Shirdi Sai Baba devotee Ms Archana from India says: Om Sai Ram to all, I want to share my experience after being part of Mahaparayan. Baba saved my son twice from getting injured. I have been in Mahaparayanam group since 1 month. One day when we were in home my son was getting down from 2nd floor to 1st floor through staircase and he tried to slide from 2nd floor by using rails of the staircase. He slipped and fell down directly to 1st floor which was wooden. By Baba’s grace he did not get injured. Even doctor’s where surprised that how there was no injury but it is the Almighty Baba Who saved him. It is all Baba’s blessings.
Second time my son had gone to a coaching class and when he was in the class someone shot at his building, by Sai Baba’s grace nothing happened to my son.
Om Sai Ram
Archana K
Baba stands as a shield in front of every danger, He is our Suraksha Kavach and just His naam Smaran with little love and faith makes Him safeguard us come what may. He will not allow any harm to harm His children unnecessarily. So we the children of Sai need not fear for Baba will always work out the best for us as per our Karmic accounts. Love You Deva, Jai Jai Ho Sai.
Pooja Garg
#Experience 525
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