Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says : I am Baba’s daughter and please keep me anonymous. I am part of MP-85 UK Mahaparayan group. Baba has always been very kind to us but ever since I have enrolled in this holy journey of Mahaparayan, I have experienced unconditional love and faith towards Baba. I feel Baba is telling me that I am with you all the time and no harm will come to you.
Last year, before enrolling for Mahaparayan I found that I was pregnant. Everything was going on well and I believed this was all Baba’s plan and I was very happy. Unfortunately I had a miscarriage in the month of October. Mahaparayan had already started and I was very disturbed about it. I took it as Baba’s will and accepted it with positive acceptance because I knew Baba will not let anything wrong happen with His children. Baba blessed me by calling me to Shirdi in the month of October itself. That trip gave me immense happiness and I forgot about my sorrow.
I did not ask anything from Baba but I had a wish to have a coconut touched by Baba at Dwarkaamai. Indeed it did happen and honestly I just had this wish. Why? That only Baba knows. Little did I know why I wanted the coconut? When I came back I did not think much and proceeded with my life. After few months I again got pregnant and this time all went well in the scan and the doctor said nothing to worry about. Baba again blessed me during the Mahaparayan. This is only Baba’s blessing which is coming in the form of baby to me. Thank You Baba. Can’t live without You and Your motherly love. Om Sai Ram.
Jai Sai Ram
When Baba Himself directing and guiding Mahaparayan how It cannot be less than a blessing? The positive vibes created by so many of us reading every Thursday will also definitely have a positive impact in our lives too; just as when someone sprinkles scented water on others how can that person escape from the scented water drops being sprinkled back on him/her knowingly or unknowingly! Love You Sai. Jai Jai Ho Sai.
-Pooja Garg
#Experience 280
P. S. We started publishing one
experience on daily basis from 30 Nov 2017 as many experiences have been
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Baba ko shat shat naman.
Baba ko shat shat naman.