Shirdi Sai Devotee Gayathri from India says : Om Sai Ram, my name is Gayathri. I thank you all whosoever involved in making this platform and helping us to share our experiences with others and making us come closer to Baba. May Baba bless you all immensely.
I am bound to share so many experiences but these two experiences I want to share now, the rest
whenever Baba feels, will share with you all. Please accept my salutations, Baba.
This happened in end of August. We had planned to make a trip to Shirdi to celebrate my younger daughter’s birthday there with Baba. It was 8 years since Baba called me to Shirdi. I was really happy but I almost forgot the steps to book tickets for aarti and heard that the procedures were also changed.
So I thought ,I should check it online and visited Hetal’s site. There while browsing I happened to read an experience about how she/or somebody else got a neem leaf. I was in a hurry but the incident that someone thrusting the neem leaf on her hand was registered in my mind. Accidently or providentially I read about the Mahaparayan group and registered myself and we left to Shirdi.
There we had blissful darshan, attended aarti with my whole family on my daughter’s birthday and everything went on well, but I couldn’t get a neem leaf. We were there for two nights and two days. I was going and standing there with my elder daughter but not even a single leaf I could get.
I had to leave Shirdi the next day, I was feeling worried then I remembered the experience and said Baba If You wish I will also get. Many people were trespassing and taking the neem leaves which I didn’t want to do. I asked a lady who trespassed and took so many leaves that could she give me one? She said “no” and gave me one small neem stem. I was dejected but thought at least I got this. So I preserved it and had a little and made my family members also to eat a little of that stem.
Time was running and my husband became restless and I told him just final chance I will go and do namaskar and try once, just give me 5 minutes. He said ok and I went there with my elder one. I was in tears and closed my eyes and said Baba I am also Your daughter but see I didn’t get even a single leaf.
When I opened my eyes a boy or a man in late 20’s or early 30’s with saffron color dress, with no hair on head I guess, chatting with one more person like him came towards me and suddenly held my hand and thrust something in my hand and left. When I opened my hand there was one neem leaf. My joy knew no bounds. He just merged in the crowd.
So many people were standing just like me there but this guy came to me and thrust the leaf into my hands means I felt He was none other than My Baba. The previous day only I got a call from Mahaparayan group and got myself enrolled. So I was really happy after so many years Baba pulled me to Shirdi, gave darshan and now making me to read Satcharitra. I feel really blessed. Thank You Baba. Please shower Your blessings on all of us always.
This is my second experience. During parayan, as you all know they started Stavan Manjari parayan too and I got a call from them. I was doubtful whether I could do then? I thought if this was Baba’s wish He will make me too read.
I took a long break in my career. I thought of going back for work but needed to clear some exams. It was really difficult for me with 2 young kids. So I prayed to Baba that I will read SMP for three weeks and if I clear this exam I will post my experience. I hardly studied for 5 days, and finished 3 weeks of SMP and appeared for the exam. With Baba’s grace I have cleared it. Still starting my career is going to be a long way but I completely trust Baba, and going on, blindly believing that He is there to take care of every minute detail in my life. Thanks Baba for being with me, without You I don’t exist. Sorry for posting my experiences late.
Please forgive me. Please be with me in each and every step of my life. I surrender myself completely to You. Take care of me and all my loved ones. Thanks for making me write this experience.
Love You Baba.
Thanks Gayatri ji for sharing the wonderful experience to revive past memories and experience the goose bumps. Not sure but I think you might have read Lord Sai Baba Himself Gave Me ‘The Neem Leaf’!
and might have registered for Mahaparayan. He has His own ways to make our experiences with Him even more amazing. How could we experience bliss had Baba easily given me or you the neem leaf at our very initial requests? So we should understand and be thankful to Him when we do not get immediately what we want from Him. Whereas Baba only wants Shraddha and Saburi from us. He will never disappoint His children if something is good for them. But He has His own ways beyond our intellect! When Baba is there to take care of all our endeavours, why should we panic? Where is the need for worry? “Surrender” is only Guru mantra to sail us through this worldly bhavasagar.
-Pooja Garg
#Experience 265
P. S. We started publishing one
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