Category Sai Baba’s Help

Believe In Lord

Shirdi Sai Devotee G. Vijayakumarji Says: Sai Ram! I am G. Vijayakumar, roll no.11 of Red house. With your kind permission I am writing about my experience (I had a lot of experiences) with Lord. When I was working as…

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Baba Knows Everything

Shirdi Sai Devotee Shobhaji From India Says: Sairam! I am Sai devotee Shobha, from Bengaluru, in the Mahaparayan group no. MP-213. Baba has been guiding me throughout and has helped both in personal and professional progress. However, I still keep…

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Baba Knows All

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee Says: Sai Ram! I would like to start by thanking Baba for everything He has done for us time and time again. This experience is a continuation of one of the experiences I submitted earlier.  Thanks…

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Baba Is Omnipresent

Shirdi Sai Devotee G.Parvathiji Says: Om Sai Ram! My obeisance to the Guru – One who dispels darkness. I would like to share my recent experience after joining the Mahaparayan team. I was earlier not a great believer of Sai…

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