Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee Says:
Sai Ram! This is an anonymous Sai Baba devotee from Mahaparayana group MP-847. Thank you so much Senthilji for this opportunity. I can sense that Baba is there with me in all my situations. I already shared my experiences on the blog, 6 months back and this is my second time.
In November 2018, my mother was diagnosed with very high diabetes and admitted in the hospital on a Tuesday. Doctor told me that she should be in the hospital for 3 days. My father was in good health and he used to be the attender for her in the hospital since I have a kid and have to take care of her. I used to visit the hospital several times a day to give them food, to buy medicines, which was nearby my home.
On Wednesday evening, the doctor told me that my mother would be discharged on Thursday evening (next day). I used to do Pooja early in the morning by 5 am daily. On Thursday morning by 4.45 am, I had a dream where I met Babaji and Babaji was hugging me. I was resting on His shoulders and crying alot and Babaji was consoling me. After this, I suddenly woke up and I felt like it happened in real and not in dreams. I was thinking that I am depressed for my mother since she was in the hospital so Baba is consoling me and started the day with Pooja. By 9.30 am, I got a call from my mother saying that my father is having a little stomach pain. The doctor told that it may be gastric and gave the medication.
After some time, I got another call from my mother saying that my father got admitted in emergency due to severe stomach pain. I rushed to the hospital and got to know that my father was diagnosed with a big lump in his liver (cancer final stage). I was depressed and didn’t know what to do. Both of my parents were admitted in the hospital and at that time I was not working so didn’t have money in hand. My husband is abroad and I have a kid. I just rushed out for help from my friends. And my father was at the hospital for 4 days and he passed away on Monday. At that time, I understood Baba was consoling me because He knew my father’s death was nearing. Friends helped me a lot both in terms of money and in person. Otherwise, I could not have crossed this tough phase of life.
After this incident my mother got a lot of health issues. Suddenly, she used to get very high BP levels 210 and above, shivering, unable to speak properly etc. It was going on like that. I used to take her to the hospital many times and took many tests, ECG, Echo cardiology and everything was normal but she was not well and her BP level kept rising every time. Doctor changed her tablets every time finding BP levels unstable and he provided anxiety tablets also. But nothing was working. Slowly, I could see changes in my mother. She reduced speaking to me and everyone around. Doctor told me that it looked like depression and we met a psychiatrist and they provided tablets but the situation was worse. After that mother was completely depressed and at a point, she stopped talking to everyone including me and started vomiting all the time. She gained 7 kg in spite of not eating properly and all the time vomiting. I didn’t know what to do and doctors were also confused in her case.
I prayed to Baba to cure her and make her normal and promised that I will write my experience on the blog. By that time my father’s 1st death anniversary had come so we left to native place. There she didn’t speak to anyone and my relatives suggested a psychiatrist. We met him and he just gave 2 tablets and told us to come back after a week. Within one week, vomiting stopped and she got better. In 3 weeks, she slowly improved and her BP levels reduced. Now she is continuing the tablets for 1 month and she has gone back to her normal weight. Her BP levels are also normal. She is speaking to everyone. We struggled for a year without knowing the reason. By Babaji’s grace she is back to normal and we are slowly coming out of that bad phase.
Thank You so much Sai Ram. Without You nothing will happen in our lives. You are everything for me and my family. Bless us always and be with us. Bless all the devotees with Your wonderful leelas. Thank You so much and sorry for the big post.
Jai Sai Ram!
Sai Devotee
Those who wish to serve for global Mahaparayan may join this temporary group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you all very soon. Rise & Be Instrumental …!
Baba is our Universal Father. He is the most benevolent and merciful. It’s our great fortune to be blessed with such a Sadguru Who can never see His devotees in pain. He guides them, instructs them, loves them blesses them and even consoles them when needed. He knows everything and nothing is hidden from Him. Let us surrender in total and He will take all our care. Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai. 😊
-Pooja Garg
#Experience 1027
P. S. We started publishing one
experience on daily basis from 30 Nov 2017 as many experiences have been
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Om sairam
Sai Sai Sai Sai Sai
Sai Sai Sai Sai
Om SaiRam,Sri SaiRam,Jai Jai SaiRam
Love you Baba. Jai Sai Samarth!
Om Shri Sai Nathaya Namah!