Experiences Shared By Members Of MahaParayan:

Indebted To Baba And Mahaparayan Group

http://www.mybloggertricks.com/2012/07/Submit-posts-to-article-directories.html MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra | experiences.mahaparayan.com

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Vijaya From India Says:

Om Sai Ram. I am from the Mahaparayan group MP-2391N1. Sai Baba has always been a part and parcel of my life. There is not a single moment or a day when I don’t remember Him. My life revolves only around Baba.
I joined the Mahaparayan group in August 2019 and was really blessed to get the opportunity of reading Sai Charitra globally with everyone.

My daughter had just got a job offer but was waiting for her joining date. All her friends got it but she didn’t, though four months passed. She was very upset and didn’t know what to do. I felt very sad and started praying to Baba. I joined her in the MP-2395N1 group so that she could also start reading Sai Satcharitra.

She joined in October 2019 and within 2 months of her joining Mahaparayan, she got her joining date letter which was on a THURSDAY and her joining date was also on a THURSDAY. Everything happened on Thursday itself. This was all because of the blessings of Baba.

After her training got over, she was given placement in Mumbai which she didn’t want to go and we didn’t want to send her as the virus had started during that time. We prayed to Baba and again another miracle happened and she got a letter stating that she had been placed in Bangalore itself. This was all due to Baba’s grace.
Baba is always helping me, my husband in his job and my family everyday. I am really indebted to the Baba’s Mahaparayan group who gave me an opportunity to be a part of it. Thank You Baba.

Sai Devotee Vijaya

#MP-Experience 1576

Baba Decides The Best For Us

http://www.mybloggertricks.com/2012/07/Submit-posts-to-article-directories.html MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra | experiences.mahaparayan.com

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Shruti From India Says:

I am Shruti from the MP-8764, Priyanka Sai group; working as an Assistant Professor in one of the Engineering College in Bangalore. Next semester is going to start in the month of September. Preparation is going on for the same at college. Too many things to be done at once. I was feeling burdened. I had got one subject of my choice for next semester. Had to prepare study materials for that subject but was getting very less time to prepare for that. I stay in a house where there are 8 people with no maid as of now and I have to do most of the work. I would hardly get 2 to 3 hours for my college work.

As I would be tired It would take some time to settle down to do my college work but surrendering everything to Baba I was managing my work. Had requested my H.O.D to give me some time to submit the work assigned to me but inside I was feeling very guilty for giving excuses and taking a very long time to submit the things. Suddenly the subject assigned to me was changed and I got one of the toughest subjects and I was worried how I will manage that because I was just 1 year experienced. Just thought that it might be Baba’s choice and He wanted me to learn the subject.

I agreed to take up the challenge and started my preparations along with other work. Disturbed with too many things deep inside, I was managing some time to prepare the material. I had decided at any cost I have to submit completed materials along with the question bank that day itself. So morning I was almost done with the material. I just said Baba when You are with me I can do any kind of work. Whatever You decide for me I will accept it. Just teach me to manage my personal and professional life properly. As usual I started my household work. By the time I got a call from my H.O.D saying that the subject assigned to me was changed and I got back the subject which was assigned to me first.

Yes miracle happened and Baba decided best for me and He showed me again that He is always with me. Though I got extra work to be done along with that, I was very happy and felt relaxed inside. And yes I got this chance on Thursday. Whatever proposals, offers regarding work I get on Thursday I accept it. Because it’s Baba Who is offering me the work and teaching me what I need to learn. It’s been one year since I joined the MahaParayan group and it’s been one year for my dream job too. All because of Baba. Sairam.

Sai Devotee Shruti  

 #MP-Experience 1577

Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental

When we will make Baba reside in our hearts with love and devotion and through chanting; good things will start unfolding. Then no matter what challenges hit us our faith will have no blockages and Baba will make everything alright. So even if thousands of problems are trying to affect us, our one Baba is always more powerful to deal with them. So let us surrender and have a blind faith that whatever Baba decides is always the best for us. This belief will fill our heart with happiness and eternal bliss. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!
– Pooja Garg



Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!

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  1. What a miracle saiappa.. Was going through the same situation. You are with me always sainatha.. Save him and save us all

  2. What A POWER saiappa. Whenever any sad things or disturbing things happen, immediately my mind and body moves to you. Complaining about all the things which you already know. After sometime my mind feels peace as i have submitted everything to you. Baba you should always be withus and guide us to the right path. I feel blessed to join in this Maha parayan group. Thank you babA.

  3. Om Sai Ram. Thank you Ma. Sai MA yesterday I spoke to my Manager – who is following up for my company sponsorship. I was buying time ( by telling company that I have not received my skill assessment result, which i got in month of September) to explore other visa options and now I have applied for 491 visa in which terms and conditions are more better. With company sponsorship I will be sponsored as night manager and I need to work with company for roughly 5 years and with 491 I can work any where with no company attached. However I am worried that Immigration department might call the manager and check my status before approving my visa. Ma please save me from the embarrassments and I do not want company to feel that i was lying. We (me and my family) are solely dependent on you and we are sure with your blessing we will be successful in getting new visa ASAP. Once my invitation is approved I can talk to my manager and explain him, but before that he should not know what i am planning and doing. Om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram

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