Global MahaParayan Miracles – Post 1811

Shirdi Sai devotees share Sai leelas where the first devotee shares how Sai Baba saved her from getting a ticket. The second devotee shares about how Baba helped her husband and healed him from Arthritis.
Shirdi Sai devotees share Sai leelas where the first devotee shares how Sai Baba saved her from getting a ticket. The second devotee shares about how Baba helped her husband and healed him from Arthritis.
Shirdi Sai devotees share Sai leelas where the first devotee shares how Sai Baba blessed her during the pandemic and arranged the most impossible looking return to her home. The second devotee shares about how Baba helped him/her with the loan issues.
Shirdi Sai devotees share Sai leelas where the first devotee shares how Sai Baba blessed her relative with good health and saved his life. She also shares the assurance that Baba gave her for the same through a wonderful dream vision. The second devotee shares about how Baba helped him to realise and surrender his ego, fulfilled his wish and gave him a wonderful opportunity.
Shirdi Sai devotees share Sai leelas where the first devotee shares how Sai removed her anxiety and solved her husband’s health issue. The second devotee shares about Sai Baba's grace for healing her with a successful surgery without any complications.
Shirdi Sai devotees share Sai leelas where the first devotee shares how she is so grateful to Baba for His grace on her and her family. The second devotee shares about how Baba blessed her daughter to get acceptance into her dream college.
Shirdi Sai devotees share Sai leelas where the first devotee shares how Sai Baba blessed through a dream and solved the problem by healing through His grace. The second devotee shares about how Baba guided them and saved her father’s life.
Shirdi Sai devotees share Sai leelas where the first devotee shares how Sai Baba helped them to resolve their financial issues. The second devotee shares about how Baba gives her the right things at His perfect timing and makes the dreams come true.
Shirdi Sai devotees share Sai leelas where the first devotee shares how Sai Baba blessed her sons with success in different exams and fulfilled their wish. The second devotee shares about how on the Mahashirvratri day Baba showed her His strong presence and thus proved that He is Shiva or Shiva is Sai.
Shirdi Sai devotees share Sai leelas where the first devotee shares how she felt that Sai was in her home and how Baba took care of her and reduced her pain. The second devotee shares about how Baba cured her from Covid in just five days and also helped her to complete her responsibilities and the blessings due to Mahaparayan.