Sai Baba Sent His Angels To Arrange Shri Sai Satcharitra Book For Me

 MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra |

Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee Mrudula Dabir from India Says: Om Sai Ram, My name is Mrudula, I am fortunate to be selected by Baba to be a part of Mahaparayana group and Baba made me experience a wonderful Leela. As I did not Have Shri Sai Satcharitra book so I read my parayan from the Pdf copy and my friend Shri Naveenji brought for me the printouts of the chapters every time from that Pdf, however I always wished to read it from the book itself and wished to get the Holy book for myself.

Every Thursday I used to pray to Baba to arrange a book for me as I searched it in every possible place in Nagpur, I myself have limitations due to my physical disability and hence I spoke to my group captain Mamta ji about the book. Like this 4 weeks passed, then again I spoke to another captain Savita ji requesting to arrange the book for me, she spoke to her sister Mamta ji and then Mamta ji suddenly remembered one name that clicked in her mind and that was Dipesh Ji Desai, She spoke with him and Dipesh Ji remembered that his friend Mr.Hitesh Gandhi had asked him to take one book in Marathi to Shirdi with him as he had 1 copy with him since long time and there was no taker for it and the same day, he collected it from Mr.Gandhi and couriered it to me along with 2 Hindi copies too as I had requested the same.

Baba sent Mr Gandhi for me to fulfill my wish in such a wonderful way. Thanks to Dipesh ji for sending the books and thanks to my angel captain Mamta ji and Savita ji, Baba Bless you all. He again proved His words Shraddha and Saburi.

Think Of Sai Always And He Will take Care Of Your True Needs And Desires.

Om Sai Ram
Mrudula Dabir

Blessed is the home where Sai makes His way in the form of the Holy Granth that can fulfill all the desires both spiritual and materialistic as well as . 

– Pooja Garg

#Experience 52

Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen..!

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