Anonymous Devotee of Shirdi Sai From India Says : Jai Sai Ram, I am a Sai Baba devotee from New Delhi. Firstly, a big thank you to Sai Baba family for doing the work they are doing, binding us together in faith like comrades. The experiences that I am going to share is more of a life journey with Baba.
As far as I remember, I have been associated with Sai Baba but unknowingly. As a kid I used to pray to other Gods and read 11 promises of Sai Baba without knowing Him or visiting His temple. It once happened that as a kid I visited Sai Baba temple in Rohini(New Delhi) and that’s when I realised He is a God. Many years after that my family continued to follow other deity and revered Sai Baba but it was more generic; like the way we had other Gods at temple in our home.
Years passed by and my dad’s business went from bad to worst. That’s is when we encountered Sai Baba and started worshipping Him. Things eventually improved and so our faith in Him. I always used to pray to Him during exams, presentation and my college admission and He used to fulfill my wish. But relationship was more like a give and take.
A friend one day recommended a different practice which was more connected with a Buddhist Philosophy (no offence to any other practice) and I started practicing that against my family’s wish. I continued finding meaning in it, understanding it, making consistent efforts in learning it but all in vain. As I could not find mental peace and had deliberately lost faith in Sai Baba as well because I wanted to practice something else. It went on for good 6-7 years but everytime I complaint that I am not getting any benefits, the leaders told me that I need to work hard and I lack faith. I cannot explain the pain and disappointment I had faced all these years because I left Baba.
Last year on 25th November, 2018 I finally decided to quit that practice as I realised that I only have Sai Baba to my aid and nobody else. The journey started with doubts and I had to establish faith from the very beginning. But Baba being so kind forgave and accepted His devotees. He was so kind that all these years He had always called me to Shirdi as a part of our annual trip. It’s me who didn’t value our bond but He was and will always be there for me.
Ever since I have got Baba by my side, I have got the opportunity to be a part of Mahaparayan which was the very first signal from Him. I have completed two courses from IIT and got a good score, Baba helped me in getting re-admission in Psychology course as I had submitted my documents long back along with the fees but it was over 1 month that the admission status was showing unconfirmed on the website.
Very recently He saved me from a big scolding as I goofed up at work and did a mistake. I repented in front of Baba and promised to be careful next time onwards. He just sorted the things next day itself. Recently a priest told my parents to do a Rudra Abhishek Pooja and when I asked Baba about it in question and answers from Baba, He not only answered in yes but redirected me to a link for the same.
I feel the biggest mistake of my life was to leave Baba but now that I have got Him back in my life, I am not only lucky but indebted to Him. I realised a mother cannot be separated from her children and so Baba will never leave me. He only calls His sparrows and I am more than happy to be one of them.
This year marking the centenary of Baba’s samadhi I want to bring a 360 degree change in me and my life. I want to be Baba’s child and be His instrument. I am very thankful to Baba and all the members who encourage me directly and indirectly. Om Sai Ram.
Baba bless you all.
In this life and whirlpool of sufferings, we may lose way and deviate from our Guru. But Sai our real Father never leaves His Children. His blessing bestowing hands always follow us like a shadow. He never forgets His children come what may. Baba we are ever indebted to You and ever be kind like this on Your children. Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai.
Pooja Garg
#Experience 405
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Om Sai Ram 🙏