Shirdi Sai’s Dream Full Of Blessings

MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra |

Anonymous Sai Devotee from India says: Dear Pooja Garg, I am one of the MP member and going to share our experience. I am reading Sai Satcharitra on behalf of my family. My wife had a very sweet dream on 02-Oct-2017 early morning; 3rd day after I started Mahaparayan.The dream goes like this:

Sai Baba came to our house. He was very weak. His teeth were missing. He seemed to be of very advanced age. He was at our door standing and my wife happily invited Him inside the house. She then made Him sit. Baba then said that He was very hungry. My wife had prepared Kesari bath (Sheera in Marathi/Hindi). As He was old, my wife fed Baba with her own hands. Then Baba finally said that His hunger was satisfied. He then got up and kissed my wife on her forehead and told her not to worry and “I will be always with you”. Hearing Baba at our house; my wife’s mother and her eldest brother came running to our house with food to feed Baba. With this her dream got over.

My wife is having multiple health issue from which she is slowly recovering by Baba’s grace. But she is always worried due to multiple problems. We are blessed that Baba came to my wife’s dream; Blessed more that my wife was able to feed Baba with her own hands; Blessed even more that He kissed on her forehead and told that He would be always with her. Pooja ji writing this experience itself I am getting tears in my eyes. Please post our experience as anonymous. Om Sai Ram.

What else could one ask for? Baba coming to your house, eating with your wife’s hand and kissing her forehead and giving the assurance as well that He would always be with you. Appearance of Baba in dream itself is so auspicious! Your wife is really a blessed soul. Thanks for sharing the lovely leela. Jai Sai. – Pooja Garg

P.S. We started publishing one experience on daily basis from 30 Nov 2017 as many experiences have been received. Don’t worry all those who have submitted your experiences shall get soon published. So have no anxiety. Please share your comments, it really matters a lot. You can share your experiences related ONLY to MahaParayan to and which are not related to mahaparayan on Devotees Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba

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  1. Om Sai Ram

    Very nice experience. It is increasing our faith in Baba. Very soon you will be free from all the problems. Soon your wife will be so healthy.

    Om Sai Ram

  2. Thanks for publishing my experience, I thing I forgot to add that Baba spoke to my wife in Tamil. (Our mother tongue is Tamil)

  3. I had tears in my eyes while reading your experience with Baba. Indeed you and your wife are blessed souls. Om Sai Ram.

  4. So beautiful dream….I also ponder when Baba will come in my dreams which I am asking evertime from 21 years am attached with Baba but surprised never seen him in dreams.I think through this nice dharing soul is satisfied…..its again Baba plan to make me read…thank you gor sharing.

    • Dear Kavita, Baba has own way of blessing each devottee. I am a small devotee of Sai Baba, I have read Sai Satcharitra many times even completed one day reading multiple times. Kept Sai Nav Guruvar Vrat eight times (72 Thursday fasting) but still could see Baba in only statue form or photo in my dreams. My wife never read Sai Satcharitra fully, yes i used to tell her Baba's stories often. But my wife got dream of Shirdi Sai Baba as per above experience. Maybe her heart is more pure or may be she needed more assurance than me. Baba will definitely come in your dream.
      Om Sai Ram.

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