devotee Anusha Ashok Kumar from India says : Hello everyone my name is Anusha from India. I was married 7 years ago but had no children for 6 years. I got aborted 5 times and every time when it happened I consoled myself that everything will be ok next time, but after all sequences I was depressed and got exhausted but never lost faith on Baba.

I used to daily talk to Him sitting in front of Him and cried like hell, but never scolded Him for what I have faced, I am addicted to Baba since 2000, I just questioned Him one thing when is the time? I have good parents and good husband but what to do as I have some chromosomal problem in having children.

After all last year in July I got pregnant with Baba’s blessings. It was IVF which has only 60% of chances but I completely believed that Baba will be with me and my child this time for sure and He will not let me down as I heard that Mahaparayan is going to start from Dussehra through my friend in london.

First I hesitated because I was roaming to hospital daily. But I didn’t want to miss being part of the Baba’s group. So I signed in and it gave me strength and willpower to fight with the situation. I never missed any Thursdays, even when I was admitted in hospital with the drip on, I did my assigned parayanam.

All happened good and I got positive results in 4th month. I got gestational diabetes Baba test no 1 for me i.e, Shraddha, then in 8th month I was with low amniotic fluid, again I rushed to Bangalore for checkup test no2 Saburi.

I was insisted to stay nearby hospital for the treatment. So I was in pg and it was not at all good but had no other option but the good thing in this was that I was near to Baba’s temple and it is very mind relaxing for me as I feel like I am in Baba’s hands now.

I am not afraid anymore, it’s my 9th month now and Baba will give my baby blessings shower soon. I don’t want to thank Baba because He is not a neighbor for me. He is my dad, my friend and my mom too. I will definitely post when I deliver, so people please always have faith on the almighty Baba, He knows when to do and what to do.

All we should have is Shraddha and Saburi. He tested my Shraddha and Saburi and I passed . Thank You Baba and thank you Pooja because of you only all are able to be in Baba’s shadow, now may Baba be with you all the time.

Om Sai Ram
Anusha Kumar

Thanks Anusha ji for sharing your Sharddha and Saburi building post especially for those who are sailing in similar boat. I am just Baba’s one of the small instruments being chosen. Believe me everything He is only getting it done and we all for namesake. We all the readers and volunteers are very fortunate for Baba has chosen us to work on our spiritual evolution too. Thanks for coming forward and being a part of Mahaparayan. Sai’s naam smaran and remembrance drives away sins, afflictions and distress. Love You Saimaa. Jai Jai Ho Sai…!

-Pooja Garg

#Experience 211

Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen…!

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© Maha Parayan Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba


  1. Wow Anusha, I am so happy for you. Enjoy every moment of your motherhood. May Baba's blessings be with you always.
    Shraddha n Saburi, best lessons of life and yes baba's test is ultimate . Learning from this test never lets you down in the worst of situations.
    ��OM SAI RAM

  2. Yes baba will do all miracles because he is our father and all of our life he will take and do everything which is good for us

  3. Thanks Anusha for sharing such an awesome experience. I got married 4 years ago and had a miscarriage 2 years ago and till now it didn't turn positive. I also completely left it to Baba to make it happen at the right time.But, yesterday cried in front of Baba as I am frustrated with other issues also. And asked him still how much you test for my shraddha and saburi. I got the answer through you today. Really happy for you. Baba will definitely take care of you and your baby. Have a safe delivery and healthy baby. Thanks to Pooja Ji as well for arranging such a nice platform to boost up our strength.

  4. Hello everyone one iam anusha again baba blessed me and my child i had baby boy on april 2nd.iam happy that baba is with me now in the form of my son too.he is 3 months old now.

  5. Hello everyone one iam anusha again baba blessed me and my child i had baby boy on april 2nd.iam happy that baba is with me now in the form of my son too.he is 3 months old now.

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