MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra |

Shirdi Sai Devotee Geeta Rao says: Sairam

Pranams at the lotus feet of Baba and Swami. Puranams to all members of the Sai family. I am part of the Mahaparayan group (Green House) and I am immensely thankful to our Baba for this beautiful opportunity of reading Satcharitra each Thursday.

We are going through the most challenging period in our lives. My husband has been diagnosed with a serious health condition and is on treatment.
Next week we have an appointment with our doctor to review the outcomes of the treatment. With Baba’s immense grace we hope to hear positive news and will share the same here.

Complete faith in Baba is keeping our strength up and helping us during this difficult time.

My younger son has applied to business schools and the interview dates for admissions are currently being released.
Another cause for much stress for me is that my son works very hard, is very competitive and takes things too seriously. Today, he was to hear from Wharton and he left in the morning for the office, saying that he should know before 5 pm. Now, he’s a strong candidate but these decisions are somewhat subjective and there’s a chance of not making it. I have been nervous for the last few days, there’s been so much on my plate and I feel so emotionally fragile sometimes.

 I knew my son would take it badly if he did not get an interview. Of course, my Baba is there and after doing the Sai Chalisa parayan and then reading my allotted Satcharitra chapters this morning, I kept chanting His name and then listened to the Marathi Sai Sthavan Manjari. By 1:30pm or so, the much awaited message from my son arrived, he made it to the interview and his date is 18th (Baba’s number) of Feb. I thank my Sai for His grace and love and for watching over us all the time.

 My older son and his fiancé would be having a civil marriage on the 15th of Feb and I ask Baba to please bless them both with every happiness. Three significant life altering events involving both my boys and husband have converged into a short 10 days period in Feb and I am praying to my Sai continuously to please take us across and bless us. I am thankful to the Mahaparayan group, and the opportunity to read the Satcharitra no matter what we are going through. Sai Ram.

Geeta Rao

Why fear when Baba our Universal Mother and Father is there to take care of all the events of His children’s lives. All that happens has a reason and a season which is nothing but Sai’s perfectly perfect timings.
Love You Sai. Jai Jai Ho Sai.

 Pooja Garg

#Experience 552

Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too...!

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experience on daily basis from 30 Nov 2017 as many experiences have been
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