Shower Shirdi Sai Devotee Gayathriji From India Says:
Sai Ram! I am Gayathri Ramesh of MP-2460 from Madurai.
Baba blessed both of my children with educational achievements. With Baba’s blessings, my daughter stood first in school in 10th and received many awards. She is standing first in every examination in 11th too. Baba is always with us. Both my children are excelling in studies with Baba’s grace. Let Baba shower His blessings on all and make their life fruitful.
Sai Devotee
Gayathri Ramesh
#Experience 1078
P. S. We started publishing one
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Om SaiRam,Sri SaiRam,Jai Jai SaiRam
Om SaiRam, may all your children be always blessed Baba