MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra |

Anonymous devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba from India says: A very big thanks to Pooja ji and the people who are sharing their experiences which are leading to positive vibrations throughout the world with Sai leelas. I would like to share my experience with all the Sai devotees.

This is my second experience while I have been doing Mahaparayan. This experience made me to step into a life turning career. I have been struggling to get into a job after I graduated with master’s degree. I want to really get into a core job and I have been applying for the jobs in USA. I used to apply between 10 to 100 jobs each day depending on the openings. How hard I tried to get into a job even though after getting through many interviews till last, with some or the other reasons I couldn’t get a job. I struggled like this for more than 10 months. I have been applying to jobs and attending to the interviews even before the Mahaparayan group existed.

I made a decision to myself that I must do this parayan whether I would get a job or not but for the love I have on Sai maa. I started doing parayan and I have been doing it, at times I felt so bad on me that I would never get a job even though if I have faith in Sai and so I must quit applying for job.

Many times Sai gave me a message in ‘Sai Baba questions and answers’ saying that “I must leave the intelligence and have faith on Sai.” I stopped applying for jobs as I felt how hard I try I will never get a job until Baba shows me a way. After a while, I realized I must apply again with the suggestion from a person but still I had been going through the same phase as before. Then Baba gave me a hint saying that I would get a job after Rama Navami Festival and I got collapsed with the hint as Rama Navami Festival was more than three months away. I got dejected as I couldn’t imagine my situation until then without a job. As the time was approaching for Sri Rama Navami Festival, I was getting good spiritual encouragement as I had consecutive interviews and I was feeling good as I had no time to worry except for preparations.

I was doing good in all interviews even though I had a gap ever since I gave my last interview. Rama Navami Festival had passed away and I am still in attempting stages for all the interviews, I had a worry in my mind as Rama Navami Festival had passed away and I was still without a job.

I felt positive day after day that I would get one job for sure as things were going good but before I got a decision on one interview which I had been awaiting for, all of a sudden while I was just thinking to have a nap after I got tired on the very same evening, I got a call from one of the employer and we spoke about many things for half an hour on phone. Just with a phone call and that to with a half an hour conversation without seeing me in person for the job, the employer sent me a long email saying that He is willing to offer a job and I have to join as soon as possible.

I was so happy, my joy knew no bounds and cried like hell as Sai taught me how to have patience for such a long period, how to have firm faith by just not giving up on my decision to get a core job. I am ever indebted to Sai as He is fulfilling every single thought I have in my mind. Baba please forgive me for being late on sharing this experience.

Om Sai Ram.

Shraddha and Saburi are the teachings of Baba. if we adhere to only what Baba preached,we will never fall short of any wants in our lives. But does require complete surrender on His doings. Love You Deva. JAi Jai Ho Sai.

Pooja Garg

#Experience 368

Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too...!

P. S. We started publishing one
experience on daily basis from 30 Nov 2017 as many experiences have been
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