Mahaparayan Made Me Mentally Strong

Mahaparayan Made Me Mentally Strong

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Balu From India Says: YA Sai, Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya  Sai! Offering my humble gratitude and gratefulness to our Sai Baba. A sincere thanks to  the Mahaparayan organising Committee for their relentless services. I  really feel very proud to be  a part of this MP and feel blessed everyday  .

 Like many other devotees, I too was safeguarded and graced abundantly by Baba Sai on many occasions in my lifetime.   

Way back in 2013 and 2015 underwent angioplasty and a stent has been placed. On both the occasions Sai was holding my hand to be  strong enough to face the challenges.  Thereafter life has been normal without any health issues.

I have joined this MP  group in June 2020 and   have been very sincere to complete the parayan. All of sudden on 20th August 2020 ( Thursday)  had symptom of short breath and palpitation. The same evening, I consulted the usual physician, who took ECG and found everything normal but suggested consulting a cardiologist.

Then I went to the heart specialist, who had done my earlier angioplasty and suggested that I proceed for a TMT for doubt clearing.

The appointment was given for TMT subsequent Saturday ( 22.8.2020).  Though I was much confident to complete the entire

cycle, to my surprise  the doctor said that it seems to be a block and I had to undergo Angiogram. Obviously, me and wife were disturbed  and asked Sai Baba  why I was being troubled and tested again and again.  

However, without any other choice, I had to proceed for the treatment and the date was fixed on Wednesday (26.8.20) morning.

Before proceeding to the hospital, all I prayed / told  to Baba that, “Come what may, ( I don’t know  what You will do)

I should be back home for continuing my Thursday MP and regular prayer/ chanting without fail.  Rest I leave it to You Baba.”

In the investigation doctor found a block in my heart and said that it needs to be replaced with a stent. So my mind started to

think that I cannot go home to do my MP on the next Thursday.  

But to my surprise, as Sai started to play His role, in the next 15 minutes, the same doctor along with another doctor came to me,

(I was laying in the operation theatre) and said that they wanted to carryout one more method (which is called FFR ) to reconfirm the blood flow in the vessel, to avoid  placing stent. 

 Instead of normal procedure timing (which is max 30 minutes), they took  90 minutes to complete two procedures and satisfy themselves. Finally, they found the blood flow  was normal without any pressure and decided not to place any stent.  With the medication the block could be cured.  All the more he said that the same day evening I could be discharged and go home.  You can imagine the state of my mind.

Though it was painful due to procedure, I was totally excited and thanked Baba Sai for being with me timely as my protector and made one to fulfil my wishes.  Yes,  I did my MP and regular prayer on Thursday ( 27.8.2020) without any hindrance. Jai Bolo Babaji.

 Its proved that non other than Baba, can do this miracle to whoever is surrender to Him with undoubted faith. I am so much indebted to Baba in my entire life and till my last breath.

MP has made me mentally even more stronger and courageous to face any challenge. Humble Pranam and Om Sairam! 

Sai Devotee Balu   

#MP-Experience 1705

Recite Mahaparayan And Problems Will Disappear      

Recite Mahaparayan And Problems Will Disappear 

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Radha From India Says: I am one of the devotees in the Mahaparayan group since June 2020. I always feel the presence of Swami in my life. Actually my marriage also happened in Mylapore Sai Baba temple in 1985.

Coming to the miracles of Swami last week 3.9.2020:

As I am a resident of Chennai, last week I came to Bangalore to see my daughter and my grandson – a one year boy baby. When I came here then only I noticed some infection in his stomach which made him dull. But my daughter did not know anything about it. On that day we went to a shop near my house with my grandson. I noticed him and felt good about his health. Being Thursday that day I was in a hurry to return home and finish my parayan on time. When I stood outside the shop with my grandson, one old man in a dark red shirt and pants called my baby saying something in Kannada which I couldn’t understand but I smiled and tried to convey his questions. Suddenly that man came near me and tried to touch my grandson. In this corona time I turned and avoided his touch with my grandson. But that man without touching the baby said, “I am a Purohith” and also blessed the baby with something in Kannada. 

That time I felt that He was Sai only. That noon I got an online consultation with my family doctor and he prescribed medicine. But before we started the course of medicines all the health issues came to normalcy and the baby started to play and eat. All these are the grace of our Sairam only and I strongly believe so. So just chant Sai Sai always and recite Mahaparayan then automatically our problems will disappear. Om Sai Ram Jai Sai Ram. 

Sai Devotee Radha      

#MP-Experience 1708


Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental

When we will make Baba reside in our hearts with love and devotion and through chanting; good things will start unfolding. Then no matter what stroke (challenges) hits us our faith will have no blockages and Baba will heal everything (make everything alright). So even if thousands of fluctuations (problems) are trying to affect us, our one Baba is always more powerful to stabilise them. So let us put a stent of steady faith in our heart and then Baba is bound to fill our heart with happiness and eternal bliss. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai! 😊 -Pooja Garg


Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!

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  1. Om Sai Ram, Sai Ma I pray to you to take care of
    1. Not to have any side effect to my son- 8 years old after COVID vaccination on Monday
    2. My wife is expecting(2 months), please take care of her and baby. The baby is blessing from you.
    3. Please take care of my invitation for 190 Visa and i should receiving nomination with your blessing.
    4. Please bless and take care of everyone in the family as virus is fast spreading back home in Bhutan and even us in Australia.
    5. MA please call us to Shridi and I would to visit you as soon as possible.

  2. Omsairam..I’m a resident of Hyderabad. A big miracle happen in my life.Actually my daughter participated tedx last year. Actually I t was very tough phase with some round of auditions.she had given her best from 1st round onwards and want to continue till finals.
    But in middle while drafting the script she was worried about the outcome of her talk.
    I use motivate her,I use to ask please bless my child with more strength and power.By grace of Baba she overcome all the obstacles.on December 26th 2021 her talk was happened.
    We are waiting when her talk will published. Before week of result I was doing baba parayan. On Wednesday 26thjan2022 i completed prayan.To my surprise on 27thJan2022 thrusday morning I got a message that her talk got published..I was so happy 😊, I felt that baba is there with us and all these are happen by the grace of sai.omsairam🙏🙏🙏

  3. Dear devotees, recently I was down with throat infection and then viral fever and the fever was not breaking in spite of 4 tablets a day. I was feeling alright but my thermometer showed otherwise. I prayed from the bottom of my heart to Baba to make me alright. At the same time my daughter phoned from Australia and advised me to buy another thermometer. It was as if Baba was speaking through her mouth. A new thermometer showed no fever!! Thank you so much dear Baba 🙏

  4. Add me in your mailing list. To all our Sai devotees pl pray for my good health.
    My health to be normal not to get fear & anxiety.

  5. Om Sairam My Son and Daughter have started Sai Virat on 20th Jan 2022.
    With Baba Blessing on 4th virat week I.e 10th February 2022 my son has got college confirmation letter for further studies in Canada.
    I am active member of parayan group from July 2021.
    Om Sairam🙏

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