Experiences Shared By Members Of MahaParayan:

Baba Inspired Us To Compose A Divine Song

http://www.mybloggertricks.com/2012/07/Submit-posts-to-article-directories.html MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra | experiences.mahaparayan.com

Shirdi Sai Mahaparayan Devotee Vijay From India Says: Om Sai Ram. Shirdi, the abode of Sai has always fascinated me. From the time I visited there first and heard about Sai and His Leela’s, I would constantly think of people who were so lucky to have lived in Shirdi during that period.

When I started reading Sai Satcharitra as a part of Mahaparayan , there used to be repeated references to the same feeling of how lucky were those who lived in Shirdi during those times and could see Sai Baba in flesh and blood. That so much resonated with what I felt.

Music has been an integral part of my life. Singing an original composition is always a landmark in the life of a singer. When I wanted to sing an original composition, I was clear that the first one had to be on our beloved Guru Shirdi Sai Baba.

While reading Sai Satcharitra as a part of Mahaparayan, I could imagine myself as a one of those people who were blessed to be in Shirdi during Baba’s lifetime.

When the lyrics of this song came to me, I was so surprised to see that the song was a description of Sai and Shirdi in the eyes of a person who lived during those times. What a strange coincidence that was! It was Sai leela again. I had not told the lyricist about my wish at all.

And even when I sang this in the studio, Sai made me sing it with the same feeling of being one of the inmates of Shirdi during the times when Sai lived in His mortal form. The song is rendered like a conversation between a resident of Shirdi and Baba in His mortal form.

What’s interesting is everyone who has been a part of the making of this song is an ardent Baba devotee and this is not by design but a pure providence.

Ragesh PG who composed, recorded, mixed and mastered, Prasad Shrivastava who penned the lyrics, Lalit who played the flute, Shankar who played the keys and Renjith Vasudev who played the Sitar and tabla, the famous playback singer and composer, Karthik who graciously lent his voice for the chorus are all ardent Baba devotees. Here is the link of the beautiful rendition:

 There is also Tamil version of this song in my YouTube Channel for those who understand Tamil.

May Sai give us all the strength to come out of these tough times and provide us an opportunity to visit the holy land of Shirdi very soon.

Om Sai Ram!

Sai Devotee 

Vijay Vaithyalinganathan

#MP-Experience 1368

Mahaparayan Miracle Story

http://www.mybloggertricks.com/2012/07/Submit-posts-to-article-directories.html MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra | experiences.mahaparayan.com

Shirdi Sai Mahaparayan Devotee Priya Suresh from Tanzania Says: Sai Baba’s surprising miracles bestowed on us! Om Sairam! This is Priya Suresh ( Tanzania , Dar Es Salaam ). I have been a member of the Sai Mahaparayan group MP-981N1 from June 2017 – May 2020 till date (three years). It gives me immense pleasure to write this miracle story, on how Sairam showered His grace on us after starting the Mahaparayan.

I started this Mahaparayan in June 2017. I got to know this from our Saicenter Bal Vikas group in Tanzania ( Dar es Salaam ). When I started Mahaparayan, I was pregnant and had to go to India but I continued doing it. I conveyed my wish to Baba and started by completely surrendering to Sairam. Every week, I could see lots of challenges and many changes that happened in my life. There were a lot of litmus tests that came by but every test that came by, we passed it by His grace!

In January 2020, my husband got an offer that was almost about to finalize but somehow we didn’t like that offer that much and it was not suitable so we dropped it.

It was in 2020 February, He showed his grace and miracle to us. My husband had been looking for a job change for the past 2.5 years . There were many interviews that he attended but didn’t get through. We never lost hope and continued to have faith and undoubted faith in our divine Master.

We had to choose whether to continue the present job or quit. It was a crucial moment, just then, like magic, Baba’s leela worked! He gave more than we asked with a promotion and a massive increment and career growth for my husband. We were dumb founded at His leela! We thanked Him from the bottom of our heart and here we are now still in Dar Es Salaam. It’s our 8th year here now!

Another miracle that happened recently was we wanted to shift our house past 5 months now and we saw nearly 25 houses, few were on the verge of finalizing and something would stop it as it was all Sairam’s leela. Just a week back, Baba did a miracle. We were thinking about the house, that’s when something astonishing happened. We got a few pictures from the house broker whom we regularly contacted. The surprise was in one of the pictures of the house, Baba’s picture was there. We understood that it was His leela. We immediately went to the house and met the owner. The owner was a member of our Sai center group and a staunch devotee of Baba. We were overjoyed. They also liked us and we immediately booked the apartment for rent and fixed the date for moving in. The house is Baba’s blessings and very beautiful on all the requirements that we asked for. It’s definitely Baba’s leela and His grace.

Our pranams to Sairam for His miracle and grace on us!

Our humble pranams to our divine Master – Sairamji. My request to all Baba devotees, please do Mahaparayan with faith. He will definitely fulfill your wishes. Thankyou for giving me this wonderful opportunity to pen down and share my miracle story! I thank the entire Global Mahaparayan group.

Om Sairam! Sairam Maharaj ki Jai !

Sai Devotee Priya  

 #MP-Experience 1369

Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental

Let us compose ourselves in Baba’s bhakti and life will soon be a harmony. May our tongue get the passion to always sing and chant Baba’s name and thus sync in love with our soul and Baba. Baba knows all our concerns whether it’s job, house, marriage, health, kids, relationships or success etc. Turn to Baba and
Baba will surely turn our failures into success. Believe Him and He will make you believe in miracles! Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!
– Pooja Garg



Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!

© Global MahaParayan ExperiencesMember of SaiYugNetwork.com


  1. Om Sai Ram 🙏 .I have also experienced Sai baba's blessing when he saved my little daughter from an illness. I felt n imagined that on top of her head Baba have placed a protective cover n sending the rays of blessings to heal n she came out of danger . All Baba's Krupa. Jai Sai Ram ji ki.

  2. Sai ki Jai 🙏🙏🙏
    Please help Varshu to get married soon , please baba we need your help !
    Please help Pooja to like her new place in Newyork and proceed well with all she has to do .
    Please help her to loose weight physically and keep focused on what she has to get !!
    Thank you 🙏 baba for all the good gifts you gave us

  3. Om sai ram, thank you for fullfilling all my wishes baba.Bless me to get a good bride for my son baba.My brother is suffering from stomach ache . Tomorrow he is having a surgery,praying for him toget well soon as before.baba

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