MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra |

Shirdi Sai Devotee Vandanaji Says:

Jai Shri Sai, Om Shri Sai! I am Vandana Dogra, belonging to MP-27, from Himachal Pradesh and living in New Delhi working as Science, Maths teacher in a private school. I got married in 2005. After completion of M.Sc. in 2006, me and my husband Sanjeev Dogra decided to have a baby but unfortunately, I experienced two frequent miscarriages and after that I did not conceive. We approached every possible medical treatment but they were not proved successful.

In 2017, 4th of September we fortunately planned to visit Shirdi. As I was working in a private school my leaves were not accepted. Still keeping doubt in my mind, I decided to visit Shirdi. Soon after my Shirdi yatra one of my colleagues Kavita told me about Mahaparayan and advised me to join it. With her help, I joined Mahaparayan group 27 and believed that soon Sai Baba will bless me with a baby. Before this we had undergone many treatments like laparoscopy, IUI twice, IVF twice but none were successful.

 I requested my husband also to join Mahaparayan group so that Baba would listen to our wish and soon make it possible for us. Believing in Baba, In August 2018 we decided to take one more chance with IVF treatment at the same time my group leader Kusum Sood Didi told me that she has done 108 parikrama of Shirdi’s Divine Neem tree for my sake and got two leaves in her jholi. She told me that this is a good sign and soon I will be blessed with a baby. After this surprisingly I conceived in September in my primary treatment. As I was about 40 years of age, my doctor kept this pregnancy in high risk pregnancy but as I believed in Baba, I was very much sure that everything will be fine.

In my nine months of pregnancy I experienced so many miracles which increased my faith in Baba. When I was two months pregnant, Baba gave the name of baby ‘Rian’ in my dreams. I was not even sure that my baby would be a male child, still believing in Baba I announced my dream to other family members and requested to keep the same name, if male child would be born. On 6th May 2019, I gave birth to a baby boy and the whole family was amazed to know that Baba had given all hints before his birth. We named him Rian Dogra!

Baba we are thankful to You for having blessed us with Your miracles. Baba please bless everyone with Your kindness and fulfil their wishes.

Om Sai Ram

We all including God have to suffer for karmas. There is no escape. Still with God’s grace the intensity is minimized. Just as Lord Ram’s exile (Vanvaas) ended after 14 years your sterility too ended with Baba’s blessings. Baba is really the most merciful and loving God. Beleive and He will take all care. Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai. 😊

Those who wish to serve for global Mahaparayan may join this temporary group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you all very soon. Rise & Be Instrumental …!  

Pooja Garg

#Experience 745

Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too...!

P. S. We started publishing one
experience on daily basis from 30 Nov 2017 as many experiences have been
received. Your experience would also get published as per the sequence. Please
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  1. Very nice incidence. Yesterday by incidentally I was reading chapter 36 which say the story of Mrs Aurangabadkar who also blessed with a child after 27 years. As when I read your experience I felt baba himself has given answers

  2. Sairam you are seated in each of our hearts and guiding us to ward off kaarmic influence and bless us all with your merciful grace. Ohm sairam

  3. Extremely happy for you and the blessed child Rian. Rian is one of the names of Vishnu. Baba has chosen aptly. Stay Blessed. Pria Srinivas Chennai

  4. Om sai ram..I joined the group in 2018 after joining this group my daughter is blessed with baby boy and have named him as Sai Maharvin..Thanks sai ram

  5. saibaba cares everyone devotees…jai hoti rahe sada sadguru aapki bramhandme..Om Sairam 🙏 jai Sairam 🙏

  6. It's really very beautiful experience baba bless and baby with good health.i m also doing mahaprayan for my son he is 11yrs old and very fickle minded child i wish for his good health and education jai Sai nathay namah baba bless my son ��

  7. Beautiful. Tears in eyes all throughout the reading. Blessings and love to Rian . Thank you for sharing your experience. It's so loving beautiful ��

    • Sairam is d incarnation.of lord Krishna.himself so I absouletely believe that by meditating on lord Krishna I worship on sairam

  8. Its really good blessed experience, Baba is always with us, I too got his blessings in more things,Om Sai Ram

  9. He knows everything, I too blessed with baby girl in 2015. He will listen everybody's prayers by heart.
    Nobody fails with Baba's ashirvad..
    I'm happy for you dear vandana.
    On sai am🌺

  10. sairam sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai saisaisaisaisaisaisaisaisaisaisaisaisaisaisaisaisaisaisaisai……aai….sai..sai.sai……omaairam….

  11. Sairam very happy to hear ur experience lucky to have heard ur prayers by baba I'm also part of two mahaparayans but still baba is not showing me any miracles to get my husband's love and affection back I'm waiting for Baba's grace on me and make me his great devotee

  12. Baba is our father and mother .he knows everything and give on right time. Bcoz I too blessed as same like vandhana ji. Bit mine was natural pregnancy. Jai Sri Sai ram

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