MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra |

Shirdi Sai Devotee Srinivasji from India Says:

Sai Ram! I belong to MP- 18 Anant Sai. Baba is everything in our lives. Our journey with Baba started when our son Sriram (belonging to MP-19 Gowri Sai), in STD X then, brought home a framed picture of Baba. He entered our lives to stay with us through our entire life.

The road at times has been bumpy but with Baba by our side, life has always been a wonderful ride. The power of Baba is so gigantic that it is difficult to define His grace and mercy. Miracles are to be experienced and cannot be explained in words. But we take responsibility on this platform to share 3 amazing miracles that happened in our lives after being a part of the Mahaparayan initiative.


Our son at the age of 26 commenced a business along with his friends as partners. In a year’s time the friends wanted to liquidate the business. Our son was extremely upset as a lot of hard work and passion was invested from his side in building the brand. Finally, as parents we had taken a decision to buy it over from the partners, deadline being March 2018. Until the first week of March we did not succeed in procuring a bank loan for a start-up, though running from pillar to post. It was then the miracle happened- a magical call from a well-wisher enquiring about our progress in life. He simply asked us to come home the next day and handed over rupees 20 lakhs in cash with no collateral, no papers signed and that too at the rate of bank interest. Baba shaped our son to be a proud proprietor at a young age.
“Baba meets all our needs. TRUST HIM.”


Our son owns and runs successfully a multi-brand bike service centre in Chennai by the name ‘Madmonkey Motomotives’. At a time when his business was growing with high repute, we were panic struck when a theft happened at his workplace. A legendary, iconic, remodified Yamaha bike of a customer was stolen along with spares and equipment worth more than a lakh and some cash. Though we moved the case with high level police commissioners, no steps could be taken as it was election time. While all of us were full of anxiety, Baba gave the courage for our son to boldly go ahead taking a huge risk of directly getting hold of the accused in a cinematic style. His happiness knew no bounds when the restored customer bike was still intact. Later the police filed an FIR, the accused was sent to prison, the news was out on media, the stolen things had to be submitted in police custody and finally recovered from the court. A handsome sum of money was spent in the process, but it was indeed a miracle that a police court case was closed in a couple of weeks and the lost property was recovered without any loss.
“Life doesn’t always give what we can handle, but Baba helps us handle what we are given.”


On May day, our son was returning back home in a friend’s car, when suddenly the axle of the car broke and the car hit the median, went into a spin before coming to a stop by smashing against a tree and falling into a ditch. It was the biggest miracle of life that he and his friends escaped without serious injury. All those who witnessed the accident claimed that these boys were a blessed lot to have survived with so little harm. The blessings came in different forms- luckily the car doors were not jammed, they hadn’t hit another vehicle and suffered only minor bruises. The damaged car was a total write off and could only be replaced. It took our son almost a month to come out of the fear experienced. He says his heart skipped a beat when his friend didn’t respond for a few minutes to his call inside the car immediately after the incident. As we look back on this incident, our son just has one line to say- “It is purely Baba’s miracle of divine intervention that saved us”.
“When things seem out of control, remember Baba is always in control of things. Baba is an armour for His children.”

Our heartfelt thanks to the organizers of Global Mahaparayan Team and our family members Sudha Anand and Gowri Oberoi who initiated us into it. The realization that every thought is coming from Baba is the biggest miracle that Mahaparayan has created in our lives. MP has really helped us to stay connected in prayer with Baba at all times and in all situations.

Our message to our fellow devotees- Speak positivity, take action and believe that His timing is always perfect. Baba is working on your behalf to bring abundance in all spheres of your life- Health, Wealth, Love, Bliss and Spirituality. He has the ability to change around any situation for your good. Just have Faith and surrender to the Highest Soul who led the simplest of lives. SHRADDHA and SABURI (Reverence and Patience) will bring about the miracle of your life.

Om Sai Ram
Shrinivas M.

Thank you Shrinivasji for sharing the beautiful post along with beautiful messages. As you said surrender to the highest soul Who led the simplest of lives will really do the magic in our lives. Shraddha and Saburi though may sound two small and simple words but they hold a lot of depth and insight. Its not that very easy to completely lead a life following it without giving up but slowly and gradually it’s practice would make them an inseparable part of our lives and teach us to live life in true sense. They would surely bring our the miracles in our life that we are waiting for. Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai. 😊

Those who wish to serve for global Mahaparayan may join this temporary group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you all very soon. Rise & Be Instrumental …!  

Pooja Garg

#Experience 784

Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too...!

P. S. We started publishing one
experience on daily basis from 30 Nov 2017 as many experiences have been
received. Your experience would also get published as per the sequence. Please
share your comments, it really matters a lot. You can share your experiences related
ONLY to Mahaparayan to mahaparayanexperiences@gmail. com and which are not
related to Mahaparayan on Devotees Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba

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  1. Look out no where except BABA !!! I too was cheated and lost my house worth 40 lacs. Already I don't have job !!! But somehow Baba is helping me to run family !! I trust He will get me a job ASAP !!

  2. Om Sai Ram. Thanks for posting this article. This is Rama Srinivas. I'm mother of Sriram mentioned in the article and I'm the one who belong to MP 19 group. The wordings in the creative posted by you "Try leaving everything to me and see the result" is Baba's reply for our goals set for 2020. HE is our MAGIC WEAVER.

  3. Om sairam. I believe 100% thats Baba is always with me my every step in my life. Since I am a physically challenged married woman age of 52 blessings of Baba Our Life is going on with his support. My son Shankar Krishna is doing BE CSE 3rd year. Daughter is school final +2. My husband Sethuram is doing Shirdi Baba pooja daily 2 times without any hurdles. That is also be BABA's blessings. Om sai srisai jaya jaya sairam.

  4. Om Sai
    We all beleive in SAI

  5. We all know where the world is going today even the so called spiritual organizations nowadays has become corporate business no tax no asked no teller don't know to whom to contact or get help if some good souls coming forward to help for fear of their life and their family members not communicating and approaching
    An another main reason we don't know whether they are victims or culprits.nowadays innocent I'd are used for doing prayer and intention not to punish anyone but expect transformation with moral ethics culture and customs to be taught and motivated right from infants mother's womb kindergarten children upto college going students always in the right direction and path.since I studied in a Christian School moulded me to find the reason and situations when children do or go in the wrong path to get the basic essentials needed for life like food clothing and shelter water and education is deprived by their parents govts and society and being insulted and mocked neglected by the society that's why before punishing know the exactly the genuine reason and find remedies and solutions in our country the rich becomes more rich and the poor becomes more poor and has been rediculated insulted wounded right from old stone age till today.right from great grandma parents teachers and co workers got promise from methat we should always light the lives for upliftment even if you are 99.99% correct.that 0.01%curse will affect us if things gone other wise .like Jesus people used to advise forgive and forget but I am not able to do so .I am raising voice when Injustice and truth fails . please pray each and every one on the earth to be honest sincere first for self .then the whole universe will become a paradise with moral ethics and culture which is more essential for today's generation and future generations to be happy peaceful cheerful and healthy and also agriculture sectors to is the duty of the govt to see that each and person to get at least two square meals in good condition .it is so pathetic to see the poor souls eating the leftovers in the bins right from my childhood till today's.hope everything is possible if all kinds corruption poverty and pollution is eradicated and banished from the surface of mother Earth please help and support and pray for clean water fresh air and sunshine towards clean and green revolution for the welfare of all giving first priority to the needy deprived desperate victims children and souls who cannot take care of them selves
    Vaazhga valamudan
    Uma s

  6. Baba is our Guru, parent, friend and well-wisher. If we surrender ourselves totally to Him, He will take care of us. We need not worry about anything except doing our duties properly. Thanks for sharing this great blessings. It encourages all of us to happily do our Mahaparayan. Om Sai Ram 🙏

  7. I'm also waiting for baba blessing
    Surely it will be…
    I lost my b.ed certificate. Dialy praying to baba to find for the same…..

  8. Om Sairam. I read Mahaparayans every Thursday on behalf of my brother Shekar (Roll No.16 – Blue Team) who suffers from acute vericose ulcer for the past 20 years and is at present completely home bound living with acute pain. I sincerely hope for his earliest cure by blessings of Sai Ram. Sai devotees please pray for his speedy recovery. Om Sai Ram

  9. Om Sai Ram, I too am waiting for Sai to bless me, but while i am waiting i don't want to miss out on little blessings that are showered on me by Sai. I will be always grateful to Him. I am good al long as He is with me.

  10. I prey SHIRDI SAI to give good health, prosperity and success to all my family members and inculcate good habits and good intention to help others in need. MAY SAI LIVE IN OUR HEART AND GUIDE US IN ALL ACTIVITIES FOR EVER. SAIRAM.

  11. SAIRAM. We seek SHIRDI SAI'S BLESSINGS to have happy, healthy and prosperous life. We furthur seek his blessings to have a peaceful life and HIS guidance in all our activities. SAIRAM.

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