Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From India says: Hello,
I prefer to post experience without my name please if possible
Sairam! It is an experience with my lovely Sai that changed the situation in 2 seconds for which I was struggling from past 2 days.
In my office, we have to work in shifts and I was working for morning shift. We got a notification that shifts were going to be changed from February 10, 2019 and if any swap requests need to be sent it should be done before February 1, 2019.
To put in a swap request, other person should be able to work for the shift which we got. I got night 11 pm-8 am shift and I’ve many issues to work in it. It’s with family, transport, health, my mind-set and everything. I was trying to swap it with morning or afternoon shift with someone but nobody was ready to give.
2 days were done and no shift swap I got. Today morning Iwas walking to get an auto to office and thinking that “Baba You know everything that I can’t work for a night shift, I don’t know how to convince people to get shift swaps. Now You’ve to do something and get me a shift swap. I can’t speak at all. I’m dependent on You for each little thing. Now You have to get me a shift swap somehow. I can’t even speak a single word and can’t convince a single person. You have to help me.”
I was talking like this in my mind to Baba; tears came into my eyes. I said, “Sai its Your responsibility to get me a swap shift”. I got an auto and came to office. I was going through emails and saw an email who was looking to work in 9-6 night shift. I took his mobile number and sent a message on whatsapp asking if he be able to swap his shift with my shift which was 11-8 and immediately he said a ‘YES’!. This same thing I had been asking everybody from 2 days but they were ready to work in 9-6 but not 11-8. Within fraction of seconds he agreed, I sent a mail for swap request and it got approved.
From 2 days I’m asking everyone to swap shift with me and that I can’t work in night as I have family issues but nobody was ready to help. I have to mention one more thing here that I’ve many friends who got 11-8 shift and one of my friend messaged the same person asking him to swap shift with her but he never responded. I’m surprised how he immediately responded to me and agreed. Also no one got shift swaps except me. All are saying how come I got a shift swap for 11-8(everybody consider it as worst shift to work). I didn’t say it out but I said it in myself that it’s ‘My Baba’s Magic’.
It’s a big miracle and life saver for me. Thank You so much Baba. Nothing is impossible for You.
Nothing and nothing is impossible for our Baba. All things are possible with Him provided we swap our laziness, loathness and doubting tendencies with devotion, faith, love, patience and total surrender at His feet; as after all Baba’s job is to give blessings to His children and work out the best possible for them. Love You Deva Jai Jai Ho Sai…!
Pooja Garg
#Experience 539
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