Shirdi Sai Baba devotee Venkatesh from India says: Sai Ram to all our Sai Ram family members and special thanks to the entire blessed team for organizing this Mahaparayan.
I am a small devotee at the lotus feet of our beloved Sai Ram. Though I had earlier visited the divine Shirdi Kshetra about 20 years ago, it was just accidental and not truly intentional. Only from the last 5 to 6 years, I have become a relatively better and staunch Sai devotee for having faced serious problems in my life and career. Now, with Sai Ram’s grace, He pulled me to Shirdi three times in the recent times.
Coming to my various experiences with Sairam, few of my experiences have already been published on the divine blog of
Let me express a few lines about my latest and a great experience of mine with Baba Sai. I am an emotional character by heart but a senior person by age with lot of yet-to-be-fulfilled family responsibilities and obligations. Due to my previous karmas – as said in Sai Satcharitra – I had been and have been going through several ups and downs in my life. Very recently, I lost my job due to internal problems and fights within the management – this is an external reason but probably my karmas were the root cause for my losing the job. Also I did not receive my salary for the last two and a half months.
Purely by Sairam’s grace, an old friend of mine by name Sai Baba called me on phone one fine day and asked me to apply for a specific post. Taking His name, I applied for the post and got an interview call too. On the day of interview, prayed our Baba Sai and left for the interview. There were about 22 persons shortlisted for this post and about 18-19 persons had turned up. I was the 4th person to be called in and the interview went on for about 20 minutes.
It was a panel of about 9 senior experts and by Sairam’s grace, I introduced and faced the interview like a possessed man. It was purely His mercy on me and on the same evening of the interview day, I received a call from the HR department confirming me getting shortlisted / my selection. I really felt absolutely grateful to my Sai Ram and felt crying in puja room at my home.
Dear all Sai devotees, my beloved Dattavatar Saipa got me just not a job, but a higher designation /post with better salary and the place of work being just 5 kms away from my home which was earlier 31 kms far. Is this not a miracle? It is truly one of many in my life.
Hey Sai Ram, I am ever indebted to Your lotus feet. Please do not leave Your children and bless all as always. In fact, I had requested all Sai devotee members of to pray for me too when they pray. Further, I am happy to say that I am a tiny part of this great Mahaparayan. The effect of the prayers of many many Sai Ram devotees and country / worldwide Mahaparayan is simply being showered on His devotees and I am just a simple but classic example of Sairam’s love for His devotees.
My eyes do get wet while typing these words now. I recently read “Sairam takes away something from our lives only to replace with better one”. It is His grace that I recollect this at this stage. I bow my head at the lotus feet of our beloved Sairam and I pray Him to keep me and all His children in His merciful shelter for ever. Jai Sairam.
Bolo Sri Jagadanandakara Dattavatari Shiradivasi Ananthakoti Bramhanda Nayaka Rajadhiraja Yogiraja Parabramha Sri Sachchidananda Sathguru Samartha Sainatha Maharaj Ki Jai. Sorry for my long narration but thanks for having read my experience. Please do pardon me if there are any errors in my narration / explanation. May Lord Sai Ram Bless All. Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu.
Jai Sai Ram
Venkatesh B R
His Angels are on work everywhere, and whenever His children are in need or in trouble He sends them for our rescue. Through Mahaparayan also He has blessed with a wonderful Sai family and angels in form of so many volunteers working selflessly for their team and thus serving Baba. Dakshina can be in form of offering volunteering services too. Thanks Baba for giving us the opportunity. Love You Sai. JAi Ho Sai.
-Pooja GArg
#Experience 172
P. S. We started publishing one
experience on daily basis from 30 Nov 2017 as many experiences have been
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