MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra |

Shirdi Sai Devotee Raniji From USA Says:

Sai Ram dear devotees. My name is Rani. I live in the USA. I joined the Mahaparayan group in Sep, 2018. Until then I never believed in Baba. I thought He is a Muslim and people are crazy to worship Him. In 2003, I was fairly new to the USA. My neighbour gave me the Sai Satcharitra book. She asked me to complete it in 48 days. I read for nine days. I faced lots of disappointments. So, I quit reading and returned the book.

This time I did not join the group to worship Him. I wanted to help Jeyanthi mam to collect people to her group. Initially I read the chapters without any involvement. But slowly bhakti, love, and affection towards Baba grew. Now, I cannot live without thinking of Baba even for a minute. Have listed the miracles that I have experienced below:


December, 2018 dad was in ICU. Baba helped all of us and dad came back home with full strength.
March and April 2019, I faced discrimination issues at both my jobs. Both the employers troubled me a lot. I wanted to quit but I needed those jobs to support my family. One afternoon Baba spoke to me via YouTube. Baba said: “My child I will take care of you and your family. So, take the decision. Right away, I sent a resignation notice.”

May, 16, 2019, I was in Shirdi. After resigning from work, I was depressed. Wanted to visit India. Baba guided me to book tickets to Shirdi.

My sister and I were in Shirdi. We were lost. We don’t know Hindi. There no one spoke English. We did not know what to do. One boy (10 years old) approached us to sell his Baba’s pictures. After buying we moved on looking for Lendi garden. No one could help us. This boy appeared and said in a strong voice: “FOLLOW ME”. Blindly we followed. He spent three hours. Took us to Khandoba temple. He brought us back safely and helped to settle in the night aarthi line. Before he left; he asked in the same tone: “ARE YOU HAPPY AND SATISFIED”? We said “yes”. We wanted to thank his parents for raising the boy with all Godly qualities. When we asked his residence and phone number, he just smiled at us and walked away and later on other devotees told us that was Baba Who came to help us.

Now, it had been two months since I came back to the USA; trying to get a fulltime job. Nothing was working out. I read Sai Satcharitra in seven days. Two days after completing I was in bed (10 pm in USA), called dad in India (07:30am next day in India). Dad was sound asleep. He opened his one eye and saw me in the video. Before I could say anything, dad said “Shirdi thasan is sitting there above your head. Lots of bananas and mangoes are in front of Him.” I was shocked. Looked around. But my dad kept telling the same thing. Amazing experience.

My nephew’s government job transfer went through quickly. We tried for almost 14 months. All his juniors were getting transfer orders quickly. We did everything from our end. Nothing worked. After Shirdi visit it happened in 9 weeks.

Each day He proves that He lives with me. Please don’t lose hope. Continue your prayers and read Sai Satcharitra regularly. You also will start experiencing miracles.


Jai Sai Ram

Never doubt Baba. He has and will always do only good to His children. Can a mother purposely do any bad to her child? Life will test us but we have to stand strong, keep praying and believing; things will start falling in place at Sai’s perfectly perfect timings. Till then hold on with faith and patience and continue the efforts. With Baba’s grace soon there will be a new dawn ending the night! Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai. 😊

Those who wish to serve for global Mahaparayan may join this temporary group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you all very soon. Rise & Be Instrumental …!  

Pooja Garg

#Experience 820

Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too...!

P. S. We started publishing one
experience on daily basis from 30 Nov 2017 as many experiences have been
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  1. Sairam baba came to my life in 2006 by surprise. While reading baba's sai sathcharithrae this message came. Ever since baba has done many many miracles in my life. Sometimes he talks me by dropping the flower from his photo making loud noise specialness carpet. My every breath is Baba. Sairam

    • Om Sairam baba always with us I experiences many leelas he saved many times I face many health issues he saved many health problems recently I had face virtigo problem I chant sai sai as many as possible times and I took vibhudi water daily and applied my forehead that problem slowly get vanished in a week I wholeheartedly koti pranamalu to baba. Now I am facing some health issues I have patience on baba so he will definitely save me and my family too. Love you baba

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