After MahaParayan, Lord Sai Baba has blessed “Naam Jaap” venture. Visit our blog Shirdi Sai Baba daily to unveil His Leelas behind this act of Self-Cleansing and Spiritual Uplifting
Shirdi Sai Devotee Maneesha Pednekar From India Says: I am Manisha From MP-129 Rajni Sai group, Sai Ram to everyone. Last year, July 2016, my son went to Australia to do Post graduation studies in film making. I prayed to Sai Baba to take care of him when he was in Australia and help him successfully complete his studies.
I also decided that I would read the Sai Satcharitra every day and prayed to Baba to take care of my son in a far away country. I kept my commitment for the first couple of months. But later, Office, family and all the everyday affairs of life took precedence and I could not continue reading Sai Satcharitra. However, it was always at the back of my mind and I would often feel guilty of not keeping my commitment.
In September of 2017, a dear school friend who is part of my School whatsapp group sent me a personal message that a Mahaparayan for Sai Baba was starting end of September and if I was interested, I could reach out to the Coordinators. She also passed on the contact numbers of the Coordinators. I contacted them immediately, but they said they were already full and would keep me in mind as a backup or would contact if a new group was formed.
Somehow, I was very convinced that Baba knew I wanted to regularly read Sai Satcharitra and that is why had reached out to me through my friend. And so I waited hopefully, that I would get a chance to be part of the Mahaparayan. Couple of days later, the same friend once again inquired with me if I was able to enroll; on hearing that I wasn’t she passed on the names and numbers of some more people who might be able to help. This time I was enrolled in a group.
By September, my son was also in the final stages of his course work. His Script had to be accepted by the board of faculty and then he had to direct the movie as part of his final project submission. It was a Thursday on which he called me to say his script was accepted and appreciated. The filming was to start in first week of October. I kept praying to Baba to take care of everything. It was late evening on a Thursday that he called up to say that finally the film shooting was completed.
Late October, he messaged me to say that he had registered for his convocation ceremony. Early November we watched his convocation ceremony on the internet. We saw him receive his post-graduation certificate. However, in my mind I still kept looking for some message from Baba, that all this was indeed His blessings. I was looking for some miracle. Finally on 16th November (Thursday), in the evening I lighted the diya before Baba, prayed and came back and sat at my laptop. I opened my mail and in popped my son’s mail with a scanned copy of his Post graduation certificate. My blessing was complete.
,Our Sai Maa, Mother Of All Beings Can Never Keep Away Her Merciful Glances From Her Children.
Om Sai Ram
Manisha Pednekar
Baba always knows what is best for His children and His timings are just perfect. All we need is to hold on to Him very firmly no matter what with faith and patience. Really His Ways Are His Ways. Jai Sai. Love You Baba.
Click here to know more about Sai Mahajaap 24*7 upcoming service and today’s post Lord Sai Baba Preparing For Naam Jaap Past 9 Years – Sai Devotee Pooja. Stay tuned with Shraddha and Saburi to know the process to enrollment by next week.
– Pooja Garg
#Experience 60
Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen..!
P. S. We started publishing one
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🙏Om Sairam🙏
Om Sai Ram!