Shirdi Sai devotee Laveena Janardhan From India says: Om Sairam!
For providing me a means to get closer to our Sainath, my heartfelt pranams and gratitude to all Global Mahaparayan team members, Saiyug, and volunteers.
My heartfelt thanks to Hetal and Pooja for all support during our journey of Mahaparayan. I am entirely surrendering at Sainath’S divine feet and sharing a few of my experiences here.
I am one of the organizers/pillars of Mahaparayan. I feel humbled to say that I am Chief for two of Mahaparayan Schools, Co-ordinator for Stavan manjari Parayan, and Dean for 365 Days-Sai parayan. I am feeling blessed to share my spiritual and divine journey with my one and only Sai Deva.
I firmly believe we are mere instruments in all ventures. It is Sai Deva Who is completely taking care of global Sai Mahaparayan, and it is the ultimate truth.
I have been a Sai devotee for long since 1998. In the year, during October and on Vijayadashami day, I was fortunate to obtain the much revered Sai Satcharitra. Sai blessed me with His Satcharitra miraculously, that too, during my desperate times. My grandfather passed away on October 3rd, and I went into shock since my grandparents were everything to me. I couldn’t imagine life without them. They’re my inspiration. They taught me life values, guided my spiritual paths, how to see equality in humanity, and feeding the needy. They never allowed or encouraged criticism of others. They were literally God to me. I never prayed to anybody until I found Sai Satcharitra.
I was by my grandmother’s side before my grandfather’s funeral. My husband, Janardhan Reddy, visited Shirdi and brought Sai Satcharitra from Shirdi. That was the major turning point in my life, for which I am eternally thankful to my husband. It became my most prized possession and an invaluable magical book at the most depressing phase of my life.
After reading the book many times, I found many answers to human life’s problems. Also, I found Udi as a remedy for cold, cough, and all my troubles. For my first child, we started depending on Udi, and reading Satcharitra was everything then and Baba’s grace, guidance, and blessings were following us throughout. Sairam.
In August 2000, I had my second child. It was also when Baba pulled me out of the near-death experience. The doctors had strictly warned me not to continue the pregnancy due to high risk during the delivery time. I wholly and blindly trusted my Sai Deva to help me and kept the pregnancy. During my ninth month, Baba appeared in my dreams and holding my hand, He guaranteed me that He was safeguarding us. Sairam.
The below experience conveys how Baba’s grace can always save you. If you have complete faith in Him, you need not ask Him anything. He is an antharyaami, and He knows what we want. This incident happened in 2008. We had just shifted to our new house, and because of unknown circumstances, I suddenly fell unwell for nearly a year. I was very depressed and started taking sedatives to get enough sleep. Doctors couldn’t diagnose any critical issues, but I had completely lost interest in life. I was very emotional and couldn’t imagine continuing to live. I was not able to concentrate on Baba also. Even without thinking of my children and their future, I decided to end my life. I overdosed on my sedatives. The next afternoon when I regained my consciousness, I was on IV.
Our family’s homeopathic doctors called me to inform how Sai Deva saved me from the jaws of death. The previous day the lady, who is my homeopathic doctor and also a staunch Baba devotee, was travelling to Coimbatore along with a senior doctor in a car. When they were on the national highway, she slept off. Baba wearing orange robes woke her up and started screaming and scolding in Tamil. He told her, “What is this Laveena up to? Why has she not realized the importance of her life? How did she even imagine that I will allow her to get away like this after she has chosen to be my child? She still has a lot to do before she dies.” She reached out to my family in time to check on me, and I was miraculously saved.
After this, Baba pulled me out of that troubling situation gradually. I was always very nervous. I had memory loss and struggled to do my daily chores, but Baba stayed with me. He never left my side even a second. He always answered and still answers my prayers, especially when it is for others. There are no limits to His miracles, and my one life is not enough to celebrate Him or share His innumerable miracles in my life.
May Baba bless everyone who wishes to be His child. And know this for a fact, once you are His, leave everything to Him. He will care for you like a mother nourishing her child. You may always not get what you want, but He knows when to bless you and when to test you. He is omnipresent and omnipotent. Have a Shraddha and Saburi. You will be rewarded for it. Trust Him and surrender to Him, and you will see His miracles every day.
Baba’s Intimation of Mahaparayan:
This was on April 4th 2017, Ram Navami day. We were in a temple at our native place and it’s a Goddess temple, where I place Akanda jyothi during Navratri. Normally the celebration goes until midnight or early next morning. While praying to the Goddess a flower fell from her right side and on a cover at her feet. The cover had a saree given to the Goddess from someone, but the cover had a Sainath photo on it and the name of the shop was Shirdi Sai Saree house.
The priest turned towards me and mentioned that Goddess was giving blessing that Baba’s grace is with you always.
We happened to reach home very late and in the early morning at 5 my younger son’s friend’s mother Nagashree, who is also our Mp-53, captain called me to inform me regarding a dream Baba wanted her to share.
In her dream she had been to her native place, Bangarpet near Bangalore to her family Goddess temple. Then she finds a Baba statue in front of the main sanctum. She will be rounding the temple and notices that no flowers are on the statue. Then by the time she goes for another round Baba speaks to her mentioning, “Call her.”
Nagashree asks, “Whom Baba?”
Baba shows towards the entrance where I will be doing pradakshina, and asks her to call me.
Baba tells her like this, “What does Laveena think about herself, how to tell her that some very powerful things are going to happen in her life.”
She calls me and in a speechless state seeing Baba there, I fall at His feet. After that Nagashree asks, “Baba shall I take Your blessing?” Then she puts her head down and gets up to see no one.
Baba’s Shower Of Blessing For Mahaparayan:
Dwarkamai Samnidi and Anand Sai group were already active with Baba’s valuable messages and parayan.
On 9th July 2017 Guru Pournima Saiyug network had first time posted about Baba giving orders to Pooja Garg for Mahaparayan through dream. But a day before Guru Pournima on 9th July, 2017, Baba clearly mentioned in my dream about Baba allocating a major work of getting parayan done on a very big level and covering the entire Universe, for the safety of humanity in His own words, which I felt was (all volunteers please make a note)
Baba spoke in Telugu, “Each pearl will be combined to make a necklace, for the parayan to be done, in your hands. Each devotee will be chosen by Sai Deva Himself and they have to be valued with lots of patience and care. Each group will have devotees chosen by Sai Deva Himself, without any discrimination of religion, language, place, age, status. None should be treated badly.
After this Baba connected all His children together and we started globally collecting devotees for Mahaparayan, with innumerable miracles during that phase which most of you have read in Mahaparayan experiences.
Each group has a story with it, how at the last moment one would exit from the group and we would add a new devotee, who would be chosen as captain or class teacher.
In some groups Captains were chosen with their names picked up from chits in front of Baba.
We were supposed to start with 108 MP groups and we started globally with 135 MP groups on September 30, 2017, Vijayadasami.
Later also devotees kept pouring in hundreds and that’s the reason, could reach until 216 MP groups by 2018, Guru Pournima.
During this journey with completing classrooms we were also distributing Sai Satcharitra in various languages. Sairam.
Below Experience Shows How Baba Chooses His Devotee:
One of the captain from MP- 120, yellow house Sai Krishna, added his sister, Sai Leela and brother, Sai Dileep to the group.
When asking about giving him Sai Satcharitra he mentioned about how his sister got the book at a temple.
An elderly couple handed her the book mentioning that Baba had given instructions in the dream, to visit the temple at a particular time, when a pregnant woman with her brother would be seen and to give the book to her. So as told by Baba when elderly couple went to the temple and saw a pregnant woman(my sister) with a man (me) they asked if we were brother and sister. When we replied yes and came to know Baba’s leela we were dumbstruck.
They also told about the book they had until now was given to them the same way.
Sainath is our Sarvantaryami, Protector, Saviour, guide and well-wisher. Once we place our complete trust in Him we need not worry.
Sai Darbar And Miracles Groups:
Since we were forming groups for parayan and we were yet to start with parayan on September 30, 2017, Vijayadashami, devotees added in a group were eager to post aarthi pictures, Baba’s quotes etc. Pooja Garg guided us to start separate groups for the same purpose and thus not disturb and maintain the purpose of the parayan group.
On September 7th, we created “Sai Miracles Groups” and while adding devotees I happened to add my husband also.
After completion of 257 members in the group, I posted Baba’s Dwarkamai pose picture in the group.
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Baba;s Dwarkamai Pose Picture |
My husband immediately reacted to the picture and mentioned that, in his dream that night, Baba was sitting in the same pose, on a high seat grandly, looking very attractive and excited in a huge Darbar. The Darbar was full of people from all continents on both sides, and Baba addressed them as, “Look, my children have come together and made me proudly sit here, doing my job for the entire Universe.
This dream was on Badrapada Pournima, September 6th night. Next day Sai miracles groups were created.
There are so many more experiences to share. Have complete trust on our Sai Deva, Who has combined all the valuable pearls together throughout the globe for a very important cause. Once Baba enters our life nothing can happen without a reason. When the entire universe is completely shaken by the deadly viruses, our devotees reading in Mahaparayan, LFL, Stavan Manjari parayan, 365 – Days Sai Parayan or Sapthaha parayan have been protected with mild corona cases and recovered after taking Udi parayan. Udi is the best immunity booster, protection and resistance from any disease. So need not worry and have faith in Baba. Read and serve in Mahaparayan which Baba Himself is directing it.
Jai Sairam!
Laveena Janardhan
Laveenaji is another precious gem added by Baba in the basket of Mahaparayan Seva and that is why He too kept passing messages to her through different channels that she is meant to do some very important and good work. Life is very precious and especially human life is a gift to work out our karmas and reach Baba. Laveena ji is here for some purpose then how could Baba allow any harm to harm her? Grace of Guru protects His disciples.
As rightly said each devotee is like a pearl. Yes Baba is collecting the pearls (devotees) globally and stringing them together with the help of a thread called Mahaparayan. As Baba knows who is connected with whom and accordingly we are coming across each other – ‘Rinanubandh’ which is sometimes so beautiful in a way that made us come together on one platform. So let us be connected and serve Him as He has got us together in form of a necklace. Baba will definitely love to wear this necklace than that of gold or jewels. Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai. 😊
Those who wish to serve for global Mahaparayan may join this temporary group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you all very soon. Rise & Be Instrumental …!
Pooja Garg
#Experience 957
P. S. We started publishing one
experience on daily basis from 30 Nov 2017 as many experiences have been
received. Your experience would also get published as per the sequence. Please
share your comments, it really matters a lot. You can share your experiences related
ONLY to Mahaparayan to mahaparayanexperiences@gmail. com and which are not
related to Mahaparayan on Devotees Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba
Baba's way to bless their devotees are always unique. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences..I always found baba around myself during difficult times.. I am very happy to be associated with this global Mahaparayan group.Om Sai Ram��
Baba's way to bless their devotees are always unique. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences..I always found baba around myself during difficult times.. I am very happy to be associated with this global Mahaparayan group.Om Sai Ram��
Baba's way to bless their devotees are always unique. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences..I always found baba around myself during difficult times.. I am very happy to be associated with this global Mahaparayan group.Om Sai Ram🙏🙏
Om Sri Sai Ram… ����
Can I write my experience in telugu….?? Please tell me..
భావానికి భాష అక్కర్లేదు.మీరు పంచుకునే మీ experiences అందరికీ తెలియజేయడం వలన అందరికీ సాయిబాబా సర్వంతర్యామిత్వం గురించి మరిన్ని విశేషాలు తెలుస్తాయి..
Thank You Baba for introducing me into this mahaparayan group…Om Sai Ram
Om Sri Sai Ram.. 🙏🏻
Can I write my experiences in telugu… Please tell me..
Sai Sai : Yes you can. It will be translated and published in English though. You may take help from MP Volunteers!!
May Baba bless you and your family with cartloads of blessings.
Sai Sai
Om Sai Ram…HE is our father, mother, Guru, Everything….Baba please take me in your good path and keep all of us healthy and happy….
I have full trust in you Baba!
I’m Sai Ram!
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai
Please write in Hindi also because in our between there are many devotees ,they don't know English, so please try do write in Hindi thanks, Om Sai ram 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Om sai Ram…full faith in you will not leave our hands and will always guide us with right path 🙏
Whenever I visit sai temple I feel some excitement which I cannot express in words. I always feel that saibaba looking at me with a smile.🙏🙏🙏🙏
Om sai ram.He is our father,mother,Guru.Everything……..Baba please take me in your good path and keep all of us healthy and happy……….Till now you have answered all my prayers,in future too.Om Sai Ram 🙏🙏🙏🙏
It really motivates you when you read all these miracles and wonderful experiences of Sai. It instantly increases your bhakti and confidence in Sai Deva even when you are fully dejected and depressed. He is always there to protect us. Thanks a lot for sharing your experiences. I'm really happy to be part of Mahaparayan group. Please bless us all Sai. OmSairam🙏🙏🙏.
Om Sai Ram.. Thank you for sharing your life changing experiences. Baba is always there whenever needed…..Sai ram Tera hi Sahara. 🙏🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🙏
Om Sai Ram.. Thank you for sharing your life changing experiences. Baba is always there whenever needed…..Sai ram Tera hi Sahara. 🙏🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🙏
OMSAIRAM At present I am going through bad phase because of financial crises in my institute 15 members of us have not got the salary. It is very difficult for us to accept this. But I have faith in my Guru Shree Saibaba. He will be there always with us. Thanks to all the devotees who are motivating us by sharing their experiences. OMSAIRAM
Om Sai Ram….Baba has always been with and never left my hand….today I feel I cannot walk a step without him.Thank you for giving me an opportunity to be a part of the Mahaparayan. Hope I get to serve baba always.
Jai Sai Ram
Thanks for sharing your experience
May Baba bless us 🙏🙏
Om Sairam, these are baba's leela. All the times he sends message through different ways. Wonderful experiences. Om Sairam.
Om my sai baba baba bless us alwys luv u u r my world my everything u did so many miracle in my lyf never leave my hand alwys guide me bless entire universe baba luv u om my sai baba ji k charno mai koti koti naman
Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻🙏🏻🌻🌻🌷🌷😍😍😊😊🥀🥀🌼🌼💮💮💞🌸💞💞💐💐🌺🌺🤗🤗💕💕🌹🌹🥰🥰♥️♥️
Om Sairam, happy to be a part of the group, Baba's Leela's are boundless, he is holding our hands and leading us on. Jai Sairam.
Om Sairam. I am blessed that I came across the message of starting of Maha Parayan during September 2019. At this time of Covid 19,doing this Maha Parayan is giving me and my family hope, positive feeling and confidence that baba is there to look after us. 🙏🙏
Baba's kripa is always on us
During beginning of lockdown I consumed whatever vegetables we had and bit worried as only few potatoes and onion left. On 16 April I read my first chapter of MP6500 in the evening I was informed by my colony people about two safe sources to procure vegetables on colony itself and I was delighted to have all vegetables .
I considered this also Baba'kripa.
Om Sai 🙏
I always experience that everything happens around the devotee of Baba has unique reason. It gives a piece of mind which only you need to experience. It strengthen your faith and helps to improve your patience in difficult time. I am thankful to the group and Ashwini who made me to start reading Sai Sachharitra. BABA I am feeling blessed with your existence around me. Om Sai 🙏
Jyothi maha parayanam Roll no34 from hyd
Nagamani auty added to this chain tq so much to auty
All dis happend sai banas grace next i can add my miracle s tq sairam
Baba is always with us …every step I have noticed his blessings..on sai ram…
Om Sairam. Its a good lesson for us. Beautiful!
Om Sri Sai Ram…
Om Sri Sai Ram…
Om Sri Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Happy to say this…I felt as if I read Sai Satcharitra only, while reading your experiences…. SAIBABA 🤞🙏
I am in tears after reading your miracle/ experience.
Om Sri Sairam
I am in tears after reading your miracle/ experience.
Om Sri Sairam
How can we get added to sai miracle group
Sairam Sairam Sairam Sairam Sairam
Pranam to Baba, and the lovely devotees.
Om Sri Sai Ram
Om Sairam,thank you for sharing your experience,it gives us Shraddha and SABURI, thank you SAIRAM, Baba has selected you to do such a great work , to be appreciated Sairam, Pranams Sairam
Om Sai Ram🙏🏻🙏🏻
Baba ji thank you soo much whatever you have given me in life.baba ji I am very distrubed now days due to my life problems and my sisters problems too.baba ji i think me and my sisters did any bad karma in our previous birth that why we are feeling difficulty in our life.sometimes I wept I cried and call you and always negative thought comes in my mind .baba ji please show us a path and shower your blessing and mercy on my and my sisters family too.baba ji i don't have my own house too you know very well what happened with us.baba hi nothing hide from you.please Deva come in my dream or show me path in need you baba ji.please Deva listen my prayer and if I did any bad karma please remove that thank you deva
Om sai ram sabka Malik ek
Sai is our Mata, pita, bandhu and Sakha. He is always there to protect his devotees when they fully surrender to him. He takes care of all their needs like a mother takes care of her children. Om Sri sainaathaaya namaha.
I have joined MAHAPARAYAN group during this May 2020. Feeling blessed for being a part of this great mission.
Since last week I and our Family members are in a deep trouble. I have full faith in Baaba and I am sure he is a saviour and will save us in these testing times
Jai Sairam 🙏
Literally got tears while reading this miracle
Jai Sairam like a kind mother baba will take care of his children’s at right time
We need to completely surrender n have faith n patience
Love 💕 u Sai maa
Jai Sairam 🙏
Om Sri Sai Ram.
Wonderful experiences…you are blessed soul…so are we to have you and be part of activities organized by you.
ஓம் ஸ்ரீ சாய் ராம்
உங்கள் அனுபவத்தை பகிர்ந்து கொண்டதற்கு நன்றி
இந்த குழுவில் நான் இனைத்து
இருப்பது பாபாவின் அருளால் தான் ஓம் சாய் அப்பா 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Om Sairam,Yes Baba miraculously works and take care of his children.I am new to this group .And recently my husband got detected with stage 4 cancer.With thr help of my sister I got introduced to a healer who is Sai Baba's devotee.She told me about Baba's udi.I am religiously usind Baba's udi and prayingto him.He blessed me with my husband good health .In second PET scan cancer DISAPPEARED.Love you BABA.Pkease keep my family under your blessings.
Dear sai sister, I don't know wheather u'll see this msg or not.if Baba wants our connection then u'll definitely see it. I am your saisister,31yrs old.when I was 24 I was diagnosed with cancer (sarcoma).still I'm happened jst after my marriage.I can not enjoy my married life, nor do I have kids. I have been also searching for a Sai-healer who would show me a path.plz plz contact him gor me, who told you to use udi for your husband.plz ask him on behalf of me ,about what would be my remedy.if you want further information abt me I will provide that.plz help me out. May baba bless your family.
MP i.e Maha Parayan) is a movement and entire humanity will be benefited by making us more charitable and responsible .The experiences of baba 's blessings are touching everybody's life
Great to be member of MP
Om Sai ram. Thanks for all of you putting me in the mahaparayan group. Thanks for making me meet some of you and learning a lot from you. Sai I believe in you. Sai Rakashak Sharanam.
Hi, i am member of mahaparayan group mp866. Could you pls guide me on 365 days parayan.
Om sai ram,
You are very luck baba has selected u got this big chase.. u and u r husbend get him in ur dreams…
Om sainathaya Namah ..
Om sai ram,
You are very luck baba has selected u got this big chase.. u and u r husbend get him in ur dreams…
Om sainathaya Namah ..
Nice reading Baba's guidance through miracles. Heart touching experiences. May Baba every one.
Sai ram
Plz add me in sai miracles group
Om sai ram! !🙏
Plz add me in sai miracle group
Om sai 🙏ram
Omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam omsairam
Plz add me in sai miracles group
Om sai ram! !🙏
Sairam sairam sai sairam
Sai rakshak, sai saranam
I m strong devotee of Sai Baba.
Just 5 days back I started taking 108 rounds at home chanting Om Sai Sri Sai Jai jai Sai.
And see the blessings already receiving by joining this group recommended by my friend.
Om Sairam
Om sai Ram 🙏🙏
🙏Om jai sai ram 🙏
ఓం సాయి, శ్రీ సాయి, జయజయ సాయిరాం. I am very happy association with mahaparayan group. Thankful to am the part of this group. This opportunity I have got today thru my elder sister it is very miracle day. జై శ్రీ సాయిబాబా
To me laveena akka is BABA'S messenger,am very much blessed to have laveena akka…I want to share how I reached laveena akka, . It was in 2017 January wen my hubby had a mini stroke. V were under very bad phase of life wen my friend added me to sai miracles group,…I had no idea who laveena akka is,,. But with out my knowledge I shared my problems to laveena akka on what's app…n was also praying Baba holding a small idol of Baba,…then akka said she vl pray for me,..that day around 5.30early morning had dream of Baba ..Then I came to know the same day Laveena akka had prayed for us…Thank u akka for being me all in all in every walk of my life …we love you….
To me laveena akka is BABA'S messenger,am very much blessed to have laveena akka…I want to share how I reached laveena akka, . It was in 2017 January wen my hubby had a mini stroke. V were under very bad phase of life wen my friend added me to sai miracles group,…I had no idea who laveena akka is,,. But with out my knowledge I shared my problems to laveena akka on what's app…n was also praying Baba holding a small idol of Baba,…then akka said she vl pray for me,..that day around 5.30early morning had dream of Baba ..Then I came to know the same day Laveena akka had prayed for us…Thank u akka for being me all in all in every walk of my life …we love you….
Om sai ram. Such a great service rendered by MP sevaks, very fortunate and blessed by Sai, to be a part of this group. Reading the passage written by Laveenaji, it send goosebumps. Sai deva is all pervading, I have also experienced. Whenever i feel depresed or down with problems,I pray to Sai natha, and jus in few minutes, I forget about all the issues and my mind becomes calm. May you always bless and protect us like this Sai deva
Om sai ram 🙏🙏🙏
Om Sai Ram🙏
Jai Sai Ram, yes Baba is saviour in this kaliyug,so we have always be in Sai-Boat to escape fm sea of hassles,Om Sai Ram
Iam great thankful for being a child of baba
Baba bless us,we surrender at your lotus feet. Give peace of mind always protect us.
Om Sairam. It's my luck to join in Mahaparayan Group and doing Mahaparayan every Thursday with Baba's blessings. Sai Baba will save all of us from the Corona.
Om sai Ram shower ur blessing to all of my family members and protect everyone from evil eyes.
I am Always believed of Sri Sai Baba.
Om sai ram….
Om Sai Ram. Thanks for sharing your experience. It really motivated me and increased my faith in my Deva. I usually get impatient but now decided to surrender myself totally in Baba's lotus feet. Baba please always be with me.
Love you Baba. You are my everything.
Jai Sai Samarth!
Om Sai Ram ���� I have personally experienced many miracles in my life. we need him more during these unprecedented time's… Bless us all with good health Baba��.
There are two incidents I would like to share.
First one…I met with an accident and was being treated in INS Ashwini.After about 14 days hospitalisation i was discharged and had to come for a review after 10 days before going to kohima where my husband was posted at that time.Since we had nothing better to do we decided to visit Shirdi and borrowed my sister's car.We stayed the night at Nashik and were to go to Shirdi in the morning.we got late as we had young children with us and could reach Shirdi at 12 noon.The person who was supposed to arrange for VIP Dar shan had disappeared by then.The afternoon Aarti had begun by the time we entered the premises.The guard at one of the gates asked me to come after 1300 hrs for special Darshan as my hand was in a cast.We all sat down on the floor.Just adjacent to Sai statue. I was very very heart broken and I was thinking i am so unfortunate that i am unable to attend Aarti.After the Aarti a young man in a sky blue shirt and off white trouser came and said to me that i am coming from inside and have got prasad for all of you.He gave all the prasad to us without saving anything for himself.I consider this as Baba's blessing.
Second…Before joining the Mahaparayan in May 2020 on two consecutive Thursdays I saw Baba's live Aarti on YouTube.Which had popped up on its own.Om Sai Nathay Namah.
Feel blessed for BABA choosing me to be part of Maha parayan since lockdown started which is making me staunch follower of Baba. After reading the experience of Baba's devotee, my faith on HIM keeps increasing. Feeling blessed BABA chose me as pearl of MAHA PARAYAN NECKLACE. OM SAI RAM
Om Sri Sai Ram
Sai is everthing for me i love you baba
Om Sai Ram. He is everything to me and I submit myself to be guided down the path of truth to Him.
Truly blessed to be a part of this mahaparaya group! Saibaba, Always shower your blessings on all of us and on this universe.
Great and inspired story for baba, om Sai Ram
Would like to share my experience.
Yesterday I was supposed to play meditation music for live session
In my Yoga workout.
I tried to put on music which was working before but at prime time it did not respond.
I was going on trying but failed then I only said Om sai and to my surprise music was on.
Sai baba helped me at right time.
I m blessed.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
Mmm.. good to be here in your article or post, whatever, I think I should also work hard for my own website like I see some good and updated working in your site. TECH